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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Speed limits
Speed limits
2004-08-13, 11:53 AM #81
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">You added those. [] Now i have to go back and read again.</font>

[], just thought i'd show how far things are progressing and that you can have great performance with great economy...

they may be a bit expensive but they are aimed at business users and there are cheeper options but with slightly less performance, bare in mind these are the *best* engines in this field at the mo.

(stupid autoexpress site you need to register to read the won't be getting a link)

on the speed limit the UK speed limits are really heavily enforced in some areas and so sticking to them is often the only option unless you want to end up with a £60 (~$100) fine and 3 points on your license (12 and you lose it). Police also have mobile cameras on the backs of motorbikes that can and do appear everywhere.

I won't say I don't speed because I do but only in certain areas away from predistians and on open roads and even then its only by 10mph max. I definalty think limits in populised areas should be kept low because people will always push them, as someone said put it at 30 and people will do 35 etc...

however on motorways and the like I think things should be made a bit more open, there is discussion over here to take the speed limit from 70mph to 80mph (which is what most people do already) which I think wouldn't be a bad thing. The main question mark over this is that the government is now implenmenting speed cameras that can track your speed over 10+ miles, which will mean people have to do 80 and not be able to push it to 90.

in some areas I think speed cameras can be a good thing, but when they appear so often, in random places where there hasn't been an accident in years you question their purpose. I spend a lot of time now looking at my speedo when I should be looking at the road because I can't afford the fine and the increase in my insurance premium that will be a result of my 3 points on my license. When people do this and I know a lot do something is wrong.

I heard someone say once that the world is a fine place and that it was worth fighting for....I agree with the last part.

People of our generation should not be subjected to mornings.

Rbots website

[This message has been edited by James Bond (edited August 13, 2004).]
People of our generation should not be subjected to mornings.

2004-08-13, 12:06 PM #82
I do the speed limit as precisely as I can, unless there are few people out in which case i may do up to 5 over. There's nothing but old people where I live though, and I am CONSTANTLY behind some old guy going 10 under for no apparent reason with a huge line of cars behind him. I also hate it when people take FOREVER to make the turn off of a road. They slow down a mile in advance and then make the most painfully sluggish turn off imaginable. If I'm in a top-heavy SUV and I can take the turn at a SAFE but REASONABLE speed, i think Mr. Oldguy in his buick can. []


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