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ForumsDiscussion Forum → I watched Episode II again tonight.
I watched Episode II again tonight.
2009-01-05, 1:23 PM #41
i love star wars as a whole, i can appreciate the prequels even though they are no where near as good as the OT, The Empire Strikes Back is by far the greatest star wars movie and greatest movie of all time.

I wish they wouldve gone all out in Episode III, i mean, watching Anakin march with those clones up to the temple got me so pumped, they didnt show him murder one. I wanted to watch jedi slaughter, really bring out the evil in him, even show him taking care of the younglings, but no0o0o0o George, you pussy
2009-01-05, 1:52 PM #42
Theres something wrong with you if you want to see children get chopped up and electrocuted.
2009-01-05, 1:54 PM #43
I laughed at that scene.
2009-01-05, 2:12 PM #44
no, nothing wrong with me in that manner lol, im just saying, it wouldve added a lot more, it was hard to believe his transformation so suddenly without much evidence to back it up, saying hes turned to the dark side is one thing, watching it is another. There wouldve been gasps at a Star Wars movie for the first time since the original audiences found out Vader was Luke's father
2009-01-05, 2:34 PM #45
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2009-01-05, 3:09 PM #46
Probably what pissed me off the most with the PT is that the soundtracks aren't the complete scores as seen in the movies like the OT sets are. I want the Order 66 temple music, dammit.
$do || ! $do ; try
try: command not found
Ye Olde Galactic Empire Mission Editor (X-wing, TIE, XvT/BoP, XWA)
2009-01-05, 3:11 PM #47
Originally posted by Darth_Alran:
ok, about to get embarrassingly geeky here...

imho, i think his lack of subtlety was perfectly placed. the sith had been waiting in the shadows for early a thousand years, since darth bane, to be perfectly poised to rule the galaxy. now with palpatine as the chancellor of the senate thetime is perfect. most of the jedi are out leading the clone troopers, and palpatine can execute order 66 at any time. he knows that the jedi council is already suspicious of him and they need to be destroyed.
what better way to goad them into a face to face confrontation that saying "hey hey! im a dark lord of the sith!" at the same time he promises anakin a way to save his wife, playing on his fears. as is predictable anakin tells the masters in the temple, who then go and confront palpatine. straight out palpatine kills 3 of the jedi masters, and probably could have taken mace, considering he later kicked yodas ***. however he waits till anakin arrives to see him being 'attacked' by mace windu. anakin believes palpatine is his only chance to save his love, and disables mace allowing palpatine to kill him and firmly cementing anakin in the dark side. if you ask me its a plan that was perfectly executed....

...eesh, oh the terrible nerdyness... :psylon:

No one plans to get zapped by Mace Windu. It seemed like a pretty contrived plan, if you look at it from your nerdy post. No one knows anything about the sith, and suddenly he's pulling sith facts out of his ***? Just record him talking about it and play it for the senate. "You know that guy waging war against the Republic? Yeah, he's the freakin' Chancellor." I hardly doubt they'd unanimously vote to give him dictatorship power to stop... himself?
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2009-01-05, 3:52 PM #48
Forget all that. More interesting; Ep III makes Chewbacca and R2D2 the real leaders of the rebel alliance. R2D2 is the mastermind of the entire rebellion. Chewbacca, using Han as cover, is able to go all over the galaxy making contacts and moving information. Meanwhile, Obi-Wan and Yoda communicate through the ghost of Qui-gon.

With the death star completed, R2D2 realizes they're out of time, so he gets Bail Organa to order Antilles to take him and Leigh to Obi-Wan right away, and he makes sure Chewbacca is waiting there to wisk them off. This is why R2D2 is so insistant upon 'escaping'. When Obi-wan calls him 'my little friend', he means it, but it's also a reminder to R2D2 not to spill the beans to Luke just yet.

And when Chewbacca sees Leigh and Luke getting all mushy-faced, he practically throws Han at Leigh to keep her from ****ing her brother.
2009-01-05, 3:57 PM #49
Leigh aye?
2009-01-05, 4:05 PM #50
Originally posted by JM:

With the death star completed, R2D2 realizes they're out of time, so he gets Bail Organa to order Antilles to take him and Leigh to Obi-Wan right away, and he makes sure Chewbacca is waiting there to wisk them off. This is why R2D2 is so insistant upon 'escaping'. When Obi-wan calls him 'my little friend', he means it, but it's also a reminder to R2D2 not to spill the beans to Luke just yet.

