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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Traffic LAWS! - Which do you break the most?
Traffic LAWS! - Which do you break the most?
2008-06-27, 10:16 PM #121
I love it when people take something trivial and combine it with their pride. And no, not just CoolMatty. But damn dude. :hist101:
2008-06-27, 10:27 PM #122
I have no idae whats going on in this thread.

In other news mall security yelled at me for my tire squeal. Wasn't speeding. My tire pressure is just low.
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2008-06-27, 10:30 PM #123
Originally posted by Cool Matty:
If you were paying attention you would have noticed I said nowhere that he was "stomping on the gas pedal". See how your comprehension continues to fail?

I never said you did.
Pissed Off?
2008-06-27, 10:57 PM #124
Originally posted by Anovis:
I love it when people take something trivial and combine it with their pride. And no, not just CoolMatty. But damn dude. :hist101:

Yeah, it brought Spectrael back to this thread even after he said he wasn't going to post anymore. It was quite lulz.
2008-06-28, 2:46 AM #125
Don't worry, I didn't forget about this. ;) I've been busy, but tomorrow I'll scroll back a million posts and respond to Cool Matty's original reply to me, before everything got stupided up.
2008-06-28, 5:59 AM #126
Again, you can't comprehend a simple scenario. I don't know how much clearer I can be on the situation I was in that yielded me a ticket. I just don't.

there is a difference between 'following another car through a stopsign', which the cop observed you doing, and slowly stopping and by 97.632% of the way stopped you are traveling at around 100feet an hour.

you have time to look around and comprehend all the things you do for a complete stop.

edit: wow, its early and i have two different thoughts in there
Holy soap opera Batman. - FGR
Free Jin!
2008-06-28, 9:27 AM #127
All off above.

Never wear seatbelt (I've been in several accidents. Call me a moron for not wearing after the first, but I have always been the least injured person)
I'm almost always speeding, unless I can't (slow person in front) or if it's a crappy road ... small residential road ... Etc. I still speed in front of cops. Never have been pulled over for speeding. I'll run the red light for the first couple seconds. It takes about 2-3 for the other light to go green, and then a while for the cars to accelerate. you got plenty of time to safely run a red light.
2008-06-28, 10:08 AM #128
Fascinating? That's hardly the term I'd give this facepalm-fest.

Face-palm fest? Yea...

You then went on to state the 0.8 rule with nothing concerning other states. Please.

.08 is the standard DUI arrest point. Of course I didn't list other states, I have no idea which one you live in. But ONCE AGAIN YOU HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO READING COMPREHENSION WHAT SO EVER. This is what I find fascinating about this thread. I listed no other states because I was just getting the point across that I could very well get into trouble for drinking just one beer. Easy. To. Understand.

Except drinking involves a chemical reaction in your body that occurs outside of your control. So, pretty much nothing like it.

Just amazing. The comparison is just so far over your head it's beyond me.

Yes, you didn't slow down for it, you sped up. How hard is that to understand? You just keep repeating it as if it's going to somehow change the fact that you sped up and did not proceed to slow down again before reaching the stop sign. It is the act of slowing down before reaching that stop sign that I am at contention with.

I'm really at a loss for words here. This is just absolutely idiotic. I mean damn.

If you think I'm being an unsafe driver by doing those things then your standards are set so high as to eliminate 95% of the population. Everyone breaks some driving law, I guarantee you've broken your share, possibly even from being unaware the law even existed.

I do think you're being unsafe, and yes I'd agree that 95% of the population are unsafe drivers. I sure have broken my share of traffic laws. Way to go there Cool Matty where did you get that information? I mean I mentioned a few times now but I wasn't sure if you could actually comprehend it, seeing as how you can't anything else.

And taking the interstate isn't an optional risk? One that is even greater than the whole "rolling stop" issue?

Driving itself is an option risk. I have already explained this in greater detail in an earlier post.

