Then they made a bad decision. A terrible one, what if one of them had an STD? These things happen quite frequently in Mexico, and all aroud the world.
The truth is, our sexual organs were given to us, through God or evolution (whatever you believe in), to reproduce. I believe that the pleasure that we enjoy in sex is a stimulant to reproduce. We were made to enjoy sex, as natural mechanism to encourage reproduction, unlike other animals which don't.
Truth be told, people need to be more mature and smart before taking a decision such as having sex.
I enjoy my very much, and I haven't made a terrible mistake because of the way I handle things. People I know who had sex without a second though, do have trouble. The problem doesn't lie in the outcome of sex, but before sex.
People need to be more intelligent.
I don't know about you, but I have met women who can say that they do suffer from depression after abortion. Seeing as abortion isn't too popular around here, then I can't say I know many women who have aborted, but a few who I know, say that they would have rather not.
Regarding this article, I don't know if it can really be tooken seriously or not. I'm not going to look into it right now. It was probably lead by biased pro abortion people.
In any case, there are plenty of documented cases in which people do suffer from a post abortion syndrome, similiar to a post traumatic stress syndrome.
Even in non Christian cultures, or in cultures where abortion has been legal and accepted for some time.
Anyhow, this article is interesting on PAS....
Nothing to see here, move along.