(1) If you're trying to get Ubuu banned, you have broken the rules. I won't even touch that one. It's insanely taboo. I say that it breaks the rules because if you declare yourself mini-moderator, you have broken the rules. This was stated a few forum announcements back.
(2) If you're trying to get most of the administrators "fired", see above, but also know this: This isn't a democracy. If the administrators decided to ban black members simply because they were black, they could do so without any consequence. Why? Because this is a private forum. Anything goes. With this in mind, spare us your "I'm being singled out/oppressed" tirade. The forums are an oligarchy, and the same people who excecute the law also interperet them. The rules are up for interpretation. They may not mean the same things to the same people.
I've noticed that most administrators are more lax on the rules than previously, but so what? Go with the flow. Make friends with the administrators. Be a cool person to hang around. Don't plague their inboxes with "I'm being oppressed! You admins are not doing your jobs! We should boot you out and get new ones!".
I think Sine summed up the way things are about 1,000X better than anyone else in this thread, as Avenger has pointed out. Do you think Sine and others like to be told that they aren't doing their jobs and should be fired? Do your really think so? How about try being his friend. Don't spam him every five minutes. Stop being so annoying. Cut down what you say by at least half. Listen to what others have to say for a change.
Yeah, the admins possibly play favorites. If one rule-breaker is incessantly annoying (you), and the other isn't (Ubuu), who would you ban? Yeah, that's right. YOU. Is that so hard to understand? When the government because less-structured, you want to have it "in" with the leaders. It makes life easier. Telling them they should be replaced doesn't do much for you. Take people like me, Avenger, Bobthemasher, FastGamerr, and 95% of Massassi, for instance. A lot of us aren't necessarily friends with the admins, but we don't go out of our way to make enemies of them like you do. I've shared a few laughs with Brian, Sine, and others in the chat, asked them for help, had short conversations with them, but I wouldn't really consider myself a close friend. I haven't made myself an annoyance to them, with the possible exception of asking Sine a little too many JK2 editing questions, unlike you.
What do you expect, anyway? Do you expect half the Massassi population to rise up as your followers, with pitchforks in hand to root out the "corrupt" government? How, pray tell, do you expect to do it? Unless you can somehow obtain the admins' passwords, enter their accounts, and change their passwords, I suspect you'll fail at "firing" the administrators.
You're out of line, SAJN. This thread is teetering on rule-breakage, and it's gone far past the line of appropriateness. You're also annoying, which explains any favorites the admins might be playing between you and Ubuu. This isn't a democracy, so it's not really an injustice. Don't make a spectacle of yourself, and you won't have any problems.
Have a good one,
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009