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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Stabbed and beheaded on bus in Canada
Stabbed and beheaded on bus in Canada
2008-08-01, 7:07 AM #41
Originally posted by Freelancer:
37 passengers on the bus and every last one of them fled the bus instead of helping the victim. Sad.

Have you ever actually been on a bus? Trying to fight someone in a tiny gangway is pretty damn difficult.

Originally posted by JediKirby:
Buses should be banned.

I imagine American buses don't let you on. :colbert:
2008-08-01, 7:09 AM #42
Originally posted by Baconfish:
Have you ever actually been on a bus? Trying to fight someone in a tiny gangway is pretty damn difficult.

But not impossible. If the man managed to slice off a head of another person, someone can manage to silence him. It will be just as difficult for the killer as for anyone who attempts such actions.
2008-08-01, 7:14 AM #43
Actually I didn't know he was Canadian so I thought you just made a random reference (using a picture) to earlier posts in this thread.

edit. so apparently he's not Canadian at all so I don't know what you mean.

edit 2. unless you're saying Gary Busey is a reason because he's Gary Busey, which extends beyond land borders.
Looks like we're not going down after all, so nevermind.
2008-08-01, 7:19 AM #44
so.... why is it that the police felt the need to have a stand off with a guy who:

1. is still armed
2. is OBVIOUSLY willing to kill

just shoot the guy... standoff solved.
Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob
2008-08-01, 7:19 AM #45
Originally posted by Anovis:
But not impossible. If the man managed to slice off a head of another person, someone can manage to silence him. It will be just as difficult for the killer as for anyone who attempts such actions.

Are you maybe forgetting that he had a big knife, making it a whole lot easier for him than for other passengers?
Looks like we're not going down after all, so nevermind.
2008-08-01, 8:05 AM #46
Originally posted by Anovis:
Kroko, it is unwise to make such a generalization. I do not know of a country that is completely free of crime.

if(getThingFlags(source) & 0x8){
  do her}
elseif(getThingFlags(source) & 0x4){
  do other babe}
  do a dude}
2008-08-01, 8:06 AM #47
Originally posted by Krokodile:
Actually I didn't know he was Canadian so I thought you just made a random reference (using a picture) to earlier posts in this thread.

edit. so apparently he's not Canadian at all so I don't know what you mean.

edit 2. unless you're saying Gary Busey is a reason because he's Gary Busey, which extends beyond land borders.

You are improving.
2008-08-01, 8:13 AM #48
Originally posted by Darth_Alran:
so.... why is it that the police felt the need to have a stand off with a guy who:
I'm sorry, but are you saying that you would you feel safer if the police automatically killed "obvious" criminals?
2008-08-01, 9:18 AM #49
Originally posted by Darth_Alran:
just shoot the guy... standoff solved.
Ah, the American way. Shoot first think later.
Dreams of a dreamer from afar to a fardreamer.
2008-08-01, 9:27 AM #50
So now it appears that we just need some more information about Vince Weiguang Li. Ooh, the suspense tightens...
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2008-08-01, 9:31 AM #51
Originally posted by Freelancer:
Me too. Flipping out and beheading a random stranger is a totally white thing to do. It just seems like the mental cases are more likely to be whites, whereas blacks/hispanics/etc. seem to do it for money/drugs or at least a purpose.

Stuff white people like: Committing gruesome and senseless crimes?
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2008-08-01, 9:47 AM #52
Originally posted by quesadilla_red:
I'm just...speechless. Wow...

To be clear, again, my theory is based on the reporting. It's not necessarily that I believe those groups are more likely to commit violent crimes (although beheading is a pretty jihad thing to do), it's that the limited information reported thus far is consistent with previous reports where the perpetrator turned out to be illegal, muslim, etc. We'll see what happens in this case but if I'm wrong it's not like I'm going to be surprised. People from all walks of life commit depraved acts.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2008-08-01, 10:03 AM #53
Originally posted by Wookie06:
So now it appears that we just need some more information about Vince Weiguang Li. Ooh, the suspense tightens...

Wookie, your "I bet he's a Muslim and the msm are covering it up" schtick is eerily similar to Debbie Schlussel's attempt to blame the Virginia Tech massacre on Muslims before anyone knew anything about the perpetrator.

Typically these kinds of events get reported before the authorities are prepared to say anything to the press about who the suspect is, so they just have info from eyewitnesses. It's not some msm self-censoring conspiracy to keep you in the dark about towel-head atrocities.
2008-08-01, 10:43 AM #54
Originally posted by Wookie06:
(although beheading is a pretty jihad thing to do)
(being stupid and bigoted is a pretty american thing to do)

am i right?

2008-08-01, 10:56 AM #55
Originally posted by Jon`C:
(being stupid and bigoted is a pretty American thing to do)

am i right?


You people think that it is bigoted to recognize that beheadings are fairly common in today's jihad? Of course they do happen in other circumstances but jihadists are beheading people frequently, if not daily.

Originally posted by Recusant:
Wookie, your "I bet he's a Muslim and the msm are covering it up" schtick is eerily similar to Debbie Schlussel's attempt to blame the Virginia Tech massacre on Muslims before anyone knew anything about the perpetrator.

Typically these kinds of events get reported before the authorities are prepared to say anything to the press about who the suspect is, so they just have info from eyewitnesses. It's not some msm self-censoring conspiracy to keep you in the dark about towel-head atrocities.