Two words.

Mind Erased.

What you state is impossible
"Oh my god. That just made me want to start cutting" - Aglar
"Why do people from ALL OVER NORTH AMERICA keep asking about CATS?" - Steven, 4/1/2009
2009-01-05, 4:12 PM #51
"The Apprentice" started the Rebel Alliance, duh :mad:
2009-01-05, 4:19 PM #52
c-3po and R2D2 did not need to be in the prequels.

What the hell were they doing there.
2009-01-05, 4:29 PM #53
Originally posted by Z@NARDI:
I hate the scene with Anakin and Padma, on her home world, and he says that stupid line, "blah blah your skin is soft blah".. It makes me want to puke
That's what happens when fat middle-aged geeks try to write intimate, emotional dialog.
Dreams of a dreamer from afar to a fardreamer.
2009-01-05, 5:34 PM #54
Two words.

Mind Erased.

R2D2's mind is never erased. Bail tells Captain Antilles "Look after them. And have the protocol droid's mind wiped."

Which R2D2 responds to with "Ha ha, you stupid loud mouthed dumbass. You could never keep your mouth shut about something so important."
2009-01-05, 5:55 PM #55
Originally posted by Baconfish:
Leigh aye?

haha yeah, what the hell
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2009-01-05, 7:43 PM #56
Originally posted by Darkjedibob:
Probably what pissed me off the most with the PT is that the soundtracks aren't the complete scores as seen in the movies like the OT sets are. I want the Order 66 temple music, dammit.

actually, its a great march, and it is on the soundtracks, its reused from Episode II around 2:35 in "Love Pledge and the Arena"

2009-01-05, 10:36 PM #57
Originally posted by Couchman:
actually, its a great march, and it is on the soundtracks, its reused from Episode II around 2:35 in "Love Pledge and the Arena"


The whole reusing music from the other movies is what pissed me off... and battle of the heroes was not that great.... too short. The lightsaber battle, could have been 10x more dramatic.
Nothing to see here, move along.
2009-01-05, 10:55 PM #58
There really are some jewels in the Prequels :D

Obi Wans haircuts = my fave.
2009-01-06, 12:42 AM #59
Originally posted by saberopus:
There really are some jewels in the Prequels :D

Obi Wans haircuts = my fave.

Obi Wan was awesome....
Count Dooku I loved, I wanted more Dooku!
Palpatine was ok.
I wanted more Jango Fett as well....

looking back at Episode II, maybe I was too harsh on it, Hayden's acting is that bad...

for instance, the line " we can keep it a secret..." that line, just there, from my opinion, is very well delivered... or maybe its my imagination wishing that Episode II was a better movie.
Nothing to see here, move along.
2009-01-06, 5:40 AM #60
Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01:
The whole reusing music from the other movies is what pissed me off... and battle of the heroes was not that great.... too short. The lightsaber battle, could have been 10x more dramatic.

I don't have any problem with reusing music, that's the entire point behind the thematic style that Williams started doing in the OT. You here a piece of music and you instantly know what it's relating to.
$do || ! $do ; try
try: command not found
Ye Olde Galactic Empire Mission Editor (X-wing, TIE, XvT/BoP, XWA)
2009-01-06, 9:41 AM #61
2009-01-06, 9:45 AM #62
Originally posted by saberopus:

Yeah, that. Couldn't come up with the name.
$do || ! $do ; try
try: command not found
Ye Olde Galactic Empire Mission Editor (X-wing, TIE, XvT/BoP, XWA)
2009-01-06, 9:46 AM #63
I never knew leitmotifs in the past, I always just said "themes," which is just as good.
2009-01-06, 10:57 AM #64
Originally posted by Fardreamer:
That's what happens when fat middle-aged geeks try to write intimate, emotional dialog.

Haha, yea.
The line that made me cringe the most is Anakin saying something like "She's intoxicating."
2009-01-06, 11:28 AM #65
Episode I I thought wasnt too bad. Ok Binks was annoying but seeing that many gunguns die made up for it. Midichlorians.... nuff said.

