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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Stargate: Universe
Stargate: Universe
2009-10-04, 1:25 PM #41
Heh, as an avid SG fan, I'm going to have a mediocre review. It is SOOOO Battlestarry... the lighting, jerky camera work, sex, drama... I dunno. The jury is still out for me. With the number of folks here liking it, I bet they got decent ratings.
"Harriet, sweet Harriet - hard-hearted harbinger of haggis."
2009-10-04, 2:11 PM #42
Originally posted by happydud:
I thought it was crap. It's a picture of a shadow of SG1. They try to have the same style, but they're lacking... style. The same KIND of humor is there, it just isn't funny.

You've got to be kidding about it trying to have the same style as SG-1. It's not even close to the same style as SG-1. Don't like it, fair enough, but seriously, the same style as SG-1? Please.
Pissed Off?
2009-10-04, 4:51 PM #43
Seriously. When was the last time you remember stargate having a sex scene or hand covered blood?
Not the same style ....
2009-10-04, 5:03 PM #44
It seems to have a unique, better style than SGA. I like it so far. The acting was believable enough for a sci-fi show. I like Rush, Eli is okay. I like the medic who looks like Drew Barrymore but is hotter.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2009-10-04, 5:25 PM #45
Originally posted by Squirrel King:
Seriously. When was the last time you remember stargate having a sex scene.

"Children Of The Gods", the original cut. Full frontal nudity.
$do || ! $do ; try
try: command not found
Ye Olde Galactic Empire Mission Editor (X-wing, TIE, XvT/BoP, XWA)
2009-10-04, 5:37 PM #46
Originally posted by Darkjedibob:
"Children Of The Gods", the original cut. Full frontal nudity.

So one example, only a handle full of people have seen? Awesome!
That's a great counter to my point.
2009-10-04, 5:51 PM #47
I for one, was glad they remade it and took it out.
"Harriet, sweet Harriet - hard-hearted harbinger of haggis."
2009-10-04, 6:27 PM #48
So I've been watching SG1 for the first time. I'm up to the start of season 7. Is there a point where I can start watching SGA along with it, or does it not kick in until SG1 is finished?

2009-10-04, 6:41 PM #49
Atlantis starts after season 7 of SG-1, but you can pretty much view them independently.
2009-10-04, 6:42 PM #50
After SG1 8x02 SGA begins. Then they follow roughly parallel to each other (alternate shows each episode).

Yeah you can view them independantly I guess but there is the occasionally cross reference. For example an episode in SG1 season 9 has SG1 visiting Atlantis and if you've already seen Atlantis up to that point you'll enjoy it more.

2009-10-04, 8:35 PM #51
Originally posted by Greenboy:
So I've been watching SG1 for the first time. I'm up to the start of season 7. Is there a point where I can start watching SGA along with it, or does it not kick in until SG1 is finished?

Nope. There is no point when you should start watching SG:A...

Also, stop watching SG1 after Season 8.

I'm serious. You won't believe me, you'll watch 9 and 10 and Atlantis, and then you'll realize that I was right.
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2009-10-05, 6:26 AM #52
Just remember my only complaint about Stargate, and it's not even SG's fault, it's SciFi's. They run ads for Scientology :argh:
$do || ! $do ; try
try: command not found
Ye Olde Galactic Empire Mission Editor (X-wing, TIE, XvT/BoP, XWA)
2009-10-05, 12:10 PM #53
I kinda liked it, but it definitely has a different 'feel' to it.
2009-10-05, 2:13 PM #54
Originally posted by fishstickz:
I will watch every episode, complain about how terrible it is, and look forward to the next one.

me too, ill try to enjoy it for what it is

but Battlestar Galactica will ALWAYS trump this whole new-age science fiction shaky cam were lost and scared genre
2009-10-05, 5:30 PM #55
Originally posted by Couchman:
me too, ill try to enjoy it for what it is

but Battlestar Galactica will ALWAYS trump this whole new-age science fiction shaky cam were lost and scared genre

You forgot overly-bright, and over-exposed.
"Harriet, sweet Harriet - hard-hearted harbinger of haggis."
2009-10-05, 7:17 PM #56
Originally posted by Squirrel King:
So one example, only a handle full of people have seen? Awesome!
That's a great counter to my point.

The true fans remember the Showtime seasons. :colbert:

Edit: Kind of wish Stargate was more..dirtier and premium-channels-only type material. If it were on HBO, we'd actually see the Harcissis child get conceived with stunning detail of...everything. Teal'c would learn to curse every 5th word. Hammond would punch a *****.
Code to the left of him, code to the right of him, code in front of him compil'd and thundered. Programm'd at with shot and $SHELL. Boldly he typed and well. Into the jaws of C. Into the mouth of PERL. Debug'd the 0x258.
2009-10-05, 7:30 PM #57
My family and I have watched every single episode (Actually we're half way on doing it TWICE) on DVD, and it does have that nude scene.
2009-10-05, 7:39 PM #58
Originally posted by dalf:
The true fans remember the Showtime seasons. :colbert:

Edit: Kind of wish Stargate was more..dirtier and premium-channels-only type material. If it were on HBO, we'd actually see the Harcissis child get conceived with stunning detail of...everything. Teal'c would learn to curse every 5th word. Hammond would punch a *****.

