This is what sane looks like.
Posts: 4,794
Gungan/Battle Droid fight.
At the core, this would involve the redesign of the characters. Stick a few extras and stunt men in Gungan suits and Battle Droid suits, and film them. Then repeat the process in another area. Now, I'm going to forget all the intracies of the effect, but it's called Crowd Replication. You're filming a set of actors, then filming them again, and again, until you have the numbers you want. Then you merge the different pieces of footage together. 50 people can become several hundred. It involves some form of green screen... I really wish I could remember the details... As for the vehicals... Simple models. You know the AT-STs and AT-ATs were ALL created via stop-motion, right? Do the same thing here. As for scale problems. Again, make a minature set for the models, and then composite in humans elsewhere in the scene. It works.
This would be a bit more tough. For the upclose fights, Crowd Replication can be used. Just give people some changes of costume every now and then. You'd need at least part of the set. The rest could be a matte painting. For overhead shots of the battle, get a miniature, and CGI the moving elements. The creatures are a smallish problem. Right off I'm drawing blanks as to how you could go about doing that. More than likely, however, you could use whatever Lucas did to make the Rancor.
The Pod Race.
The way he did this, is right at the only way I can think of doing it. My problem, just so we're on the same track again, isn't his use of CGI, it's his OVER use of CGI. He uses it in places where I firmly believe he'd benefit far more by using real, live, tangible things.
Very, very easy. Get a miniature. Place miniature in pool of water. This is where I'm going to get a bit rusty on the effect again. From here, I THINK you speed the camera up. I'm totally not sure about that. When sped up though, and played back at normal speed, it makes things seem slower. So if you make some waves in your pool and film them with a high camera speed and play them back normally, you might get nice slow moving towering waves. Scale is the only major issue I can think of here. Water doesn't do "small" well. But effects people have come up with ways to fake that over the years to make it seem better. For added final effect, run it through the computer and throw in a few more waves and splashes.
Now. I'm pulling all of that from memory. I'm pretty sure that there are better, more effective, and less time consuming ways to do it. What you read above is what immediately comes to my mind that I KNOW can be done. I did a freaking research paper about Special Effects in film only a few months ago. I have a good idea of what can, and can't be done without computer aid.
As for Jackson and LotR. For LotR, Jackson and his crew developed a program called "Massive" which, in simple terms, is a battlefield AI. All the effects people had to do was set up the number of people on each side, the arms being used, the clothing and such that would be worn, and the general skills of each army. The computer took over from there. Each person on the field had a mini-AI conducting them. All the computer did was record the battle as it was played out and execute the camera moves. A very, very cool program. That right there, I find a supurb use of computer effects.
Minas Tirith was only partially done inside a computer. There was a model constructed of the city (I think it was five or six feet tall...), camera moves were made, and then the footage was sent to the CGI guys to add in the surrounding areas and the movments of daily life. The same was done for Helms Deep in places, Isenguard, and some places in Mordor. I think Barad Dur was the big one.
He also had full sized intrcate sets built. Most notable example here I think is King Theoden's hall. The crew spent at least a month if not more building it. They filmed there for a week if not less, and then the set was de-constructed.
Jackson used CGI as well. I'm not denying that. My point here though, is that he knew WHEN to use it, and when it might just be better to go ahead and make something real and then add elements afterwards. Lucas doesn't seem to take that stand to me. He wouldn't have a model made of something, and add effects afterwards. He's just do the whole thing in CGI. It might look pretty and great, but it looses a feeling of reality in the process. I find that difficult to explain, but that's about the best way to put it.
Finally. Lucas has all the right he wants to edit his films. I don't think I said anything against that earlier. But there comes a time, when things are best left alone. The original trilogy reached that point after the Special Editions. Sure, people are going to keep nabing up anything that has the Star Wars logo on it, but I don't think it's right to keep editing a 30 year old film. If you have things that you think you should've done at the time but didn't, that's fine. Everyone has regrets and wishes that they did things that they didn't. But honestly, if the films were a smash hit with those things left out, is there really any reason to go and put them in 30 years later?
I'm done now.
Put me in the hospital for nerves and then they had to commit me,
You told them all I was crazy,
They cut off my legs now I'm an amputee, God damn you.
Frogblast the Vent-Core!
"In the beginning, the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move." - Douglas Adams
Are you finding Ling-Ling's head?
Last Stand