Oh. So. Apparently, after Sylar was cured from the Shanti virus he only regained his intuitive aptitude and telekinesis -- he lost all the other powers he gained in Season 1. That's why he didn't have super hearing or anything. And why he hasn't been using any of those powers.
[quote=The writers]
KCcat asks:
“In ‘The Second Coming,’ Sylar says to Claire, ‘You see, I lost everything that made me special.’ Does Sylar mean that he permanently lost all of his acquired powers except for telekinesis? Has his slate of powers been ‘wiped clean’ and does he have to start all over again? If so, then by the end of ‘The Butterfly Effect,’ it appears that he only has his telekinesis power, Claire's healing and regeneration power, and Bob's power to turn things to gold. Or am I reading into things?”
A: Nope that’s right. Sylar’s starting over. Getting a whole new slate of powers as he goes. You can count Jesse’s voice powers into the mix as well.
Oh, and Sylar was "just ****ing with Claire" and Claire (and Peter and the rest of them) can die. So my theory on the Haitian cancelling Future Peter's healing long enough for him to die stands :p
[quote=The writers]
Q: “In the first season, it was hinted that Claire would die if her brain or head was removed. In the second season, Adam confirmed that there was "no going back" from having your head blown off. Sylar, however, said that Claire could not die, no matter what he did. Does this contradict the first season's tagline ‘Save the Cheerleader, Save the World?’”
A: Nope. Claire indeed can be killed, as can Adam and Peter and Sylar, too. Decapitation does a pretty good job. We think Sylar was just ****ing with Claire.[/quote]
Caitlin hasn't been forgotten... the writers just don't know what to do with her and I guess she's gone.
[quote=The writers]
CBR: In "Out of Time," Caitlin is ripped away from Peter and deported to 2008 Ireland. Last we saw 2008, the Shanti Virus (presumably Strain 138) wiped out 93% of the population. That future has apparently been averted. Caitlin has just entered a sort of 'no man's land.' The question presents itself: Has the future, and the present that she is now in, changed around her, as it did for Ando when Hiro left for April 2006 back in episodes 108-111 to save Charlie, or has she and the entire future that surrounded her disappeared into nonexistence? Did she die during the outbreak? If the her present changed, are there plans to visit her in the future, either by time travel trip or reaching the date in the narrative? Are there plans to bring her back to the present?
Aron Coliete & Joe Pokaski: Our heads are spinning from the permutations. Peter's trapped Caitlin in a future that doesn't exist anymore. It's pretty hard to get back from that. (We would've seen Peter try to get Caitlin back in the remainder of Season 2, but in Season 3 -- he has a whole other slate of problems to deal with.)[/quote]