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ForumsDiscussion Forum → weird situation, involding american girl
weird situation, involding american girl
2008-03-31, 1:44 PM #81
You suffer from depression too. I don't know how that would work out. I'm just saying.
2008-03-31, 1:45 PM #82 should post the professional ones too. :ninja:
2008-03-31, 1:47 PM #83
Originally posted by Anovis:
You suffer from depression too. I don't know how that would work out. I'm just saying.

I dont suffer depression anymore.

That stopped 7 months ago. Life is good

(actually, my life is sh*t atm, but it doesnt get me down)
if(getThingFlags(source) & 0x8){
  do her}
elseif(getThingFlags(source) & 0x4){
  do other babe}
  do a dude}
2008-03-31, 1:49 PM #84
Originally posted by Ruthven:
(actually, my life is sh*t atm, but it doesnt get me down)

Thank god for pills, amirite?
2008-03-31, 1:57 PM #85
This is too cool.
2008-03-31, 2:02 PM #86
Originally posted by Ruthven:
after some google related investigating, yes, she's for real. she is who she says she is. i found her articles (she's a writer) and also the wedding photos to her brief marriage a year or so ago. There does seem to be some discrepancy of the dates however.

Brief marriage, eh? To some guy that she randomly added to her Facebook and decided she loved?
2008-03-31, 2:33 PM #87
Yeah, theres about like...50 things about her that would be sending red flags up in my head all over the place.

But like Spork said, you'd have a very interesting story to tell, or your friends at your funeral.
Life is beautiful.
2008-03-31, 3:32 PM #88
What was that saying about if something's too good to be true? Anyway, I wouldn't go through with this. Something about her strikes me as crazy, from her actions, her photos, and her Hugo Weaving + Christina Ricci forehead.
2008-03-31, 3:38 PM #89
Her forehead reminds me of Kroko's forehead.

That being said. How old is she again? And she's already been married?

I'm going to put one more vote in the Firefly reference category...
My Parkour blog
My Twitter. Follow me!
2008-03-31, 4:02 PM #90
You're ****ed now because by this time she already knows about Massassi and everything everyone's said here :tinfoil:
2008-03-31, 4:15 PM #91
2008-03-31, 4:26 PM #92
Originally posted by Ruthven:
her brief marriage a year or so ago.

Gee, that doesn't seem important or anything. :psyduck:
2008-03-31, 4:33 PM #93
Prediction: in <24 hours, we'll find out her name.

it will be Irlap Sfolo.
2008-03-31, 4:34 PM #94
Find her ex-husband and give him a call!
2008-03-31, 4:49 PM #95
Originally posted by BobTheMasher:
Find her ex-husband and give him a call!

Or ask her for other references.
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2008-03-31, 4:56 PM #96
This is my pagely reminder that you should cut off all contact with her.

There has to be someone out there thats less crazy.
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2008-03-31, 5:05 PM #97
Yeah, she's definately trying to steal your spaceship.
2008-03-31, 6:42 PM #98
The marriage thing is not a good sign. It looks like she rushes into things way faster than she should without thinking.
"Flowers and a landscape were the only attractions here. And so, as there was no good reason for coming, nobody came."
2008-03-31, 6:46 PM #99
You haven't told Yosaffbridge your address already have you?


Oh dear god you already told her exactly where you live didn't you!
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2008-03-31, 6:53 PM #100
If he did...he can always have someone else answer the door and say they never heard of him before. Of course, if she's a crazy stalker, she'll set up a stake out or whatever crazy stalkers do. But could work!
"Ford, you're turning into a penguin. Stop it."
2008-03-31, 6:53 PM #101
I knew someone who did something like this, Ruthven.

I saw his obit in the newspaper the day after.
2008-03-31, 7:05 PM #102
Start recording your phone calls.
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2008-03-31, 7:06 PM #103
my address is on my facebook.:smith:
if(getThingFlags(source) & 0x8){
  do her}
elseif(getThingFlags(source) & 0x4){
  do other babe}
  do a dude}
2008-03-31, 7:25 PM #104
Originally posted by Ruthven:
my address is on my facebook.:smith:

Dear god, why?

In that case it seems to me you really have nothing to lose by just going for it. She knows where you live anyway so if she ends up being crazy the result will be the same. At least this way you won't piss her off right away, and you'll probably get laid.
2008-03-31, 8:00 PM #105
Originally posted by Ruthven:
my address is on my facebook.:smith:

2008-03-31, 8:27 PM #106
sounds like someone needs a deadman's switch, i'm telling ya

edit: dear sweet effing lord, think about it people, its april 1st tommorrow
he's got us by our nads!
Holy soap opera Batman. - FGR
Free Jin!
2008-03-31, 8:39 PM #107
Well, it would be good to know if he's really that stupid. :suicide:
2008-03-31, 8:40 PM #108
Originally posted by saberopus:
crazy 'n' fake

2008-03-31, 9:02 PM #109
Originally posted by genk:
edit: dear sweet effing lord, think about it people, its april 1st tommorrow
he's got us by our nads!

good theory. you'll have to wait 12 hours to see :v:
if(getThingFlags(source) & 0x8){
  do her}
elseif(getThingFlags(source) & 0x4){
  do other babe}
  do a dude}
2008-03-31, 9:13 PM #110
That's cheating though. April Fools jokes must begin and conclude on April 1st, or else it's a March 30th joke.
My Parkour blog
My Twitter. Follow me!
2008-03-31, 9:34 PM #111
The current one started march 30th.
(The redirect)
2008-03-31, 10:19 PM #112
Ok, so go to somewhere NOT your home, then do her, tape it, youtube it - everyone's a winner!

Then for your victory dance, you cram her back on the crazy plane she flew in on.
2008-03-31, 10:41 PM #113
Originally posted by genk:
sounds like someone needs a deadman's switch, i'm telling ya


And if this is an april fools thing, then it fails because it wasn't started on april fools.
You can't judge a book by it's file size
2008-03-31, 11:30 PM #114
ah to hell with it. It wasnt an april fools.

Sadly her depressive stint that started 2 days ago has continued, and she's removed either her whole facebook, or just me as a friend and fiance (a joke).

before she disconnected, she said something about some people talking her out of suicide.

Well, it was interesting while it lasted. Man, i didnt expect the situation to come about, and i sure as hell didnt expect it to end so .... oddly

oh well. Back to normality?
if(getThingFlags(source) & 0x8){
  do her}
elseif(getThingFlags(source) & 0x4){
  do other babe}
  do a dude}
2008-03-31, 11:35 PM #115

This was stupid.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2008-03-31, 11:35 PM #116
What is normal?
2008-03-31, 11:38 PM #117
Now she hates you, share the pics.

2008-03-31, 11:51 PM #118
You didn't expect it to end oddly? Seriously? =p
You can't judge a book by it's file size
2008-04-01, 12:11 AM #119
Oddly, sure. But this is kind of a letdown. .(
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2008-04-01, 1:43 AM #120
Yeah you get some weird **** on facebook...

You do realise as a writer she might have got you hook line and sinker with all this in an elaborate plot to get a great book...

I actualy thought this was a twist on the Nigerian email scam but I figure you could recognise the accent.

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