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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Cops protocol
Cops protocol
2008-12-15, 6:21 PM #41
I can vouch for JLee's claim on response time. Company I work for developed a computer aided dispatch application for the 911 system, and I get to work on and support the software.

There's not much else to be said that hasn't been said already. I think your assumption that the cops stole the weed is hilarious though. :D
Naked Feet are Happy Feet
2008-12-15, 6:37 PM #42
JLee, this thing about checking on cops making traffic stops, is that why any cop who passes me when I get pulled over stops too? Even out-of-county cop cars?
2008-12-15, 6:51 PM #43
Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01:
A point has been mentioned here, which continues to be ignored... how did the cops know that there was a hold up at Applebee's ?

It hasn't been ignored. You could say that the failed logic that the cops could have done something with regards to the Applebee's situation if they hadn't been harrassing the drug and gun possessing criminal has been ignored. It's obvious that those cops didn't receive a call or most of them would have departed the scene.

Originally posted by JM:
JLee, this thing about checking on cops making traffic stops, is that why any cop who passes me when I get pulled over stops too? Even out-of-county cop cars?

Seems to me to just be professional courtesy. Cops get killed making routine traffic stops.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2008-12-15, 7:25 PM #44
Originally posted by alpha1:
Dude, you have to realize that first you need to call the police (and do so without giving yourself away that you are, which quite often is only possible after the robber has left the store), you need to get connected to the dispatcher (which takes time for the system to work out which one to connect you to), you have to give all the baisc information about what is happening (ie, robbery in progress with x weapon at x location at x street,), you then need to have the dispatcher alert the police in the area, who then need to listen to the information, then they need to drive to the area, which even if the robber is still there, will take time to get there as the police cant just go at 100mph, they need to go at a safe speed so they dont run anyone over or crash their car (because cars can realy only remain controlable at certain speeds, which will vary depending on the road quality, not to mention the fact that you cant take turns in built up areas at high speed without taking a big risk of rolling the car), and depending where they are in their patrol area, it may take a few minutes to get there (not to mention that there may be trafic that they need to avoid)

This is what I would call the ideal situation.

When I dial 911 from my phone it is automatically transferred to the GCPD, probably takes, .03 seconds. I give the basic info "A robbery is in place at applebees" That took about a second. The dispatcher hops on another second later to, I guess make the call to officers. However long this takes I really don't know but it shouldn't take any longer than a minute or so.

So, a minute later. Cops on the scene at drug mart, get a call in about a reported robbery. Well there is no need to drive 100mph or take high speed corners you know why? Because at 35mph (the speed limit on this 5 lane road) I can get from Drug Mart to Applebees in about 25 seconds.

So if a call was made from Applebees during the robbery (which, we don't know) there is no reason why it shouldn't take a couple minutes am I right?

Now I suppose the robbers could have been in and out in just under a couple minutes but again we just don't know. I personally doubt it, trying to get everyone to comply and locked in the freezer would take some time, also getting a manager to open the safe. I guess there is just too many variables.
"Nulla tenaci invia est via"
2008-12-15, 7:31 PM #45
Again, you're assuming that anyone would have made the call while the robbery was happening as opposed to when it was over. When did the robbery actually occur in relation to your friend's incident? Same time? 5 minutes later? 10 minutes later? If there were any calls made at the robbery, were they made from cell phones which don't connect to the local dispatch center but the state police or county sheriff's dispatch center who then have to transfer the call to the correct local agency?

There are lot's of things you aren't even thinking about.
Pissed Off?
2008-12-15, 7:32 PM #46
This is what I would call the ideal situation.

I guess there is just too many variables.

Thanks for re-capping my post
"Nulla tenaci invia est via"
2008-12-15, 7:33 PM #47
You're forgetting the fact that they had guns. People generally don't like getting shot either. While its entirely possible someone could have alerted the authorities, its also possible someone didnt want to get shot in the face.
Obviously a robbery would have taken priority over your dumb friend. Considering the way things went though, it seems like the hostages opted to not get shot in the face and the authorities werent notified while your friend was getting in his own trouble
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2008-12-15, 7:33 PM #48
Zonardi- do you think we're going to blindly respond to a robbery in progress call?

Where are you?
What is happening?
Is this happening now?
Are they in the building?
If they've left, what are they driving?
Is anyone hurt?
If so, how many and how badly?
Are they armed?
What are they armed with?
How many of them are there?
What do they look like?

Not to mention that your entire argument is based on speculation...
2008-12-15, 7:34 PM #49
@mb, I hope that is the case.
"Nulla tenaci invia est via"
2008-12-15, 7:36 PM #50
Originally posted by JLee:
Zonardi- do you think we're going to blindly respond to a robbery in progress call?

Where are you?
What is happening?
Is this happening now?
Are they in the building?
If they've left, what are they driving?
Is anyone hurt?
If so, how many and how badly?
Are they armed?
What are they armed with?
How many of them are there?
What do they look like?

