Like many others before me, I too have concerns about even attempting the final trilogy (of the "Journal Of The Whills", as it was originally titled - what a brain-child you are, George
...) when the first trilogy (Ep 1-3) is obviously of more dubious quality than the second trilogy (Ep 4-6). There's no denying that the initial setup was a dang good idea in theory; if you take your starting point as the mid-section of a story, then you can immediately branch out in either direction (past and/or future).
The problem lies with the overall execution of the above ideas (not to mention logistical issues of "age" with future films using the same character base). Quite simply, at the pith of it all, the original trilogy was something special - it looked good at the time, but more importantly, the story and the
characters were more engaging - you could relate to their emotions because unlike Ep 1-(presumably)3, the actors actually
had emotions. What the original trilogy lacks (by today's standards of film-presentation) in terms of "special effects", it more than compensates with for an engaging story and characters who we actually "feel" and "care" about.
Ep 1-(maybe)3 have taken quite the opposite stance - "let's focus on visuals, because everyone knows where we're going with story, so lets spruce it up along the way". Now don't get me wrong - this method
can work ... but it assumes you have an above-average script and actors who actually care about the character they represent, rather than the cheque at the end of the month. Both of these things have been lacking thus far. From a personal standpoint, I love the Obi-Wan/Anakin fall idea and I firmly believe that that was one of the best moves that Lucas did in RotJ: have the (now sadly deceased) Alec Guiness tell a young Luke that he was responsible for his father's fall to the Dark side --- *wham* instant link to a prequel with
solid foundations (only briefly touched upon in ESB). Admittedly Ewan McGreggor is no Alec Guiness and can never live up to that expectation from the fans, but Ep 1&2 have so far made a butchering of this concept and as much as I
really do hope otherwise my gut instinct tells me that Ep3 won't live up to my own hopes.
I'll still go and see the film, just for the heck that it's "Star Wars" and the fact that lightsabers are, quite simply, cool and anyone fighting with them is just fantastic viewing anyways...
But I've ranted for long enough now - I feel my Dark side has been vented and I'll leave you all to your own random mutterings of "nutter" and "freaky-fanboy" (and maybe the odd reference to "that-so-called-smiley-god")
"lucky_jackpot is the smily god..." - gothicX
"jackpot is an evil evil man... so evil, in fact, that he's awesome." - Seb
"Life is mostly froth and bubble, but two things stand in stone,
Kindness in another's trouble, courage in your own"
("Ye Wearie Wayfarer" - by Adam Lindsay Gordon)