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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Post little things that really annoy you
Post little things that really annoy you
2008-05-02, 11:05 AM #81
Originally posted by ECHOMAN:
So if I violently run over someone with a bike, would that be considered vehicular homicide?

Provided you killed them, yes. I've seen people get reckless driving charges and DUIs for bicycle riding.
2008-05-02, 11:07 AM #82
They actually have bicycles in America?


... Wow.

Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2008-05-02, 11:18 AM #83
Originally posted by stat:
legally, they are a vehicle.

That's exactly my point. I'm fine with that, I give bikes all the respect they deserve, but I expect cyclists to act the same way toward cars. A lot of them don't.
2008-05-02, 11:22 AM #84
Originally posted by FastGamerr:
They actually have bicycles in America?


... Wow.


We have them all the time. A girl in my class today was like "I hate it when I'm riding my bike and some guy behind me gets right up on me, and honks his horn. I shouted at him, 'If bicycles were aloud on sidewalks, they'll call it SIDERIDES!' and then I went on my way" or something.

I personally don't mind but whatever.
2008-05-02, 11:41 AM #85
CM, I think it's fair to say that the cyclist has it worse when things go wrong and collisions actually take place. I ride ****-scared most of the time in Nottingham, especially when I get to where my gf lives because it's a particularly crappy area and there's a high incidence of arsehole drivers there.
Riding in the middle of the road is a lot safer for us. Riding near the curb lets drivers pass without actually overtaking properly and leaves you vulnerable to parked-car doors and being run over when you have to re-merge with the traffic or want to turn right (in the UK). I know it's annoying being stuck behind me, I ride around 20mph most of the time, and when it's clear I stick near the curb anyway, but if the situation fits those mentioned above I'm going to exercise my right as a vehicle and you can simply cool your heels for a bit or overtake properly.

The other stuff is generally inexcusable assuming that "roads that a bicycle should definitely not be on." are roads a bike should not legally be on. I also hate the stupid turds who jump lights, ride on the pavement, ride at night without lights etc. Just don't treat cyclists like some monolithic group where all of them act like prats; there are some of us who can't afford a car and don't want to die.
2008-05-02, 11:48 AM #86
But they all do act like prats. I've never seen a single cyclist obey traffic laws. Not one.
2008-05-02, 11:51 AM #87
Clearly you haven't met me :colbert:
2008-05-02, 12:03 PM #88
Originally posted by Cool Matty:
But they all do act like prats. I've never seen a single cyclist obey traffic laws. Not one.

2008-05-02, 1:40 PM #89
Originally posted by ZULLY:
In an attempt to not be hassled by the police during this period in which if I get pulled over you can be damned sure I'll be asked to step out of the car, no I don't speed much unless I'm on the highway.

****ing kids these days. Gotta learn some ****ing respect.

I'm gonna be an *** right now and say you have to earn your respect. Being older does not automatically = respect. :P
2008-05-02, 2:10 PM #90
If you weren't always in such a ****ing hurry you wouldn't have a problem with cyclists.
2008-05-03, 6:35 AM #91
If I wanted to 20mph on a 45mph road for 5 miles I'd go ride my own bike.
2008-05-03, 8:10 AM #92
People who do not use their turn signals. :argh:
2008-05-03, 5:10 PM #93
People that pull out in front of you, causing you to slam on your breaks, when there is no one behind you.

People that take forever to take a turn, slowing down and staying in the road as long as possible.

People that stop for yellow lights. I tailgate the guy that is going to just make it so I run the red light in the first second or two before traffic flow starts. Then I almost hit the guy because he slams on his breaks for a yellow.

People that take forever to turn out of a road into oncomming traffic so you have to wait forever (or people that take up enough of a two turning lane so you can't get in the other at my work the driveway has spots for someone turning left and someone turning right. It's on a major road so sometimes it might take a while to get out, especially left. Once in a while someone will be in the right trying to turn left, so your forced to wait for them trying to weave between two lanes of traffic)

Roadrage, what?
2008-05-03, 8:01 PM #94
Originally posted by ECHOMAN:
Mega Man NES games always had some questionable game design issues. Personally, I thought Heatman's stage was more "unfair" than Flashman's stage. All those stupid blocks that appear and disappear at regular intervals. There were times when you had to jump straight up at a precise moment otherwise the block would appear right above your head and you get screwed with no where to go to.

I mean, how would you know that during your first runs?

And yes, the stage in Wily's castle (MM2) with the boss composed of guns is probably the most unfair moment in Mega Man gaming I ever seen. What if you used just one Clashman weapon before you entered the fight? Well, guess what, you're SCREWED. Still, I liked the game despite some horrible game design issues.

Wily Stage 1: You are on the bottom right corner of the screen. You need to get to a ladder at the top left of the screen. In between is LOTS of open space. You have to use option 1 or something like that. To this day it still takes me several tries.

