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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Secting suicide
Secting suicide
2009-12-07, 9:54 AM #41
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2009-12-07, 9:56 AM #42
Originally posted by Mort-Hog:
Homeschooling is a surefire way to **** up your kid for life, segregate them from the world and make it very difficult to interact with real people or to educate yourself beyond 'what mommy told you'. I'm pretty sure I'll get a dozen or so people responding "but I was homeschooled and I'm cool!", to which I point you to the fact that you're posting on a Star Wars forum in a thread about suicide. No-one here is cool.
Yes, people who are different from you are inferior to you. Congratulations, you've found the basis of ethnocentrism.
2009-12-07, 10:17 AM #43
Originally posted by Onimusha:
I cannot get over how stupid this is:

I have no pity for her whatsoever. This burns my ***.

1.- Don't be a whore.
2.- Don't date douchebags who would do something like that upon breakup
3.-Don't be a whore.
4.- Don't kill yourself, make some ****ing profit, **** look at paris hilton for christ's sake.
5.- If its that bad, move. You were 18 -- you go to ****ing college in a year, jesus.
6.- Pornstars do it every day, get over yourself.
7.- Don't be a whore.

EDIT: If an admin could fix the typo in the title that'd be nice of you. Thanks.

You sound like the person you warn against in point number 2.

And if you honestly equate this with being a whore—wow. You see little Oni, when two people love each other, they tend to do this sort of thing. Perhaps one day you will see; that is, if you don't consider having feelings for someone too whoreish not to remain stoic and celibate.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2009-12-07, 10:20 AM #44
But dont you see Freelancer, Onimusha wouldnt do such a thing because he wouldnt date whores because his girlfriends send him artsy nudes!
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2009-12-07, 10:26 AM #45
Just read a bit more of the thread.

The fact that he's actually received nudes from a girlfriend and he's still incapable of the slightest bit of empathy makes me think even less of him. You know it's bad when I'm deriding you for lack of empathy.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2009-12-07, 10:26 AM #46
Originally posted by FastGamerr:
Haha Onimusha is a moron.

2009-12-07, 10:34 AM #47
When you are experiencing an emotion, your mind effectively filters out any information that doesn't reinforce the emotion. This is why it's very hard to make a make someone joyful suddenly feel sad, and vice-versa. This is perfectly normal and healthy. The problem is that we also experience moods, these last longer than emotions and basically give you a predisposition to feeling a certain way. So a depressed mood makes it very easy for you to feel sad, a cheerful mood makes it easy to feel happy about thing. Again, this is perfectly normal and healthy (though arguably not as beneficial as just experiencing emotions).

People who are really depressed are effectively in a depressed mood almost all of the time, they may occasionally have good days (this can be a result of being too busy to actually be emotional, or only having positive things happen, or it may be one of those rare reprieves) but ultimately they are predisposed to experiencing depression-related emotions and it's extremely difficult to see the positives (because of the way emotional filtering works).

So, if someone is experiencing real depression, there is almost nothing you can say or do to snap them out of it. I'm not going to argue the causes or treatments, but if you want to help a depressed person you're going to have to put up a lot of grief and little reward for quite a while until you basically become a rock for that person. If all you have to say is 'suck it up' or 'grow a pair', or even 'cheer up', you're not helping.
Detty. Professional Expert.
Flickr Twitter
2009-12-07, 10:37 AM #48
Detty knows this, because he's a doctor.

[It's unfortunate that she chose such a permanent solution to such a temporary problem. Whenever someone suffers needlessly it's sad. Unfortunately, her solution was not commensurate with her problem. She obviously had severe personality issues, beyond those brought up by the pictures.]
2009-12-07, 10:41 AM #49
No, I'm just taking very few liberties in what I'm learning from the book next to me. If you have something that says differently I'd be very interested in reading it.
Detty. Professional Expert.
Flickr Twitter
2009-12-07, 11:13 AM #50
Originally posted by Mort-Hog:
saved us from another desocialised homeschooled tard.

Mort-Hog, society is very carefully designed so you are isolated from other age groups, otherwise you'd be introspective enough to discover a little fact about your life that you'd likely prefer not to. Fact: 13 year old Mort-Hog was an annoying little ****, and public school was his cage. Arguments against homeschooling are universally fallacious.