Episode II was the worst film because hayden and portman were crap casting. Sure the script was crap but any actor worth their weight would say " I aint saying that ****"

Episode III was ok, aside from ****ty anakin and panda. Again crap script crap casting. Palpatine over acted a bit (No,No,No) but was quite sinister as you watch him enjoy fighting windu. Extended jedi death would have been nice but order 66 was otherwise pretty well shot (especially the youngling flinching as anakin activates his saber)
2009-01-06, 1:29 PM #66
after watching ESB the other day i FINALLY figured out why people like Boba Fett so much

VADER: (to Fett) You may take Captain Solo to Jabba the Hut after I
have Skywalker.

Han's screams filter through the torture room door.

BOBA FETT: He's no good to me dead.

VADER: He will not be permanently damaged.

He stands up to Vader and shows he doesn't care who the hell he is all he wants is his man and his money, he even does it AGAIN later

BOBA FETT: What if he doesn't survive? He's worth a lot to me.

VADER: The Empire will compensate you if he dies. Put him in!

Normally, Vader wouldve been like STFU you get what you get, but he actually is AFRAID of Fett and agrees to pay him

Why is he afraid? probably because Boba knows how much of a ***** Anakin used to be and would spread rumors.
2009-01-06, 2:20 PM #67

I'm a nerd...
Holy soap opera Batman. - FGR
Free Jin!
2009-01-06, 4:54 PM #68
Originally posted by Darkjedibob:
I don't have any problem with reusing music, that's the entire point behind the thematic style that Williams started doing in the OT. You here a piece of music and you instantly know what it's relating to.

Except the problem with the prequels is that it reuses many music tracks with no variation. Take for instance, Duel of the Fates. It was a great piece, but why did it have to be used when Anakin races on his speeder bike to his mother? A variation of the force theme that sounded more desperate or heroic would have worked better there. Finally, Duel of the Fates is used again when Yoda fights Palpatine. For such an epic duel, you think Williams would have created an entirely original piece. I think I recall reading somewhere that he had little time to record the score for the movie, but I honestly think he started to grow tired of Star Wars or something.

Just to note, in the original trilogy a bunch of leitmotifs are reused, but they always had a different spin to them kind of like Lord of the Rings.
2009-01-06, 6:05 PM #69
Originally posted by Cloud:
Except the problem with the prequels is that it reuses many music tracks with no variation. Take for instance, Duel of the Fates. It was a great piece, but why did it have to be used when Anakin races on his speeder bike to his mother? A variation of the force theme that sounded more desperate or heroic would have worked better there. Finally, Duel of the Fates is used again when Yoda fights Palpatine. For such an epic duel, you think Williams would have created an entirely original piece. I think I recall reading somewhere that he had little time to record the score for the movie, but I honestly think he started to grow tired of Star Wars or something.

Just to note, in the original trilogy a bunch of leitmotifs are reused, but they always had a different spin to them kind of like Lord of the Rings.

i think on wikipedia it said he had maybe 5 days? to record
2009-01-06, 7:08 PM #70
That's how film scoring works. Music is the last thing to get added to the film and they always have basically no time to get it done, so the amount of time wouldn't have had anything to do with it. It was just a call George Lucas made along with the music editor.
2009-01-06, 8:23 PM #71
Originally posted by ECHOMAN:
Also I going to say that the diner scene with Obi Wan and that poorly rendered fat-a**, what the ****. Did anyone in the movie's production team thought this through? A diner that looks like it's directly from the 50's in a Sci Fi movie? I know it'si suppose to be comedy-relief but good job making the most disjointed scene in the movie.

I'm not going to sleep well tonight.

Well, that and the fact that they built a one story fifties diner in a place where land in so scarce that skyscrapers have to be built tens of miles high over the entire planet's surface.
2009-01-06, 10:19 PM #72
Originally posted by Obi_Kwiet:
Well, that and the fact that they built a one story fifties diner in a place where land in so scarce that skyscrapers have to be built tens of miles high over the entire planet's surface.

Well, yes, but on the other hand, using a skyscraper for a restaurant...