Not to mention that your entire argument is based on speculation...

I mean.. I would hope so honestly. You're telling me if I called dispatch and I whispered "there is a robbery at applebees send help" and I hang up.. They aren't going to take me seriously?
"Nulla tenaci invia est via"
2008-12-15, 7:41 PM #51
They would investigate it in the order all of the other crank calls are received.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2008-12-15, 7:45 PM #52
Originally posted by Z@NARDI:
I mean.. I would hope so honestly. You're telling me if I called dispatch and I whispered "there is a robbery at applebees send help" and I hang up.. They aren't going to take me seriously?

I'm sure someone would respond, but since you just called 911 and didn't THINK to tell anybody WHERE YOU ARE...

Do you know how many Applebees restaurants are in your 911 center's coverage area? I don't, but I do know that NH 911 calls get answered in Concord, NH (and possibly Laconia). How are we going to know where you are?
2008-12-15, 7:51 PM #53
Last time I called 911 I was automatically transferred to GCPD (which is where I live)

Let me re-phrase that. Last time I called 911 it rang once then I hung up (because someone else got through) I knew I'd get a call back though. But when they called me back it was GCPD (I have their # stored in my phone, that's how I knew it was them) and I was like.. uh how?
"Nulla tenaci invia est via"
2008-12-15, 7:52 PM #54
Originally posted by Wookie06:
They would investigate it in the order all of the other crank calls are received.

And that's the sad part :(

There shouldn't be crank calls and those people should be made examples.
"Nulla tenaci invia est via"
2008-12-15, 7:52 PM #55
You know, if I were robbing a place, looking for someone trying to call cops on a cell phone would be at the top of my priority list.
Life is beautiful.
2008-12-15, 7:53 PM #56
If you can from a landline. Different situation if you call from a cell phone.
Pissed Off?
2008-12-15, 7:54 PM #57
Originally posted by JLee:

We call for more guys because going home at the end of the day is a top priority. I make it a habit to check on the other guys when they're on traffic stops, even if it's just a "routine" (there is no such thing, but whatever) stop. This job is not predictable.

I guess.... Sometimes it just seems excessive though. Like calling five other cars when a guy is already in custody, or cooperating.

They are right, though about the pipe and the gun. That was just pathetically stupid.

Yes it is illegal to have drug paraphernalia. But looking at a pipe and assuming it's used in drugs is just that, and assumption. He could have used that pipe to smoke tobacco in which case it would have been totally legal. They tested his pipe for crack.. which it obviously turned up negative.

Drug paraphernalia doesn't become drug paraphernalia because you use it for it's intended purpose. It just is. Otherwise the law is pointless.
2008-12-15, 8:00 PM #58
Our 911 system is county wide, and if you call on a cell phone, the only data they can get on your location is through triangulation. So yes, if you call like that then you give them nothing to work with.

The dispatch process takes time because as JLee said, they need some details to go on. For instance, in domestic disputes, they'll look to see if this caller has had past incidents, and if so, what was involved. This allows all personnel to be much more prepared for what they might get themselves into. The situation could end up getting far worse without all the vital steps.
Naked Feet are Happy Feet
2008-12-15, 8:01 PM #59
Originally posted by Obi_Kwiet:
I guess.... Sometimes it just seems excessive though. Like calling five other cars when a guy is already in custody, or cooperating.

One, maybe two of those cars would have showed up as the requested back up. The others probably heard the call on the radio and came when they heard that there was a gun found in the car.
Pissed Off?
2008-12-15, 8:04 PM #60
Well when I called 911 from my cellular is was enough info for Grove City Ohio police department to call me back within less than a minute, so it must be enough information.
"Nulla tenaci invia est via"
2008-12-15, 8:08 PM #61
Lots of straw men in this thread, building Zan's argument up so you can treat him like ****.

I get what Zan's saying. I'm not sure I agree, but if you do agree that pot shouldn't be illegal, he wouldn't be in trouble for his illegal firearm. I'm kind of worried about someone so stupid as to leave his pipe laying around (You said this is his usual spot?) having a gun in his car, though.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2008-12-15, 8:09 PM #62
Originally posted by Z@NARDI:
Well when I called 911 from my cellular is was enough info for Grove City Ohio police department to call me back within less than a minute, so it must be enough information.

Are you serious?

Caller ID provides a number, not a location.

Originally posted by JediKirby:
Lots of straw men in this thread, building Zan's argument up so you can treat him like ****.

I get what Zan's saying. I'm not sure I agree, but if you do agree that pot shouldn't be illegal, he wouldn't be in trouble for his illegal firearm. I'm kind of worried about someone so stupid as to leave his pipe laying around (You said this is his usual spot?) having a gun in his car, though.

Which is, of course, irrelevant because it is not legal.
2008-12-15, 8:10 PM #63
Yeah I'm serious, I'd do it now and video tape it but I'm not as dumb as you guys think I am.

