Monty Hall's Favorite Contestant
Posts: 760
Okay, this is my 2 cents (even though I'll probably get raped in my sleep for it):
It is acceptable in some cultures to kill babies within a certain period of time after they are born.
In the wild, mothers will kill (or let die out of intentional negligence) their babies. These babies are generally thought to be handicapped or otherwise too weak to successfully live in the wild.
Is all life sacred? Is this question where morality ends with the discussion of abortion?
If so, then what is the difference between cutting down a tree or slaughtering an animal?
Why is it acceptable to slaughter some animals for food and not others?
Is all life really sacred?
The Problem:
Most of the Pro-Life arguments are embedded with religious overtones. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with believing in a God, I do. I am saying, however, that while the Pro-Life argument stems from religious beliefs (primarily Christian), they actually aren't supported by religious text (save for the passages that certain nut-jobs like to take out of context in a vein attempt to support their claims).
What does it mean to have a soul? I believe there is a requirement to having a soul and that is that you must be sentient. So, to have a soul, you must therefor first qualify for sentience. 1) Self-Away 2) Intelligent 3) Consciousness. If you fail any of these, then you fail to have a soul and therefor are no more significant a life-form then a tree.
I think if this was universally accepted, then the Terri Schiavo case would have been a no-brainer (excuse the pun).
Now, I'm guess all this has to do with having a Democratic government that is generally Pro-Choice. It should be noted that, while this is one of the major issues, it has never been aggressively acted on by either party. Both parties are afraid of the backlash associated with such an action when the republic is still very divisive on this issue. Bottom line, this isn't a Federal issue. If you want to make a difference, start at the local level and try to have it banned in your city, then county, then state, and so on.