What bugged me in that scene, was the ugly ***** by the counter...
Nothing to see here, move along.
2009-01-07, 4:02 PM #73
This actually pertains to Ep I, but regarding Toydarians being immune to mind tricks. You'd think that something like that would be covered in Jedi Mind Trick 101, would save some embarrassment from waving your hand around trying to buy engine parts.
$do || ! $do ; try
try: command not found
Ye Olde Galactic Empire Mission Editor (X-wing, TIE, XvT/BoP, XWA)
2009-01-07, 4:14 PM #74
Originally posted by Darkjedibob:
This actually pertains to Ep I, but regarding Toydarians being immune to mind tricks. You'd think that something like that would be covered in Jedi Mind Trick 101, would save some embarrassment from waving your hand around trying to buy engine parts.

very true, the old jedi order was so dumb
2009-01-07, 4:53 PM #75
Originally posted by Couchman:
after watching ESB the other day i FINALLY figured out why people like Boba Fett so much

VADER: (to Fett) You may take Captain Solo to Jabba the Hut after I
have Skywalker.

Han's screams filter through the torture room door.

BOBA FETT: He's no good to me dead.

VADER: He will not be permanently damaged.

He stands up to Vader and shows he doesn't care who the hell he is all he wants is his man and his money, he even does it AGAIN later

BOBA FETT: What if he doesn't survive? He's worth a lot to me.

VADER: The Empire will compensate you if he dies. Put him in!

Normally, Vader wouldve been like STFU you get what you get, but he actually is AFRAID of Fett and agrees to pay him

Why is he afraid? probably because Boba knows how much of a ***** Anakin used to be and would spread rumors.

I think Vader likes Boba, and it seems as if they know eachother. "No disintegration".

It may also be that they both lost someone (boba lost Jango, Vader lost Padme) so he might be going a little easier on him?

Or it may be the sheer fact that Boba is the only gunslinger to kill a jedi? :P

For the record, I thought Hayden's acting was fine. He did pretty good in Jumper and a few others. I think it's that George's way of directing sucks. He basically says "just do it how you think you should" instead of actually directing how it should be acted.

Out of all the prequels, Qui-Gon and Obi-wan are my favorite characters. Ewan saved obi-wan for me, as I didn't much care for the obi-wan of the OT. Especially in ep4, where his dislike for acting in the movie was obvious. I can't quite remember the scene, I just know he didn't like it. Which is actually why the cut him from the film, if I'm correct...

He did appear in the later ones, because he changed his mind after SW made such a huge debut.
2009-01-07, 5:22 PM #76
Isn't it EU-canon(non-canon) that Boba Fett and Vader have faced off on a few occasions in the past? I'm pretty sure it was part of a comic book series.
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2009-01-07, 6:29 PM #77
Originally posted by Xzero:
I think it's that George's way of directing sucks./QUOTE]

"Faster, more intense!" :hist101:
$do || ! $do ; try
try: command not found
Ye Olde Galactic Empire Mission Editor (X-wing, TIE, XvT/BoP, XWA)
2009-01-07, 7:25 PM #78
Originally posted by Jep:
Isn't it EU-canon(non-canon) that Boba Fett and Vader have faced off on a few occasions in the past? I'm pretty sure it was part of a comic book series.

It's been a while since I've read EU literature, but I'm pretty sure Vader/Fett always got along with each other because on or the other would benefit in some way. I don't think they ever really "faced-off." I could be wrong though. It was always business. One or the other may have been screwed over, but that's it.
2009-01-07, 8:52 PM #79
There is a fanfilm where Vader and Fett have a "disagreement" if you will.

But its not the best fan film out there, but far from the worst.
Nothing to see here, move along.
2009-01-08, 12:27 PM #80
Originally posted by Xzero:
I think Vader likes Boba, and it seems as if they know eachother. "No disintegration".

It may also be that they both lost someone (boba lost Jango, Vader lost Padme) so he might be going a little easier on him?

Or it may be the sheer fact that Boba is the only gunslinger to kill a jedi? :P

For the record, I thought Hayden's acting was fine. He did pretty good in Jumper and a few others. I think it's that George's way of directing sucks. He basically says "just do it how you think you should" instead of actually directing how it should be acted.

Out of all the prequels, Qui-Gon and Obi-wan are my favorite characters. Ewan saved obi-wan for me, as I didn't much care for the obi-wan of the OT. Especially in ep4, where his dislike for acting in the movie was obvious. I can't quite remember the scene, I just know he didn't like it. Which is actually why the cut him from the film, if I'm correct...

He did appear in the later ones, because he changed his mind after SW made such a huge debut.

Another thing i don't understand is when Boba Fett raises his gun to shoot Chewbacca in the carbon chamber when he goes beserk, vader pushes his gun down to stop him. Weird chemistry between the two, I love it.

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