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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Cryptic Massassi
Cryptic Massassi
2004-08-05, 9:36 PM #121
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Dormouse:
somewhat brutal, with a little poison to boot?




/end boob rant
<spe> maevie - proving dykes can't fly

<Dor> You're levelling up and gaining more polys!
2004-08-05, 9:50 PM #122
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by kyle90:
First a forum, then a software company! He sleeps in unusual places.

[Edit] J.u.z.t.y.n? I don't get the "sleeps in unusual places" reference tho...

[Edit: Ah, it's a reference to the 'z' isn't it? Clever []]

[This message has been edited by Evil_Giraffe (edited August 06, 2004).]

[This message has been edited by Evil_Giraffe (edited August 06, 2004).]
2004-08-05, 10:02 PM #123
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by mavispoo:
somewhat brutal, with a little poison to boot?</font>

Blood Asp?

Roach - Gyring and gimbling in the wabe...
0 of 14.
omnia mea mecum porto
2004-08-05, 10:14 PM #124
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Odd characters in shot - ugly brow and ten romans are kept here?</font>

Soul Box?
"Well ain't that a merry jelly." - FastGamerr

"You can actually see the waves of me not caring in the air." - fishstickz
2004-08-05, 10:42 PM #125
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Acharjay:
Soul Box?</font>

Yay! Someone got it! []
2004-08-05, 11:26 PM #126
Update with all unsolved ones, I added some clues to mine...


somewhat brutal, with a little poison to boot? (though Roach might have gotten this...)


When the frisbee throwing snake charges, it is bad for them.


Blimey, we are unable to do it ungrammatically


Far away in the space where the mysterious rest. But you can't see the ring if you don't try.


Only women do trigonometry.

Stuck in Alaska? Try turning around.

First a forum, then a software company! He sleeps in unusual places.
...Arhcarjay or Evil_giraffe get this one right?

An elf sits beside the rocks, backwards. ....or I get this one? not 100% sure []

A split ego, with sharp edges.

A man heard twice.


No peas in this pod, he said to Anakin after tea. (Clue: member name)

“A place many skip these days, unless they are web designing MS lackies!” GBK growled. (Clue: not a member, related directly to site)

“The soul of my predecessor” Jan Ors initially said. “Without it nothing happens. Sounds like a short run, is what I need.” (Clue: relates to DF/JK series)
2004-08-05, 11:46 PM #127
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Jaiph:
“The soul of my predecessor” Jan Ors initially said. “Without it nothing happens. Sounds like a short run, is what I need.” (Clue: relates to DF/JK series)[/B]</font>

Bit of a guess this one, but Force Speed?

"Jan Ors initially" = Jedi Outcast, the predecessor being Dark Forces. The soul of that is "Force".
Then the "short run" and sounds like "need" made me think of the Speed part.
2004-08-06, 1:00 AM #128
You're half way there in that you picked Jedi Outcast...and you've got kinda the right idea with 'sound' bit, just took it in the wrong direction.

I wouldn't overlook 'Without it nothing happens.' []

Cantina Cloud | BCF | The Massassian 1, 2 & 3 | Gonk WoW Petition <- SIGN!
Corrupting the kiddies since '97
2004-08-06, 4:06 AM #129
Ok, I guess you can shoot me, Jeff: I missed the clue about me. Pathetic. []

How about posting the rules or guidelines for the different kinds of clues (like the...geez I can't even think of them right now...but where you indicate using first or last letters, etc.)? Or would that take the out the fun of figuring-the-rules-out-as-you-go?

I'm too sleepy for this....
Just dancin'...and singin' the Force.
2004-08-06, 4:12 AM #130
"Sounds like a short run"

Would that mean sounds like "sprint"? (You don't know how long that took me; I sure hope that much is correct.)

Ha, I know: "Sounds like a short run" (sprint) "is what I need." Hint sounds like sprint, and that's what I need: another hint!

*groan* This is fun, but I'd much prefer that you turn your time and talents to remaking Drazen. It'd at least be less frustrating for me. []
Just dancin'...and singin' the Force.
2004-08-06, 7:13 AM #131
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Roach:
Blood Asp?