lol that would have been awesome if Teal'c swore all the time.
2009-10-05, 7:41 PM #59
No it would have broken the character.
Dark and Gritty isn't always better guys.
2009-10-05, 8:02 PM #60
Would've been funny as hell :P
$do || ! $do ; try
try: command not found
Ye Olde Galactic Empire Mission Editor (X-wing, TIE, XvT/BoP, XWA)
2009-10-06, 5:37 AM #61
2009-10-06, 8:57 AM #62
Originally posted by JM:

*queue Indeed video*
2009-10-06, 3:49 PM #63
Originally posted by dalf:
The true fans remember the Showtime seasons. :colbert:

I have that season (and all others!) on DVD. I also bought the remake of Children of the Gods that was released a few months ago. I thought it was quite an improvement from the original pilot.
"Harriet, sweet Harriet - hard-hearted harbinger of haggis."
2009-10-06, 4:00 PM #64
What was changed in the new pilot?
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2009-10-06, 4:19 PM #65
Originally posted by Chewbubba:
I have that season (and all others!) on DVD. I also bought the remake of Children of the Gods that was released a few months ago. I thought it was quite an improvement from the original pilot.

Impossible, they took out the boobies in the rerelease. (I think?)
2009-10-06, 4:38 PM #66
Originally posted by Emon:
What was changed in the new pilot?
2009-10-06, 5:00 PM #67
Originally posted by Tiberium_Empire:
Oh, I really hope we see more of the war with the Ashen in the Atlantis movie.

Seriously that battle scene was awesome.

I think you mean the rogue Asgard. The Ashen appeared on SG-1, but I agree there needs to be a movie where they return. :P

2009-10-06, 5:16 PM #68
I have sources I can't reveal that confirm that.
2009-10-06, 5:41 PM #69
I really hope you aren't serious.
Also they said "Ashen" in the first part of Air when the base got attacked.
Looked like 3 baseline Gou'ald Hatak ships.
2009-10-06, 6:21 PM #70
No I just always wanted to say that.
2009-10-06, 6:26 PM #71
Originally posted by Tiberium_Empire:
I really hope you aren't serious.
Also they said "Ashen" in the first part of Air when the base got attacked.
Looked like 3 baseline Gou'ald Hatak ships.

Wrong, they said the Lucian Alliance, which we know use Ha'taks and aren't exactly on good terms.
$do || ! $do ; try
try: command not found
Ye Olde Galactic Empire Mission Editor (X-wing, TIE, XvT/BoP, XWA)
2009-10-06, 6:45 PM #72
Oh right, those guys. That makes more sense.
2009-10-10, 8:17 PM #73
Did anyone catch the new episode?

What was that flying off at the end? Escape pod with the daddy/senator in it?

That music at the end made me think I was watching Firefly for a second.
"Harriet, sweet Harriet - hard-hearted harbinger of haggis."
2009-10-10, 8:20 PM #74
Maybe. It appeared to be one of the shuttles, and IIRC the ship has 2 of them.

Is it possible it's an automated drone sent by the ship to recover the two soldiers they left stranded?
2009-10-10, 8:23 PM #75
ive heard that perhaps the shuttle is designed to drop stargates off on worlds.
tofu sucks
2009-10-10, 8:29 PM #76
What they really need is some puddle jumpers.
2009-10-10, 8:35 PM #77
Originally posted by landfish:
ive heard that perhaps the shuttle is designed to drop stargates off on worlds.

Can't be. It's the ships that are flying on ahead of Destiny they drop of the gates... Destiny follows up. I too wonder what it was though.

Also I noticed how we never find out what happened to the guys who went to the other planet, or why exactly the addresses were locked out. I expect it will be revealed in due course... perhaps the Destiny computers determined hostile life was present or something like that?

Originally posted by JM:
Maybe. It appeared to be one of the shuttles, and IIRC the ship has 2 of them.

Is it possible it's an automated drone sent by the ship to recover the two soldiers they left stranded?

The shuttle has a door on the back, that thing had an engine there. It was the wrong shape anyway, and the shuttles are near the center of the ship on top... this thing was closer to the edge.

Not to mention if the shuttle had launched air would have started leaking again since the ship-side hatch was stuck open. Wouldn't have been a good way to end "Air". And where would it be going anyway?

Maybe some sort of automated probe or something, following up on something one of the previous ships reported, that's all I got. But I bet it comes back (you can't send a ship off for 100,000 year journey and have it dispense probes that don't come back and expect them to last forever) with some data or something interesting.

The ship has no way of knowing where the two stranded guys are, since they went directly from planet-to-planet. I mean in theory the stargate could have told them, but if the ship wanted them back that bad I'm sure it could use the stargates to open a path for them much easier.

I have a feeling we won't be seeing those two ever again.

2009-10-10, 9:11 PM #78
They cold go all Ford on us, and appear in later seasons.
I thought that ship looked somewhat like the "Evil Asgard" ships in the last bit of Atlantis.
All in all, very, very good pilot. Better then the last ST movie, and I thought it was great!
2009-10-11, 5:27 AM #79
The pod was not part of the ship. There were no support structures where it was attached, and the design of the pod is not the same as Destiny.

Also, the pod was surrounded in a blue forcefield. All the forcefields shown so far have been gold-ish.

And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2009-10-11, 6:30 AM #80
Hmm nice catch gbk, I agree.

It's important to note that there's not going to be a "main" enemy like the Goauld or the Wraith.


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