Seconding Flashman's Slip-N-Slide stage and the boss-puzzle. BTW, go after metal man first. After that, you can play 85% of the game using metal blades
Code to the left of him, code to the right of him, code in front of him compil'd and thundered. Programm'd at with shot and $SHELL. Boldly he typed and well. Into the jaws of C. Into the mouth of PERL. Debug'd the 0x258.
2008-05-03, 8:33 PM #95
Originally posted by Squirrel King:
People that stop for yellow lights. I tailgate the guy that is going to just make it so I run the red light in the first second or two before traffic flow starts. Then I almost hit the guy because he slams on his breaks for a yellow.

if you're behind a guy and its going for yellow you should freaking slow for a stop regardless.

(another little annoying thing to add to the list)
Holy soap opera Batman. - FGR
Free Jin!
2008-05-03, 8:57 PM #96
Originally posted by Squirrel King:
People that stop for yellow lights. I tailgate the guy that is going to just make it so I run the red light in the first second or two before traffic flow starts. Then I almost hit the guy because he slams on his breaks for a yellow.

This pisses the F*CK out of me. Extra points earned for those busy intersections where the light takes 90 secs. It's either because they stopped at the yellow or they were going too ****ing slow.

Which segways into my next point. Slow people. People that go 5 - 10 MPH under the speed limit. I would think that all the cars passing you would be the hint to GO FASTER! Or if that is beyond your abilities, change lanes. Arrrghghhghg!!!
Code to the left of him, code to the right of him, code in front of him compil'd and thundered. Programm'd at with shot and $SHELL. Boldly he typed and well. Into the jaws of C. Into the mouth of PERL. Debug'd the 0x258.
2008-05-04, 5:46 AM #97
The yellow light thing really depends on where you are. Here in Maine it's not that big of a deal. There aren't too many times where you'll spend a lot of time at a red light. In LA, however, it's pretty much an unwritten rule that the first two cars get to turn left through the red light in the seconds before the other lights turn green because there's so much traffic and turning left is a *****.
2008-05-04, 6:48 AM #98
Originally posted by Cool Matty:
But they all do act like prats. I've never seen a single cyclist obey traffic laws. Not one.

So quoted. Never in the history of being alive have I seen a cyclist obey traffic laws. Ever.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2008-05-04, 7:25 AM #99
I guess this runs contrary to Geb's in a way, but I can't stand people who are completely deficient/incompetent in some area who continue to work in that area in some dismal stasis. The individuals in question don't strive to improve or give up to concentrate on other possible areas of strength, but just persist in sucking. It's particularly painful when these people are assigned with you on group projects because they live in a fantasy world where their assessment of quality is grossly underdeveloped and they somehow think that their horridly deficient work is sufficient. One would think that repeated failure would teach them otherwise, but somehow this is less often the case than it should be.
Lord Tiberius Grismath
1473 for '1337' posts.
2008-05-04, 7:50 AM #100
2008-05-04, 8:12 AM #101
Originally posted by Lord_Grismath:
I guess this runs contrary to Geb's in a way....

I don't think so. Geb's addressing people who rail on the (un-willfully) ignorant, and you're talking about the willfully ignorant. The willfully ignorant also tend to falsely represent their skillsets.

I hate people that, when I'm getting bigger in your rear-view mirror, decide that, even though they're going 5-10 MPH less than me, that it's perfectly all right to merge in front of me and not speed up.
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken
2008-05-05, 5:21 PM #102
Originally posted by Anovis:
We have them all the time. A girl in my class today was like "I hate it when I'm riding my bike and some guy behind me gets right up on me, and honks his horn. I shouted at him, 'If bicycles were aloud on sidewalks, they'll call it SIDERIDES!' and then I went on my way" or something.

I personally don't mind but whatever.

Ok thank you for clarifying this. Because as the weather has been getting nicer, there are a lot of bikers, riding in the road next to the sidewalk, and I swear at them all the time for riding in the road.

I'll be nicer now.
2008-05-05, 5:36 PM #103
Originally posted by Wolfy:
I hate people that, when I'm getting bigger in your rear-view mirror, decide that, even though they're going 5-10 MPH less than me, that it's perfectly all right to merge in front of me and not speed up.

This pisses me off to no end.
Pissed Off?
2008-05-05, 7:15 PM #104
Originally posted by Avenger:
This pisses me off to no end.

Yes. I always say that if a driver pulls in front of you (whether because they're turning onto your street, or merging) and you have to apply your brake at all, they shouldn't have done it (or at least done it faster).

e:Assuming, of course, you're going a sane speed.
2008-05-05, 7:18 PM #105
Uh yeah, bicycles are considered vehicles on the road.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2008-05-05, 8:10 PM #106
I found a new one today: People who don't turn off their left-turn signal on the highway, when they're already in the left lane. :argh:
2008-05-05, 8:19 PM #107
Originally posted by Emon:
Uh yeah, bicycles are considered vehicles on the road.

In Maryland it's illegal to ride on the sidewalk. :O

Decent cities HAVE bike lanes/paths.
2008-05-05, 8:22 PM #108
They can't have them everywhere though, which is what roads are for in those cases.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2008-05-05, 8:30 PM #109
Yeah, but like what I noticed in Lousiville is that there are many many many convenient bike paths.

Infact, alot of the busses even have bike racks so you don't REAAALY have to ride through busy dangerous parts of the city.

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