Quite frankly, the ideas ultimately fail because they are too huge of leaps. The majority of people don't go with them because they are, dare I say, outrageous ideas. This is in either intent, execution, or content, if not most or all. Let me explain further...
1. First off, the idea of bringing the community together for a project of some kind is a good idea. This is a good step, as it is a somewhat of a small idea. Though, as of yet, the idea isn't that elaborate and is, honestly, vague. But, it is a start!
2. Having fun in the community. Great idea!
3. Make a game. This is more specific, and more difficult of a task. I'm not saying its a
bad thing. However, there are several flaws with your idea. Here is it, all globbed together:
You're pretty much saying that we should push to get something done. Yet work on it at our own pace. You make this sound as if we should become a game production team because of a few successful projects. Yet, you want us to "have fun and work at our own pace." If you want to use examples of successful projects, you must look at the failures, too. Especially since there is one that had a similar project work expectation. Duke Nukem Forever. In other words, you will only give promises that you will never fulfill, and, ultimately, will get you in deep ****.
Also, your idea of "small" milestones aren't really that. They are massive in the way of game development (although I admit I can not speak from experience, I am speaking from research and several projects that I have followed). Walk before you run. A milestone would be to stand, with or without holding on to something. Another would be to stand without holding on to something, if you did previously. Another would to take a step. So on and so forth.
The problem is that it is too big of a leap for many of us in the community. I'm sorry to say, also, that it includes you. Those that do have the skill to tackle the project, would ultimately wonder if they're just being ridden so that someone can get some glory. The presentation of the idea makes it more suspicious, I guess one would say, as it asks for "fun," yet pushes off for "srs bsns." A problem is that it appears that you want us to go from making fireworks for ***** and giggles, to making an atom bomb, promising it will be for ***** and giggles, too.
In short, it has to be something that EVERYONE can contribute to. If its a community project, then where the **** is the community?
In addition, you say
voluntary, but when people start stating that they don't want anything to do with it, and why, you get all huffy about it, and begin to give big speaches on how they should. Lolwut?
I can't wait for the day schools get the money they need, and the military has to hold bake sales to afford bombs.