Well the thing is, (most of) the bible is referring to things that actually did happen/are historical/etc. But there is a discrepancy between the written account and actual account. I don't think there is any doubt about this. There is just a lot of "the fish gets bigger each time the story is told" before being written, and some lost in translation too. (Not only in one language to another, but from story to story. Someone might have told a story, and someone hearing it might have interpreted it differently, and when retelling it put that different spin on it unknowingly)
It's just far too of an inaccurate set of events to really argue about... unless the arguement is debating taking every word literally, or not.
It's meant to give people hope, courage, understanding, love, etc... and it does that for a lot of people.
I don't even know what I'm trying to prove here.. but I think that was meant to try to get the argueing to stop. There is no one way or another! Jeez! It's far too hard to proove anything.
and to the original topic: People that get offended over stuff need to take a chill pill. Some thing is either meant to be offensive, or not. The recipient has no say in it, reguardless of how they view it.