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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
2008-05-23, 11:31 PM #41
It's bad CG that's a problem.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2008-05-23, 11:34 PM #42
i think my biggest problem with CG is that they never focus it just right

its rarely not somewhat blurred
Holy soap opera Batman. - FGR
Free Jin!
2008-05-24, 12:39 AM #43
Originally posted by Emon:
It's bad CG that's a problem.

Well, that's fair enough.
But whenever a movie comes out nowdays theres always seem to be complaints about there being cg in it
You can't judge a book by it's file size
2008-05-24, 11:07 AM #44
By the way, did you guys like the Endor car chase (I admit I stole that line from someone else)?
2008-05-24, 11:30 AM #45
Originally posted by Deadman:
Well, that's fair enough.
But whenever a movie comes out nowdays theres always seem to be complaints about there being cg in it

CG is used all the time in modern films. Like, almost every new film regardless of the type has some kind of CG in it. The trouble is that they cheap out and use CG for characters when they don't need to, and don't take the time to do it right.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2008-05-25, 12:19 PM #46
I thought it was pretty great. Definitely better than Temple of Doom, but comparing it to the other two would be kind of unfair since it was still a great movie in its own regard even though not as great as RotLA or TLC (too arsed to not use acronyms).

The best scene had to be Indy outflying the nuke (and the actual nuke itself). Shia LeBouf didn't annoy me (the bar scene was neat). Loved the Marion/Indy interaction. Winced pretty hard at some of the really stuck-up George Lucas dialogue. The Janitor making an appearance! Eeee! The plot kind of got silly with the aliens but it still didn't totally fail. I really wished they would have resolved the FBI plotline. Definitely forgot some of the things that I liked/bothered me. Can't from proper sentences!
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2008-05-25, 12:26 PM #47
Originally posted by Emon:
CG is used all the time in modern films. Like, almost every new film regardless of the type has some kind of CG in it. The trouble is that they cheap out and use CG for characters when they don't need to, and don't take the time to do it right.

I thought it was stupid that they used CG for the groundhog at the beginning. Unfourtunatly that's all I saw because the projector knocked out seconds later, so we ended just getting a refund and leaving.
2008-05-25, 12:33 PM #48
2008-05-25, 12:58 PM #49
Originally posted by Deadman:
Well, that's fair enough.
But whenever a movie comes out nowdays theres always seem to be complaints about there being cg in it

I like to point to Rambo as an example of CGI done right. Practical effects mixed with CGI, and it was all pretty seamless. I can't think of a single instance in that movie when I thought "that looks ridiculous". That's how it should be done.

If anyone is curious about the ants (my sister's boyfriend thought it was ridiculous when they formed the tower to get to the soviet chick):
More scary ****:
Army Ants are masters of wholly-organic, living architecture. For the good of the colony, the ants will use their own living bodies to build any conceivable structure necessary, latching on to each other foot-to-foot to create protective walls and ceilings against the ravages of the weather, bridges to cross otherwise impassable spans, whatever happens to be needed.

I thought it was actually pretty cool that they had them do that.[/spoiler]

On the whole, I think they should have just let the franchise rest in peace. Last Crusade was a great ending, and I think I would have preferred it end there. Also, Lucas should be forced into retirement and never let near anything film related again. His time has passed.
2008-05-26, 2:26 AM #50
Overall I guess I like it, and felt it fit with the rest of the Indiana Jone's tradition with its amusing fight scenes but I agree the CG effects were over-the-top in many places.
My favorite JKDF2 h4x:
2008-05-26, 4:02 AM #51
I still think they should have gone with the Fate of Atlantis storyline (long ago :P)
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2008-05-26, 5:38 AM #52
Originally posted by Jep:
I still think they should have gone with the Fate of Atlantis storyline (long ago :P)

I loved that game! I always said that could be a good movie.
2008-05-26, 6:24 AM #53
not as great as RotLA or TLC (too arsed to not use acronyms).
But you take the time to explain how arsed you are. Also it should really have been 'can't be arsed to not use acronyms'.
2008-05-26, 6:52 AM #54
Originally posted by Emon:
It's bad CG that's a problem.