Also, you keep saying "you're not going to get hit if you come to a complete stop assuming you're not in the road". And? So what? I am not going to get hit rolling through a stop sign assuming I am not in the road either. If there is oncoming traffic I'm not going to keep rolling on and take my chances, that's retarded. And as we've already established numerous times, making the decision to stop before reaching the stop sign itself is very easy and you have plenty of time to 100% anaylze the situation.

See above.

You complain about having to keep repeating yourself but you respond with the same arguement that's already been addressed, sometimes several times over.

Instead, I'll nullify the argument by saying if we're to drive knowing we could make a poor judgment call at any moment, driving on the interstate would be a downright horrible idea.

Interstates are long, at least two lane wide divided highways. If you distance yourself from other vehicles and pay attention (not using bad judgement in the first place) there are very few times you would have to use snap judgement.

Simply put, by stopping at a stop sign instead of rolling through it, you are not changing anything. You can make the exact same incorrect judgment call to go out into that intersection even after you have stopped. The likelihood of doing so doesn't magically increase by any appreciable amount when rolling through it. By completely stopping versus rolling you're only losing MAYBE 1/2-1 second, totally not a difference when you're already looking at 5+ seconds to make such a call.

Again, already an addressed issue here. Smarter people than you say different. The law about a rolling stop wouldn't exist if someone, somewhere at some point in time didn't realise it was a problem.

You make much quicker judgments on an expressway every day, and since you're not dead I'm assuming you can make them well.

No I don't.

It is clear, you're just getting all pissed off because it's not the same as what I was talking about.

No, it's just you being stupid. Me "speeding up" to the stop sign arguement you present is quite honestly one of the dumbest things I have ever read in my entire life. It makes no sense, mainly because of the fact it agrees with the tripe you post, yet you say it's not the same thing as rolling a stop. What I can't understand here is, if I had more time to look into oncoming traffic because I was at a complete stop, and when I ended up rolling the sign I was going slower than 5mph, yet you claim it isn't as 'safe' as you rolling a stop. It's absolute mind boggling, your reasoning.

I assumed that because I assumed based on what you had originally told me that you had drove through the stop sign. Then you described to me a situation in which you didn't roll through but instead didn't stop at all. You didn't slow down for the stop sign. Point. Fact. End of story. You had stopped for the car in front of you. That car is not a stop sign (ironically this is the legal reason on why you were ticketed in the first place!).

You assumed I was going faster than 5mph, you were wrong. I didn't technically slow down for the stop sign because if I had, I wouldn't of been moving at all. I was going slower than what you say you roll a sign through. Do you not see the conflict in your reasoning? And the "legal reason" I got a ticket? I got a ticket FOR ROLLING A STOP SIGN. What the hell is wrong with you?

there is a difference between 'following another car through a stopsign', which the cop observed you doing, and slowly stopping and by 97.632% of the way stopped you are traveling at around 100feet an hour.

You can't comprehend anything either.
2008-06-28, 11:20 AM #129
Originally posted by Squirrel King:
All off above.

Never wear seatbelt (I've been in several accidents. Call me a moron for not wearing after the first, but I have always been the least injured person)
I'm almost always speeding, unless I can't (slow person in front) or if it's a crappy road ... small residential road ... Etc. I still speed in front of cops. Never have been pulled over for speeding. I'll run the red light for the first couple seconds. It takes about 2-3 for the other light to go green, and then a while for the cars to accelerate. you got plenty of time to safely run a red light.

You are going to kill someone, and I look forward to the day you get cited. I would be more than happy to do it myself- why don't you take a trip up here?
2008-06-28, 11:30 AM #130
If I had a badge, I'd pull people like Squirrel King over every chance I got.
Pissed Off?
2008-06-28, 12:36 PM #131
I'd let him resist after pulling him over..