Wait what are you saying?
"Nulla tenaci invia est via"
2008-12-15, 8:11 PM #64
Originally posted by JediKirby:
I'm kind of worried about someone so stupid as to leave his pipe laying around (You said this is his usual spot?) having a gun in his car, though.

I know, it sounds really bad. But he is not a thug gangsta run around cap you *** kind of guy. He's a hippy and him and his wife like to go to the country at his dads and shoot guns :P
"Nulla tenaci invia est via"
2008-12-15, 8:12 PM #65
It doesn't matter. He was illegally carrying a gun in his car and got caught because he was stupid.
Pissed Off?
2008-12-15, 8:12 PM #66
Originally posted by Z@NARDI:
Yeah I'm serious, I'd do it now and video tape it but I'm not as dumb as you guys think I am.

Wait what are you saying?

Are you aware that you do not have to know the location of someone in order to call them?


C'mon, dude.

Some cell phones do provide GPS locating- I have had a call with no location other than an approximate GPS location. I don't think we were able to locate the caller at the time. I have no idea how long it takes to locate a phone via GPS- I'm not a dispatcher. However, as stated earlier, you get a call back immediately because the 911 center has your number from caller ID. Caller ID from a cell phone does not provide your physical location.
2008-12-15, 8:15 PM #67
Originally posted by JLee:
Are you aware that you do not have to know the location of someone in order to call them?


Yes no ****. But when I call 911 how does GROVE CITY know to call me back. My area code is 614, Columbus
"Nulla tenaci invia est via"
2008-12-15, 8:16 PM #68
You number is recorded by computer at the dispatch center you contacted. ie, it was caller ID.
Pissed Off?
2008-12-15, 8:18 PM #69
Originally posted by JLee:
Which is, of course, irrelevant because it is not legal.

Of course you would say that. As a police officer, a person is supposed to uphold the law, I understand that. Discussing the stupid marijuana laws isn't irrelevant simply because the law is final for your job as a police officer.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2008-12-15, 8:18 PM #70
Originally posted by Avenger:
It doesn't matter. He was illegally carrying a gun in his car and got caught because he was stupid.

Yes thank you for pointing out what is already clear.
"Nulla tenaci invia est via"
2008-12-15, 8:19 PM #71
I agree with Zanardi on everything.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2008-12-15, 8:20 PM #72
Originally posted by JediKirby:
Of course you would say that. As a police officer, a person is supposed to uphold the law, I understand that. Discussing the stupid marijuana laws isn't irrelevant simply because the law is final for your job as a police officer.

Not really relevant to the discussion.
Pissed Off?
2008-12-15, 8:23 PM #73
Yeah it's pretty irrelevant and I have nothing to prove to you guys. Think what you want but I really don't want to chat about it anymore on the internet.

why the **** does everyone keep editing their messages
"Nulla tenaci invia est via"
2008-12-15, 8:23 PM #74
Originally posted by JediKirby:
Of course you would say that. As a police officer, a person is supposed to uphold the law, I understand that. Discussing the stupid marijuana laws isn't irrelevant simply because the law is final for your job as a police officer.

Exactly- which is why nobody should be faulting the cops for doing their job. :)
2008-12-15, 8:25 PM #75
Pissed Off?
2008-12-15, 8:26 PM #76
Originally posted by JLee:
Exactly- which is why nobody should be faulting the cops for doing their job. :)

I fault cops for enforcing unjust laws. The same way that "I was following orders" does not exempt you from war crimes.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2008-12-15, 8:28 PM #77
Interesting... I'm not really sure how I feel about that. I'm very conflicted on the concept. You bring up an excellent point.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2008-12-15, 8:30 PM #78
Originally posted by Freelancer:
I fault cops for enforcing unjust laws. The same way that "I was following orders" does not exempt you from war crimes.

Uh, that sounds nice and all, even almost works as an example, but war crimes are defined acts that are illegal, so committing them is pretty much breaking the law. A cop "committing a warcrime" would be planting evidence, use of excessive force, etc, not enforcing existing laws.
Pissed Off?
2008-12-15, 8:31 PM #79
Most people I know that get caught with weed get little more than tickets.
A lot of thsoe people could have got much more but the cop used common sense to see they were not hard criminals and just did their job by doing something

What unjust evil pigs. How dare they do their facist jobs.

I really rather have a world where my police decided what laws were just and what laws aren't and then just acted on those views. Being from Alabama I have seen how well that works when police get to decide what is murder and what isn't and who should be punished and who shouldn't.
Think Them Skimpy thoughts!!!
2008-12-15, 8:32 PM #80
Originally posted by Avenger:
Uh, that sounds nice and all, even almost works as an example, but war crimes are defined acts that are illegal, so committing them is pretty much breaking the law.

But if you personally know a law is wrong and you still enforce it, and another country invades you and punishes you, can you really blame them?

Not that weed is the issue I'm even talking about anymore. Just police in general
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ

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