/end boob rant
<spe> maevie - proving dykes can't fly

<Dor> You're levelling up and gaining more polys!
2004-08-06, 8:03 AM #132
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Kyle90:Only women do trigonometry.</font>

Sine Nomen!

trigonometry = Sine
women = No Men = Nomen
"Good Asian dubs are like Steven Segal and plot; they just dont appear in the same movie." -Spork
2004-08-06, 8:07 AM #133
They're coming to me all at once...

<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Jaiph: “The soul of my predecessor” Jan Ors initially said. “Without it nothing happens. Sounds like a short run, is what I need.”</font>


It's the soul of JK. Without COG nothing happens. And a short run is a jog, which sounds like Cog!

[This message has been edited by Home_Sliced (edited August 06, 2004).]
"Good Asian dubs are like Steven Segal and plot; they just dont appear in the same movie." -Spork
2004-08-06, 8:22 AM #134
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Mavispoo:somewhat brutal, with a little poison to boot</font>

Lord Virus?

to lord over something can be somewhat brutal, and a smaller (by one letter) word for poison is virus
"Good Asian dubs are like Steven Segal and plot; they just dont appear in the same movie." -Spork
2004-08-06, 1:07 PM #135
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Home_Sliced:

It's the soul of JK. Without COG nothing happens. And a short run is a jog, which sounds like Cog!

BINGO! [] Well done HS.

<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by blujay:
How about posting the rules or guidelines for the different kinds of clues (like the...geez I can't even think of them right now...but where you indicate using first or last letters, etc.)? Or would that take the out the fun of figuring-the-rules-out-as-you-go?</font>

There some loose guidelines to doing these things, here's a list of sorts:

- Words like initial, first, start, begin, head, etc are often a hint to take note of the first letter(s) in words nearby. Like in the one HS just got, "Jan Ors initially said"

- Words like some, partial, etc are often a hint that a word is hidden in upcoming text. Like in one of my original ones "some risked rising waters"

- Words like change, rearrange, mixed, confused, jumble, etc usually point to a word being mixed up.

- Words like reverse, backwards, turn-around etc hint that you need to reverse a word (or words) to continue.

- Words like sound or hear, etc often point to the answer (or at least part of it) 'sounding' like something else.

- Words like 'no more', take-away, minus, forget, remove, etc often mean something needs to be deleted. ie. With no more sick to pillage ....hints you need to remove 'sick' from pillage....and another word for sick is ill leading to page.

- Positional words like center, middle, left, right, etc often point to either you need to take that location into account. IE. take note of a word's 'middle' or perhaps PUT something in a word's middle to create another word.

- Words like before, after, follow and behind also may point to a position you should note.

- Words like odd and even usually point to a word being formed nearby from odd or even letters in words. ie. Odd characters in shot - ugly

- There are a countless other less common ones like disguising letters by refering to their roman numeral (ie. 500 romans = D). It's all just logic, so there's endless possiblities.

- Also note I said 'usually' as not EVERYTIME you see one of these words will it mean that.

Cantina Cloud | BCF | The Massassian 1, 2 & 3 | Gonk WoW Petition <- SIGN!
Corrupting the kiddies since '97
2004-08-06, 10:51 PM #136
More hints please (eg: tell us if it's a member or not). A lot of those have leads that could go in any direction.

[This message has been edited by Acharjay (edited August 07, 2004).]
"Well ain't that a merry jelly." - FastGamerr

"You can actually see the waves of me not caring in the air." - fishstickz
2004-08-06, 10:59 PM #137
Well, clues for my thing to make it even more easy (which I horribly phrased, but whatever):
-A member
-Other half of the name is a planet's name.