I guess if it's good CG then the audience doesnt even notice. But stuff like inserting the gophers- what was the point in that? It didnt seem to add anything, and I didnt find it particularly amusing. It's like Lucas/Speilburg were underbudget and decided to waste a few million.
My favorite JKDF2 h4x:
2008-05-26, 7:32 AM #55
Originally posted by EAH_TRISCUIT:
I guess if it's good CG then the audience doesnt even notice. But stuff like inserting the gophers- what was the point in that? It didnt seem to add anything, and I didnt find it particularly amusing. It's like Lucas/Speilburg were underbudget and decided to waste a few million.

Yeah, it almost felt like a tech demo. Like they were trying to show off, but it ended up looking cheesy and stupid.
2008-05-26, 1:00 PM #56
That was actually a real gopher. They named him Henry.
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2008-05-26, 1:58 PM #57
I thought it was a very very solid movie. Ford was great, and even I will admit that LeBouf did not ruin the film. In fact, he was very good.
"His Will Was Set, And Only Death Would Break It"

"None knows what the new day shall bring him"
2008-05-26, 2:17 PM #58
Same here. It could have done with less of the big CGI type shots, though there weren't a whole lot of them. Still thoroughly enjoyed the movie.
Pissed Off?
2008-05-26, 3:18 PM #59
Originally posted by Jep:
I still think they should have gone with the Fate of Atlantis storyline (long ago :P)


That would have been SO much better, even if they had to update it to fit with Ford being older. But I mean, it's not like he didn't do anything he didn't do in the last movies, so I don't know what the problem was.
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2008-05-26, 4:14 PM #60
Originally posted by Spook:

That would have been SO much better, even if they had to update it to fit with Ford being older. But I mean, it's not like he didn't do anything he didn't do in the last movies, so I don't know what the problem was.

Yeah, Spielburg even said he didn't notice any difference in terms of what he (Ford) was able to do 20 years ago compared to now. He's in great shape. I really hope this helps revive his career.
2008-05-26, 6:47 PM #61
Thoroughly enjoyed it. I definitely recommend that everyone see it once if they like the other Indy films. It definitely felt like an adventure. The plot was interesting as a worthy departure from previous films.

Of course, there are a few things that would make you go WTF like the following:

1. Monkeys.

2. Fridge escape, waterfall drop, and the other numerous instances where people should have died or sustained grave injuries realistically.

3. Alien leaning in at the end. Totally unnecessary and ruined the mood.

4. Mutt's split across two vehicles

The FBI plot was amusing with the Janitor but seemed to be untied at the end. I guess Indy was supposed to leave the country due to the accusations of communism so maybe it was resolved.
2008-05-26, 6:47 PM #62
Well I just saw it again cause my parents wanted to see it for Memorial Day.

I enjoyed it much more this second time. I think my hype meter at the midnight showing made it more disappointing than it was.

There's definitely some scenes I would change, but I think it does fit well within the context and type movies of the previous Indy's.
2008-05-26, 6:50 PM #63
Originally posted by JDKNITE188:

4. Mutt's split across two vehicles

nothing better than that to please people that dislike him
Holy soap opera Batman. - FGR
Free Jin!
2008-05-26, 7:09 PM #64
Why did everyone hate the fight between the two cars? If you say 'It was unrealistic' go kill yourself. I thought it was pretty cool.
Think while it's still legal.
2008-05-26, 8:16 PM #65
I'm glad that there was still some rough stuff--soldiers burning alive, the bodies of the dead natives. I was afraid of Han-shot-first child-proofing.

I'm watching some featurettes on the official site right now, interesting stuff.
2008-05-26, 9:14 PM #66
I liked it, except for a couple of things that bothered me... those being the monkey scene, and the whole aliens thing. I guess it bothers me the most that you can figure it out 5 minutes in, there's no reveal really. I also didn't think aliens didn't really belong in the whole Indy canon thing, but I guess when you look at some of the crazy stuff they had in the last three I suppose it's acceptable. Oh yeah, the waterfall was unbelievable too. And how about the tree they rode down into the water ? I was surprised by the end scene as well. Doesn't seem to fit Indiana Jones' character.

I did like the nuke scene, that might be my favorite scene. All the vehicle chase scenes are good too I thought. The ants were awesome. I also enjoyed the spaceship take off, not necessarily because of the ship itself, but watch Ford. He reactions are cool, except for the whole being-half-a-foot-from-death-and-not-trying-to-get-away thing .

I also enjoyed looking at how Indy4 approached the same myths also approached in sci-fi shows and interpreting them in different ways.

