Yeah, they did look a lot like Malak. But it's Bioware, and as far as I'm concerned, they can perpetuate their designs as much as they damn well please. Still have not gotten around to playing Knights of the Old Republic 2, but the first one had a surprisingly good aesthetic that felt enough like 'traditional' Star Wars to be comfortable, while still being new and exciting. Lost my train of thought there.
So, Star Wars Old Republic: the MMORPG, or whatever it's called. The trailer was nice, I suppose, and to agree with everyone else- I have no idea how this is supposed to sell me an MMORPG. Does anyone remember the back of the Ultima Online box, where there was that [staged] screenshot of a bunch of adventurers challenging a dragon for its heap of treasure? That's what the trailer looks like to me. Second gripe: space wizards. Jedi have pretty much lost all meaning to me now, and I just can't really bring myself to care about them that much anymore.
...and now for something positive. Bioware has proven a few times already that they're not a bunch of morons and can make some pretty decent games when they put their heads to it. If they keep it up, this will probably be one of them. Will it be a revolution, something to rival World of Warcraft? Doubtful; best to wait until sometime after release. If it's a working (with SWG in mind, that's really important) MMORPG that does its own thing and glares malevolently at anyone who suggests otherwise, (again looking at you, SWG) I'll probably play it. Bonus points if it also panders to the sort of people who don't want to be a space wizard or a bounty hunter- you know, the sort of people who'd be perfectly happy just exploring, running questionable goods from system to system, or explosion farming on Tatooine, planet of explosions.