<landfish> FastGamerr > Satan
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2004-08-07, 3:28 PM #138
Some more hints for my remaining ones:

No peas in this pod, he said to Anakin after tea. (Clues: member name; he's an admin [])

“A place many skip these days, unless they are web designing MS lackies!” GBK growled. (Clues: not a member, related directly to site; "web designing MS" is a CRUCIAL PART [])

Cantina Cloud | BCF | The Massassian 1, 2 & 3 | Gonk WoW Petition <- SIGN!
Corrupting the kiddies since '97
2004-08-07, 4:54 PM #139
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Evil_Giraffe:
J.u.z.t.y.n? I don't get the "sleeps in unusual places" reference tho...

In a level (forgot which one, but you were doing jobs to get money to get your ship out of impound), J.u.z.t.y.n was a guy sleeping in a corner of a broken building.

Sam: "Sir we can't call it 'The Enterprise'"
Jack: "Why not!"
Sam: "Sir we can't call it 'The Enterprise'"
Jack: "Why not!"
2004-08-08, 6:52 AM #140
somewhat brutal, with a little poison to boot? - I'm really surprised nobody's gotten this! it's a member, the two halves of the clue refer to the beginning and end of their name.


I just realised why maybe nobody got it! this is the name used in #massassi, their registered forum name is a longer version.

/end boob rant
<spe> maevie - proving dykes can't fly

<Dor> You're levelling up and gaining more polys!
2004-08-08, 6:54 AM #141
maeve, Septic Yogurt?

<landfish> FastGamerr > Satan
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2004-08-08, 6:59 AM #142

/end boob rant
<spe> maevie - proving dykes can't fly

<Dor> You're levelling up and gaining more polys!
2004-08-08, 9:57 AM #143
Uggboot. >.>

Map-Review | My Portfolio | The Matrix: Unplugged

Banks and banks of humming machinery! I've never seen so many knobs. We're going to have to do something, Charlie! Try pushing that button there. No? How about that one? No, not that one either. I know! I'll try pushing this one. Hold my hat will you? Good fellow.
2004-08-08, 10:23 AM #144
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">No peas in this pod, he said to Anakin after tea. </font>

Dude! Is this me? Pod as in podracer as in racer after 'T' for 'Tracer'?

"Look at me! I'm Tracer! BLAHBLAHBLAH!"

2004-08-08, 10:25 AM #145
wow, genius! that makes perfect sense...

/end boob rant
<spe> maevie - proving dykes can't fly

<Dor> You're levelling up and gaining more polys!
2004-08-08, 11:14 AM #146
A split ego, with sharp edges.
jagged conscience!

A man heard twice.

/end boob rant
<spe> maevie - proving dykes can't fly

<Dor> You're levelling up and gaining more polys!
2004-08-08, 11:27 AM #147
Okay, here are the ones of mine that people have gotten:

Only women do trigonometry.
Answer: Sine Nomen (solved by Home_Sliced)

Banned or dead? This devil lives underground.
Answer: CaveDemon (solved by Jaiph)

First a forum, then a software company! He sleeps in unusual places.
Answer: J.u.z.t.y.n (solved by Evil_Giraffe) (yes, the "sleeps in unusual places" was a reference to the "z")

An elf sits beside the rocks, backwards.
Answer: Flexor (solved by Cool Matty)

He is somewhat like a texture, and below room temperature.
Answer: Cool Matty (solved by Jaiph)

Keep your vowels small; it is linked to your intelligence. (Especially on Nar Shadaa)
Answer: DeTRiTiC-iQ (solved by Acharjay) BTW, sorry about the Nar reference, I was thinking of Sine for some reason.

And for the unsolved ones, here are some hints:

Stuck in Alaska? Try turning around.
Hint: Think of a city in Alaska.

A split ego, with sharp edges.
Hint: Think of a word that means "sharp edges".

A man heard twice.
Hint: It's more like it was said, and then heard again.

And some new ones!

This round is one that lights the way.

Nobody remembers this admiral's birthday.

There is an error in the interface.

For a number, here is a graphics card.

A symphony of swords.

Cows are renting cars and peeing in them.

It is 3, after tea, and there is a bee inside.

Initially from Holland, this bird was reborn.

