I never had any intention of making the entire site in fell swoop without some sort of user feedback.
The framework is there to make it easier for me to implement my features, nothing more. It's nothing major, which is why it's well on its way already.
As for the actual plan, I guess I can detail how I was going to do it:
First, there is the Part 1 stage. This will happen first. Inside part one you have, in order of necessity:
1. Framework 40%
2. Preliminary testing layout (0.5%... there's a folder structure!)
3. The file system, with the contributions and web uploads in place. This must be ready at site launch.
4. Project system, with contributions and web uploads in place. Again, must be ready at site launch.
5. Categorization/tagging. Must be implemented immediately so we don't have projects/files missing categories/tags.
6. Basic text search. Advanced/username searching will come later, it's not as critical.
7. Must connect with the vB user database. (this might happen inside the framework really)
8. AdminCP with the ability to moderate files, projects, and media. Must include a log for most user and moderator actions. This will be the bare minimum, far more advanced moderation tools will come later, like editing, moderator permissions, limit overrides, etc.
9. Full CSS layout with prelim artwork, add in whatever is needed for browsing the site and the files. <-- I will have people testing this and asking opinions here on the forums before it is opened to the public
That's all what I feel MUST be done before the site can go live. Things like timelines, user profiles, AJAX interactions, etc, that can come later (although the framework will keep logs so I can implement it later). While individual features can be tweaked (and probably will be), this plan is pretty basic so I don't expect much flak for it. I will have some select users testing the site before it goes live.
Anything beyond that will be developed after the site goes live based on demand and necessity.
Edit: for those wondering about the old files, the current site will be moved to another domain name until such time that "Historic Massassi" is created. Sadly it's low on the priority list, everything else will likely be done before it is.