HD DVD will soon be following in the steps of BETAMax. Toshiba is ceasing the production of new HD DVD player models, but will continue producing current models for the time being.
According to Japenese TV station NHK Toshiba is expected to make an official announcement soon stating that they will be dropping the HD DVD format.
With many of the major movie companies being Blu-Ray exclusive I had anticipated this. Now between Warner Bros having switched from being HD DVD and BD to just BD, NetFlix officially dropping the HD DVD, and Wal-Mart also beginning to drop HD DVD from it's stores, HD DVD lost all chances it had of winning the format war.
So with this announcement, which format were you favoring at the beginning?
HD DVD will soon be following in the steps of BETAMax. Toshiba is ceasing the production of new HD DVD player models, but will continue producing current models for the time being.
According to Japenese TV station NHK Toshiba is expected to make an official announcement soon stating that they will be dropping the HD DVD format.
With many of the major movie companies being Blu-Ray exclusive I had anticipated this. Now between Warner Bros having switched from being HD DVD and BD to just BD, NetFlix officially dropping the HD DVD, and Wal-Mart also beginning to drop HD DVD from it's stores, HD DVD lost all chances it had of winning the format war.
So with this announcement, which format were you favoring at the beginning?