some americans just confuse me, you think that if you somehow loose the right to own any gun you want (as we all know that there is no such thing as mild restrictions, just "own any firearrm you want" and "ban all guns to oppress the people"
) that the government will suddenly become evil and start opressing you.
Here in Australia, we dont even have things like a constitutional right to free speach, and yet, our television is far LESS maniacal about things like swearing or minor sexual referances. We have never had a right to own firearms, yet even after the laws restricing gun ownership, you can still get a license to own a firearm if you can display that you have a need for one, which includes shooting clubs (not that there are very many, as there is no wildlife in australia that is able to be hunted for food that isnt safer to buy from special farms, so there is little need for clubs in which you practise shooting), we also have "OMG IM BEING TEH OPPRESSED BY TEH EVIL GUBMINT" laws such as compulsory voting and we were one of the earliest nations to have mandatory seatbelt laws. Yet our government still hasn't gone crazy with power (mostly becuase of the way we vote directlky for our memebers of parliment, with said members only being put into positions once elected into a seat, and their party is in power, and leadership challanges can happen) and put us into some kind of super opressed state.
Also, your second ammendment does NOT state ANYTHING about FIREARMS, it clearly states; "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.". You could technically argue that the Arms reffered to in the 2nd ammendment could refer to any sort of weapon used for personal defence, and that it only prohibbits laws from being made that prevent someone from having ANY form of weapon for self defence, but still allow for the prohibition of certain types, as long as there are still some types of weapon that are not prohibbited.