Originally posted by Krokodile:
You wouldn't? Installing a keylogger on your partner's computer to find out his passwords seems like something that would create a pretty major trust issue for me.
Certainly it would be a "sit down, we need to talk" issue and is definitely a trust problem, eg /why/ she did so. But I don't think it is a "Here's your key, get the hell out" problem.
That is, she did this while drunk and clearly not at full capacity. This is certainly not a justification or excuse, however I would think it would point to deeper questions like: Does this person get drunk often, do they regularly make poor decisions like this while drunk, was this behavior/tendencyu known to you and if so why do you trust them enough to live together [as obviously it took very little time for a major issue to arise], and why do you allow them root access to your machine, &c.
Also, I can kill you with my brain.