He's going to pull like that ****, and mark my words he's going to hit a car full of kids.
2008-06-28, 3:00 PM #132
honest to god
why do you think they have those few seconds!
Holy soap opera Batman. - FGR
Free Jin!
2008-06-28, 3:24 PM #133
I hate when people run red lights or stop signs.
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2008-06-28, 4:00 PM #134
Originally posted by Squirrel King:
All off above.

Never wear seatbelt (I've been in several accidents. Call me a moron for not wearing after the first, but I have always been the least injured person)
I'm almost always speeding, unless I can't (slow person in front) or if it's a crappy road ... small residential road ... Etc. I still speed in front of cops. Never have been pulled over for speeding. I'll run the red light for the first couple seconds. It takes about 2-3 for the other light to go green, and then a while for the cars to accelerate. you got plenty of time to safely run a red light.

You are the worst driver I have ever seen and I ****ing live in San Diego. We have horrible drivers. And yes, you are a ****ing moron. RED means stop. You stop at the light. Period. I'll admit I rolled a stop sign (purposefully) last night. I was in a foul mood something fierce and had a "**** the world" attitude. But I rarely, rarely do that.

If you think you can't make the yellow, stop. Waiting two minutes for the light is not worth the vehicular manslaughter charge you'll get when you plow through someone. Yes, it'd probably piss you off that the schmuck ahead of you went too slow for you to catch the yellow (that pisses me off) but at least you and everyone else is still breathing!

You are also tempting some serious fate by not wearing seat-belt. Yeah you escaped death before but you've used up your karma-points. You gonna wear that seat-belt or would you like me to show you the MASSIVE research done on seat-belts on how they save your sorry *** from becoming roadkill (and driving up health insurance costs for everyone).
Code to the left of him, code to the right of him, code in front of him compil'd and thundered. Programm'd at with shot and $SHELL. Boldly he typed and well. Into the jaws of C. Into the mouth of PERL. Debug'd the 0x258.
2008-06-28, 5:14 PM #135
Yea, I am a horrible driver, and that's why the first sentence said I have been in a couple accidents. Several people I know try hard not to get in the same car as me. I am a lot better now though.

Still though, it's pretty normal (At least what I see in other drives) here for people to not wear their seat belt and to speed. Everyone runs yellows.

And maybe I was a bit rash about my red light statement. I feel foolish defending something that is wrong, but seriously, I wouldn't run a red light in a crazy high traffic multiple lane intersection. I'm talking about a small town full of old people that are super passive drivers. Cutting the reds shaves of minutes. Time is money.
2008-06-28, 5:23 PM #136
That's so selfish, it's not even funny.
2008-06-28, 5:33 PM #137
Originally posted by Squirrel King:
Yea, I am a horrible driver, and that's why the first sentence said I have been in a couple accidents. Several people I know try hard not to get in the same car as me. I am a lot better now though.

Still though, it's pretty normal (At least what I see in other drives) here for people to not wear their seat belt and to speed. Everyone runs yellows.

And maybe I was a bit rash about my red light statement. I feel foolish defending something that is wrong, but seriously, I wouldn't run a red light in a crazy high traffic multiple lane intersection. I'm talking about a small town full of old people that are super passive drivers. Cutting the reds shaves of minutes. Time is money.

You know what else is money? Hospital bills.

Seriously, that's absolutely stupid. What if someone was waiting to turn left, expecting you to stop (Because, you know, it turned red), and you plow right into their side?
2008-06-28, 5:38 PM #138
Well... See.. I drive a big truck.. Which is a bigreason for my driving arrogance and stupidity. I'm bigger than most things on the road. You'd better beleive I wouldn't be doing this in a Miata

Yea, hospital bills are totally expensive. I got my *** sued to hell from one of the accidents. ($$thousands)

So it's not I'm not aware of consequences or anything like that, I'm just totally apathetic. Apathy runs through my veins instead of blood.
2008-06-28, 5:41 PM #139
Stick shifts and
2008-06-28, 5:49 PM #140
. . . Safety Belts
Pissed Off?
2008-06-28, 5:57 PM #141
Bucket seats have all got to go?
2008-06-28, 6:00 PM #142
Originally posted by Dj Yoshi:
Stick shifts and

I love my stick...