Well, that's all for now. (These are all members, by the way)

Four dimensions, four fundamental forces... coincidence?
2004-08-08, 11:35 AM #148
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Jaiph:
“A place many skip these days, unless they are web designing MS lackies!” GBK growled. (Clues: not a member, related directly to site; "web designing MS" is a CRUCIAL PART [])</font>

I'm shocked that nobody has this one yet.
2004-08-08, 11:39 AM #149
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Tracer:
Dude! Is this me? Pod as in podracer as in racer after 'T' for 'Tracer'?


Yup []

<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">A man heard twice.</font>

Ack, Echoman. Dunno how I missed that.

<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Initially from Holland, this bird was reborn.</font>


One left of mine:

“A place many skip these days, unless they are web designing MS lackies!” GBK growled. (Clues: not a member, related directly to site; "web designing MS" is a CRUCIAL PART)

Cantina Cloud | BCF | The Massassian 1, 2 & 3 | Gonk WoW Petition <- SIGN!
Corrupting the kiddies since '97
2004-08-08, 11:41 AM #150

In Tribute to Adam Sliger. Rest in Peace

10/7/85 - 12/9/03

[This message has been edited by Ubuu (edited August 08, 2004).]

[This message has been edited by Ubuu (edited August 08, 2004).]
In Tribute to Adam Sliger. Rest in Peace

10/7/85 - 12/9/03
2004-08-08, 11:57 AM #151

Cantina Cloud | BCF | The Massassian 1, 2 & 3 | Gonk WoW Petition <- SIGN!
Corrupting the kiddies since '97
2004-08-08, 12:10 PM #152
A split ego, with sharp edges.
jagged conscience! (I got this earlier, as well as the echoman one, but my internet connection died before I could submit)

/end boob rant
<spe> maevie - proving dykes can't fly

<Dor> You're levelling up and gaining more polys!
2004-08-08, 12:35 PM #153
It is 3, after tea, and there is a bee inside.

Initially from Holland, this bird was reborn.
one of the phoenixes?

/end boob rant
<spe> maevie - proving dykes can't fly

<Dor> You're levelling up and gaining more polys!
2004-08-08, 12:41 PM #154
Stuck in Alaska? Try turning around.

/end boob rant
<spe> maevie - proving dykes can't fly

<Dor> You're levelling up and gaining more polys!
2004-08-08, 2:31 PM #155
A man heard twice.
Answer: Echoman (solved by Jaiph)

Initially from Holland, this bird was reborn.
Answer: FH_PhoenixFlame (solved by Jaiph)

A split ego, with sharp edges.
Answer: Jagged Conscience (solved by mavispoo)

Stuck in Alaska? Try turning around.
Answer: Emon (solved by mavispoo)

Still to go:

This round is one that lights the way.

Nobody remembers this admiral's birthday.

There is an error in the interface.

For a number, here is a graphics card.

A symphony of swords.

Cows are renting cars and peeing in them.

It is 3, after tea, and there is a bee inside.

I'll give out hints tomorrow for the ones that aren't solved yet.

Four dimensions, four fundamental forces... coincidence?
2004-08-09, 5:33 AM #156
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">kyle90: For a number, here is a graphics card.</font>


Well, the GeForce is a graphics card and "For a number" = 4.
"Good Asian dubs are like Steven Segal and plot; they just dont appear in the same movie." -Spork
2004-08-09, 7:45 AM #157
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Nobody remembers this admiral's birthday.</font>

2004-08-09, 7:56 AM #158
GrndAdmrThrawn? or something?

Snail racing: (500 posts per line)


The Massassi JO/JA Single Player contest info (or something of this matter. Just smile.)
2004-08-09, 4:08 PM #159
He dropped his friends but kept their beginnings, hopped to the end of a log, and in the end urinated in a canadian gospel's hand.

The last part of it is kind of iffy, but it should be gettable.

Occassional dropper-inner. Following the rhythm, drunk by the music.
2004-08-10, 7:14 AM #160

Snail racing: (500 posts per line)


The Massassi JO/JA Single Player contest info (or something of this matter. Just smile.)

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