It also made me want to play Infernal Machine again, which is also about aliens from other dimensions and Russians after them. I mean if they had changed Mayan to Babylonian and made the aliens bent on human destruction or whatever the hell was up with them we'd all have been watching Infernal Machine on the big screen really. Speaking of which, anyone know how to get Infernal Machine working on modern hardware? It has a specific list of graphics cards it will run under and refuses to run if it can't find one of them (Hint: It doesn't know about all new cards). Also I recall a freeze bug on XP right after the title logo on the first level but I have to get that far to see if it's still there.

2008-05-26, 10:07 PM #67
I played Infernal Machine not long ago on my C2D with a Radeon X1650XT on Vista, it was great. Shrug.

I still think Fate of Atlantis had the best story out of anything Indy. I mean, the Atlanteans basically built a machine to attempt to turn themselves into gods to become immortal. Pretty ****ing cool how they did it in the game.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2008-05-26, 10:17 PM #68
zzt's spoiling us!

guards! guards! arrest that man!
Holy soap opera Batman. - FGR
Free Jin!
2008-05-27, 12:11 AM #69
I've never played the Indy games... how many are there, and which ones are good?
2008-05-27, 12:20 AM #70
Fate of Atlantis is a 2D point and click adventure. You can find it on the web for free, it's basically abandonware. You can play it with ScummVM. It's easily the best one. Next best is probably Infernal Machine, which is the one that uses the JK engine. It's very Tomb Raider like. It's got some fun puzzles and a neat story although it isn't presented very well. Still good though.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2008-05-27, 4:00 AM #71
Originally posted by Vincent Valentine:
I've never played the Indy games... how many are there, and which ones are good?

The only ones I personally liked were the 2d click and point adventure games that ran on the Scumm engine.

Those were:

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2008-05-27, 4:39 AM #72
Both awesome. IMHO Fate of Atlantis is the best adventure out there.
Sorry for the lousy German
2008-05-27, 7:03 AM #73
Anyone remember the 80's movie called 'Vibes' with Jeff Goldblum? I'll have to watch it again. For some reason my mind keeps drawing parrellels between that and this latest Indy movie.
My favorite JKDF2 h4x:
2008-05-27, 11:16 AM #74
Funny how Jeff Goldblum just sorta disappeared after the 90s.
2008-05-27, 11:22 AM #75
Originally posted by Vincent Valentine:
I've never played the Indy games... how many are there, and which ones are good?

I think the Lucasarts-style adventure game is pretty outdated and unplayable actually. I loved Secret of Monkey Island back when I was a kid, but I ran through Beneath a Steel Sky, CMI, Fate of Atlantis and Sam and Max hit the road a couple years ago and didn't like them at all.

There's like, no gameplay. You just click around each screen searching for inventory items.
2008-05-27, 11:49 AM #76
Originally posted by Tracer:
I think the Lucasarts-style adventure game is pretty outdated and unplayable actually. I loved Secret of Monkey Island back when I was a kid, but I ran through Beneath a Steel Sky, CMI, Fate of Atlantis and Sam and Max hit the road a couple years ago and didn't like them at all.

There's like, no gameplay. You just click around each screen searching for inventory items.

Right, that's a lower level of experience than jumping from platform to platform or running and gunning.
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2008-05-27, 3:09 PM #77
I went to the midnight premier here and enjoyed the heck out of it.

For anyone complaining about aliens + Indy, there is at least one mission in Indiana Jones and his Desktop Adventures [brilliant rocking game] where he does actually meet a grey and his UFO. Though to be fair, he also runs into Han Solo and Luke Skywalker as well at one point.

And the whole aliens merging cgi, was that any more effects-driven than say.. Nazi faces melting off from the wrath of G-d?
Also, I can kill you with my brain.
2008-05-27, 3:14 PM #78
Heh heh heh... Indy meeting Han..

Also: omg dormouse <3
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2008-05-27, 3:14 PM #79
If you think the stuff in this one is unbelievable, you have clearly forgotten that in Temple of Doom Indy rides a raft out of an airplane and down a mountain with a woman and a small child. Oh, right, and in Lost Ark, there's a pit full of snakes in the middle of ****ing nowhere. And in Last Crusade they fly an airplane off a zeppelin. And meet HITLER.
2008-05-27, 3:18 PM #80
Indeed. The unbelievable complaints are stupid since all of the other movies have unbelievable plot elements as well.
Pissed Off?

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