Originally posted by Squirrel King:
Well... See.. I drive a big truck.. Which is a bigreason for my driving arrogance and stupidity. I'm bigger than most things on the road. You'd better beleive I wouldn't be doing this in a Miata

Yea, hospital bills are totally expensive. I got my *** sued to hell from one of the accidents. ($$thousands)

So it's not I'm not aware of consequences or anything like that, I'm just totally apathetic. Apathy runs through my veins instead of blood.

C'mon now, you're just ****ing with us. You really are one of those *******s with lifted trucks who have complete disregard for any and all road saftey just because your truck has more mass than tCs, Civics, ****in' Toyota Yaris...
Code to the left of him, code to the right of him, code in front of him compil'd and thundered. Programm'd at with shot and $SHELL. Boldly he typed and well. Into the jaws of C. Into the mouth of PERL. Debug'd the 0x258.
2008-06-28, 6:17 PM #143
Originally posted by Squirrel King:
Yea, I am a horrible driver, and that's why the first sentence said I have been in a couple accidents. Several people I know try hard not to get in the same car as me. I am a lot better now though.

Still though, it's pretty normal (At least what I see in other drives) here for people to not wear their seat belt and to speed. Everyone runs yellows.

And maybe I was a bit rash about my red light statement. I feel foolish defending something that is wrong, but seriously, I wouldn't run a red light in a crazy high traffic multiple lane intersection. I'm talking about a small town full of old people that are super passive drivers. Cutting the reds shaves of minutes. Time is money.

'Running' yellows, if you're simply passing through the intersection when the light is yellow, is perfectly legal. That's WHY they turn yellow before they're red.

I hope you lose your license.
2008-06-28, 6:44 PM #144
Originally posted by JLee:
'Running' yellows, if you're simply passing through the intersection when the light is yellow, is perfectly legal. That's WHY they turn yellow before they're red.

I hope you lose your license.

I'm pretty sure he meant speeding up in order to make it through while it was yellow, which although possibly legal is just asking for trouble. Regardless, it's downright stupid. And here I thought rolling through stops and speeding 5mph was bad :p
2008-06-28, 6:58 PM #145
Originally posted by Squirrel King:
Well... See.. I drive a big truck.. Which is a bigreason for my driving arrogance and stupidity. I'm bigger than most things on the road. You'd better beleive I wouldn't be doing this in a Miata

Yea, hospital bills are totally expensive. I got my *** sued to hell from one of the accidents. ($$thousands)

So it's not I'm not aware of consequences or anything like that, I'm just totally apathetic. Apathy runs through my veins instead of blood.

I wonder how apathetic you'll be when you kill someone
You can't judge a book by it's file size
2008-06-28, 7:05 PM #146
Originally posted by Deadman:
I wonder how apathetic you'll be when you kill someone

Not as apathetic as I will be when he goes to jail for it.
2008-06-28, 8:19 PM #147
Originally posted by Cool Matty:
I'm pretty sure he meant speeding up in order to make it through while it was yellow, which although possibly legal is just asking for trouble. Regardless, it's downright stupid. And here I thought rolling through stops and speeding 5mph was bad :p

I was mostly referring to this:

Well... See.. I drive a big truck.. Which is a bigreason for my driving arrogance and stupidity. I'm bigger than most things on the road. You'd better beleive I wouldn't be doing this in a Miata

Yea, hospital bills are totally expensive. I got my *** sued to hell from one of the accidents. ($$thousands)

But yeah, accelerating through yellows isn't too cool either.
2008-06-28, 11:42 PM #148
i want these
that'd be awesome
Holy soap opera Batman. - FGR
Free Jin!
2008-06-28, 11:57 PM #149
What happens if one sticks? :p
2008-06-29, 2:15 AM #150
U-turns at intersections. apparently its illegal (at least in illinois).

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