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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
2008-05-27, 4:19 PM #81
I guess people just feel they were better executed in the other films.
2008-05-29, 7:24 AM #82
Originally posted by SAJN:
As much as this is going to make people angry, as long as they make it a SPINOFF movie/series with LaBeouf and not an official Indiana Jones sequel, I am totally fine with that. I enjoyed the Young Indiana Jones films, and I wouldn't mind more Indiana Jones related films, but as for OFFICIAL Indiana Jones films, leave them to Ford and Spielberg.

I'm fairly certain that they'd make a "hilarious" slapstick comedy out of the entire thing. An hour and 45 minutes of Shia LaBeouf slipping over and getting hit in the crotch with cactus-like plants at 50 miles an hour. Wait a minute...

Kidding aside, I thought Shia did a good job. I also really, really enjoyed the film. A very good friend of mine told me it sucked the day before I went to see it, and since we usually agree on these things I was incredibly worried (she also loves the first three films). I think that kind of spoiled the opening for me a bit since I wasn't immediately impressed by the film (which is unfair to it, I know), although I liked the old style opening credits. After about 5/10 minutes though, when the Indy feeling started to shine through, I found myself having a great time. The shot of the alien spaceship was fairly silly, and did drag the film down a bit in my opinion. I didn't really mind the CGI aliens , even the live one, but the spaceship was just too over-the-top in my opinion. Liked the ending with the hat, too.

Also, I need a wallpaper of Indy looking at the mushroom cloud . That was intense.
2008-05-29, 8:11 AM #83
Yeah I can't wait until the DVD is out so I can make that my desktop too.
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2008-05-29, 8:26 AM #84
i loved how they included opening credits on this one

wonderful idea
Holy soap opera Batman. - FGR
Free Jin!

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