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ForumsDiscussion Forum → I kinda want a PS3
I kinda want a PS3
2009-09-03, 11:30 PM #81
Please don't forget about GoW 3 :eek:
2009-09-03, 11:34 PM #82
just buy both problem solved
"Nulla tenaci invia est via"
2009-09-04, 12:58 AM #83
More like buy 360, problem solved.

Seriously when it comes to games most people seem satisfied with the 360 where most PS3 owners still find something to complain about. But as has already been stated everywhere, everywhen, buy the console that has the games YOU want to play.

Originally posted by JLee:
You don't get it, dude.

Some people use credit cards like you apparently use debit cards. Just because I put something on a credit card does not mean that I pay any more than you do with this elitist "credit is evil" thing you seem to have going on. In reality I end up paying less because I get 1-3% cash back from Chase...but that's another topic.

C'mon dude. It is possible to buy things on a credit card and pay the bill without incurring any interest. It doesn't save any money to not use a credit card when it's paid off every month.

Oh, and I said something about a used one.

I would rather save my "only $100" and use my no-cost extended warranty. But hey, maybe that's just me.

Yes, it's almost 2am and I am pissy. I need sleep. :rant:

I get it. I understand that you are talking about using your credit card for things that you are going to spend anyways. You really don't need to turn this into a debate on credit cards. We've already had those recently but nobody can really dispute the fact that the vast majority of people carry balances on their card. Odds are that at some point you will become "normal" too. Regardless of your intention to take advantage of the "free" gimmicks. Once you do, their investments in you will begin to return dividends, so to speak.

And I don't understand why you brought up a used console in response to my post but okay.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2009-09-04, 3:52 AM #84
Actually Wookie I've noticed that it seems to be 360 owners that moan more about both consoles. :P
2009-09-04, 4:27 AM #85
360 owners definitely complain about the reliability issue. I "complain" about each Sony Playstation because each console has significant flaws that are deal breakers for me. I wanted a PS2 originally but the load times were horrendous. For me the superior hardware offered by XBox and Nintendo just eclipsed any draw some exclusive titles had. The prospect of owning a PS3 with backwards compatibility was appealing but the cost is inflated with a bluray player, which was really just a ploy to win the format war, and they stripped backwards compatibility.

I understand that I am not typical of the average gamer. My 360 gets a lot of use but little of that is gaming. I fall into that category that Microsoft wishes was bigger. The one that actually uses the networked multimedia abilities more than the game abilities. Now once my boy gets a little older and better mannered maybe he'll actually let me catch up on some games...
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2009-09-04, 4:57 AM #86
My only complaint with reliability was that the RRoD finally caught up with me. I boxed it up, sent it off, and a shiny new one came in the post within a week (and in time for Christmas). Considering how bad that could have gone I'm rather chuffed with the service.

Also, like Wookie I'm quite the Media Centre type person. Open MacBook anywhere in the house, all my media streams wirelessly to the 360 for my viewing and listening pleasure without even a keystroke. Seamless.

As much as I tout the Apple-yay brand, my 360 is a glorious piece of kit. When I choose to play games, there's a good selection. When I want to watch a film I've downloaded - it's there. Love it.
2009-09-04, 7:00 AM #87
I've got the Halo 3 edition of the 360. I try to take EXTREME care with it, no dust touches it and if it does it gets wiped off, all ports where dust can enter are vacuumed carefully and the system and wires are never ever touched and stay in the same place since I hooked it up 2 years ago. I really hope I don't get the RROD.
2009-09-04, 7:21 AM #88
Jeez, sounds like you'd be happier if you'd just left it sealed in the box!
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2009-09-04, 8:47 AM #89
Heh, maybe I should just stick with PC!

I get it. I understand that you are talking about using your credit card for things that you are going to spend anyways. You really don't need to turn this into a debate on credit cards. We've already had those recently but nobody can really dispute the fact that the vast majority of people carry balances on their card. Odds are that at some point you will become "normal" too. Regardless of your intention to take advantage of the "free" gimmicks. Once you do, their investments in you will begin to return dividends, so to speak.

If you feel so inclined to lecture me further on the grievous financial errors I am allegedly committing, feel free to send me a PM.
2009-09-04, 9:00 AM #90
Oh I don't consider what you suggest to be a greivous financial error. Once you made your thought clear I got what you meant. I was just pointing out that the gimmicks they are using to entice you to their financial products are meant to get their hooks into you with the odds being that you are eventually going to start paying them interest.

I have still been using a credit card for purchases that I intend to pay off every billing cycle. Mostly gasoline and online purchases. I have made my preference for using credit cards for certain types of purchases clear in another recent thread. Generally speaking to insulate my bank account from certain types of transactions or fraud. I am reevaluating that, though. I'm thinking about closing all my card accounts.

Oh, and why do you think you should just stick with a PC?
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2009-09-04, 9:14 AM #91
Originally posted by Wookie06:
Oh I don't consider what you suggest to be a greivous financial error. Once you made your thought clear I got what you meant. I was just pointing out that the gimmicks they are using to entice you to their financial products are meant to get their hooks into you with the odds being that you are eventually going to start paying them interest.

I have still been using a credit card for purchases that I intend to pay off every billing cycle. Mostly gasoline and online purchases. I have made my preference for using credit cards for certain types of purchases clear in another recent thread. Generally speaking to insulate my bank account from certain types of transactions or fraud. I am reevaluating that, though. I'm thinking about closing all my card accounts.

In my experience it's much faster to dispute unauthorized (or 'never got it') items with a credit card. When I was working for a bank, it was 6-8 weeks for a dispute w/debit card.

I get 1-3% cash back from my Chase card (plus the $50 statement credit when opening the account last year), so every now and again I get some 'free' money (any big-ticket items go on that card for cash back purposes -- college tuition, car insurance, etc). If I can find my receipt, I'm going to give the extended warranty plan a try since my HD DVD player died on me. I think it had a 1yr warranty, and I probably bought it with my American I think I should be good 'till November. I hope the receipt is still in the box!

Oh, and why do you think you should just stick with a PC?

I don't really like needing to babysit something (clean dust out constantly, etc) and from reading this thread, I'm not too excited about the PS3.
2009-09-04, 9:24 AM #92
Oh, that's because he's paranoid that his precious special edition 360 will die and he'll get a superior normal replacement. I understand his reason for concern but it's still just a 360.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2009-09-04, 9:26 AM #93
Originally posted by Wookie06:
Oh, that's because he's paranoid that his precious special edition 360 will die and he'll get a superior normal replacement. I understand his reason for concern but it's still just a 360.

Ahh ok.

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