I understand that authorities aren't going to rush out with information that could be considered inflammatory but that has nothing to do with the media. Of course there are reporters out there digging into everything about the guy that committed the crimes. I also don't consider it a conspiracy for them to not make a big deal about the issue of religion or legal immigration status. There are some semi-valid reasons to not aggressively report those things. It is common for extremist hispanic organizations, such as La Raza, to make blatant racism charges when the illegal status of a criminal is made an issue. And we all know what kind of stuff happens when muslims get mad about what is printed in the paper.

I think assuming the asian kid that killed all those people in Virginia was a muslim before anything was known was not appropriate but that is not what I am doing here. I believe that odds are he is a muslim or immigrant due to the nature of the act and the manner in which it is being reported. I believe if neither of those are the case, we would have been told already. I openly admit that I could be wrong, I'm just playing the odds based on past cases.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2008-08-01, 10:59 AM #56
Stupid cowardly Canadians. Why do they have so much crime?
2008-08-01, 11:11 AM #57
To be fair if you're unarmed and a man has a 6-inch knife and he's just gutted a bloke like a fish I'm pretty sure you're going to run.
2008-08-01, 11:28 AM #58
Yeah, people panicking in a scary situation isn't all that unbeleivable
You can't judge a book by it's file size
2008-08-01, 1:02 PM #59
Originally posted by Obi_Kwiet:
Stupid cowardly Canadians. Why do they have so much crime?

Annnnnd as always Obi_Kwiet flashes his moron badge.

I hope some day you find yourself in that situation.

I can already hear you screaming for mommy.
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2008-08-01, 1:12 PM #60
People's sarcasm detectors are terribly broken, today.
2008-08-01, 1:15 PM #61
I suppose so.
2008-08-01, 1:15 PM #62
Fudge. Thats what those sparks were.

Well, I still think what I wrote.

*kicks Obi_kwiet in the balls*
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2008-08-01, 1:19 PM #63
Jep...before you go ...I think you left a badge you need to pick up! :awesome:
2008-08-01, 1:20 PM #64
Wookie06 is as always spot on the money.
Dreams of a dreamer from afar to a fardreamer.
2008-08-01, 1:20 PM #65
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2008-08-01, 2:06 PM #66
Originally posted by Fardreamer:
Wookie06 is as always spot on the money.

Do yourself a favor and don't associate yourself with me.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2008-08-01, 2:10 PM #67
Wookie06's sarcasm detector is broken too. :P
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2008-08-01, 2:13 PM #68
Originally posted by Wookie06:
Do yourself a favor and don't associate yourself with me.

Sometimes I think you could reverse that.

2008-08-01, 2:17 PM #69
Oh wookie, you're so adorable when you're being stupid.

If a Muslim beheaded someone on an American bus, the press would run with it. They'd run as far as they can.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2008-08-01, 2:23 PM #70
Guess that's why they are going so crazy with the honor killings.

Oh, and that explains why so many illegal alien crimes were downplayed until recently.

Oh, yeah, and I almost forgot. That's why they went so crazy with the muslim mall shooting. God, we just so damn iz-lammo-phobic in these here parts.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2008-08-01, 3:49 PM #71
Originally posted by Wookie06:
American media, however, is likely to downplay ethnic background unless of course the criminal was a white male and hopefully even Christian.

Originally posted by Wookie06:
Do yourself a favor and don't associate yourself with me.

For someone so critical of Islam, you sure do like to play the martyr.
Attachment: 19822/oppressedchristians.jpg (39,128 bytes)
2008-08-01, 4:05 PM #72
That chart might be true of America in general, but not on the internets. :)
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2008-08-01, 4:13 PM #73
it was an oriental man. :ninja:

I always thought they were such a peaceful people...

apart from all those kung fu movies... :rolleyes:

oh, and WWII/Veitnam/KoreanWar :carl:
if(getThingFlags(source) & 0x8){
  do her}
elseif(getThingFlags(source) & 0x4){
  do other babe}
  do a dude}
2008-08-01, 5:55 PM #74
Because they are on the bus is exactly the reason I would expect someone to fight back. I mean, you'd think there'd be at least once person with a large bag or case in which to club the guy with. Knife vs suitcase, suitcase wins.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2008-08-01, 6:25 PM #75
the only way to win a knife fight is to never get into one.
2008-08-01, 6:45 PM #76
My father disarmed a knife-wielding mugger in D.C. several decades ago with an umbrella. It's not impossible..

I mean, if you're asleep, that's one thing, but it's quite another if you see it coming.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2008-08-01, 7:09 PM #77
Originally posted by Jon`C:
the only way to win a knife fight is to never get into one.

Or bring a gun. :)
Life is beautiful.
2008-08-01, 7:24 PM #78
Or a gun that shoots knives.
It took a while for you to find me; I was hiding in the lime tree.
2008-08-01, 7:28 PM #79
Or a knife that shoots guns that shoot knives! =O
I can't wait for the day schools get the money they need, and the military has to hold bake sales to afford bombs.
2008-08-01, 7:58 PM #80
Originally posted by Admiral Zarn:
Or a knife that shoots guns that shoot knives! =O

no because then you hit a guy and he has a gun that shoots knives

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