I certainly did not post what I did just because were at war with them or whatever. If it was the jews I would have said the same thing. If it was italians I would have said the same thing. concerning religions, I would have called out hinduism or buddism or taoism, paganism, whatever. Point is why does ANY religious group get special treatment? If your going to do it for one you do it for all of them, and I think we can see how rediculous that that would be.
But I supose the fact that certain factions of the said religious group would kill you and your family just for laughs because your not one of them, is probably another good point of why we SHOULDNT be bending at their every whim. Its pretty much a known fact, when you think of the most violent religion still around today (excluding aztecs because they are a dead culture) the first religion that comes to mind is Islam. Some muslims make David Keresh look like a suicidal hippie.
Traditional christians do NOT consider mormans and JW's actual christians. Not by a long shot. If you went into any traditional christian or lutheran church and asked them that, they'd probably laugh at you.
That being said, the reason why is because traditional christians do not believe in one of the founding morman principals which is polygamy. They view it as sinful thus they think of they are deliberatly "living in sin" then they must not be "saved". The JW's are on their own planet when it comes to christianity. They believe things like jesus and satan are brothers, your standing in heaven depends on how much door to door service you do, etc etc. Of course traditional churches will have something to say about that. Furthermore what both churches have in common that contrasts the tradition belief in christianity is that they believe in salvation through works. The "if your a good person you'll get to heaven", type of view. This can't be said for all Morman sects since they are more traditional morman churches, but it can be said for the less conservative ones. Traditional christians generally believe that the way to "salvation" is through jesus christ only, as in you MUST believe in jesus christ as a deity in order to get to heaven, and the good works although important, do not matter in the sceme of saving your soul.
"They're everywhere, the little harlots."