There is a very powerful academic argument in favor of homeschooling: the greater intellectual risk. In order to succeed at any form of self-education you need to be capable of delaying gratification, which is a skill very few publicly-educated adults develop. Delaying gratification leads to frugality, a strong work ethic, and a tendency toward self-improvement. If you attempt to self-educate but you do not have this trait you will fail. By contrast, public education has as much intellectual risk as prison. They can't even give you a failing grade anymore, as long as you show up once in a while: a significant percentage of public high school graduates are functionally illiterate. It'd be a neat trick if an illiterate child could educate himself from a textbook.

The main argument against homeschooling is the lack of socialization. This argument is entirely based in ignorance and ego. Most homeschooling programs are run out of brick-and-mortar public schools, and offer similar physical education, sports and socialization opportunities as regular attendance. Even if this weren't true, I fail to understand how you hope to create functional adults by teaching children to behave like annoying little **** 13 year old Mort-Hog. Maybe you could explain?

I could certainly make this a longer essay, but I think I've made the important arguments.
2009-12-07, 12:09 PM #51
God its so fun to troll you all and watch you squeal like little girls.

FYI all of you saying it was some kind of mental illness are retarded. This girl was perfectly normal before any of this went down, stop using mental illnesses as a crutch. It has nothing to do with me understanding depression or not or what a depraved human being I must be. Like I said, perspective. I find myself repeating alot in this thread, you all must not take the time to read it because your OMFGONI IZ A WORIBLE PERSAN@!!!!!

Either way pissing you all off is pretty entertaining all the same.
"They're everywhere, the little harlots."
2009-12-07, 12:13 PM #52
uh-huh. That's right, you're not a jackass, you're just a troll, which makes you... a jackass?
2009-12-07, 12:15 PM #53
Oh I'm a jackass, I already knew that.
"They're everywhere, the little harlots."
2009-12-07, 12:31 PM #54
Originally posted by Onimusha:
God its so fun to troll you all and watch you squeal like little girls.

Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2009-12-07, 12:38 PM #55
Originally posted by Onimusha:
Either way pissing you all off is pretty entertaining all the same.

I wonder what Jesse's family would think of her being used as a pawn in some juvenile trolling attempt.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2009-12-07, 12:38 PM #56
The real question is, where are the pics?
2009-12-07, 12:41 PM #57
Originally posted by Onimusha:
God its so fun to troll you all and watch you squeal like little girls.

FYI all of you saying it was some kind of mental illness are retarded. This girl was perfectly normal before any of this went down, stop using mental illnesses as a crutch. It has nothing to do with me understanding depression or not or what a depraved human being I must be. Like I said, perspective. I find myself repeating alot in this thread, you all must not take the time to read it because your OMFGONI IZ A WORIBLE PERSAN@!!!!!

Either way pissing you all off is pretty entertaining all the same.

No, actually, it does have to do with you not understanding mental illness/depression. The fact that you think it's a "crutch" excuse in the first place is a perfect example.

Backpedal more.
2009-12-07, 12:42 PM #58
Originally posted by Onimusha:
God its so fun to troll you all and watch you squeal like little girls.

FYI all of you saying it was some kind of mental illness are retarded. This girl was perfectly normal before any of this went down, stop using mental illnesses as a crutch. It has nothing to do with me understanding depression or not or what a depraved human being I must be. Like I said, perspective. I find myself repeating alot in this thread, you all must not take the time to read it because your OMFGONI IZ A WORIBLE PERSAN@!!!!!

Either way pissing you all off is pretty entertaining all the same.

You think all mental illness is just magically caused by a chemical imbalance? Just because it can be defined as an imbalance, it doesn't mean that's the cause. A massive blow to your self esteem followed by relentless bullying and teasing is exactly the kind of thing that can trigger serious depression.

Anyway, you're probably going to be banned fairly soon, not by me though, because I don't really think I'm objective enough in this situation.
Detty. Professional Expert.
Flickr Twitter
2009-12-07, 1:07 PM #59
Originally posted by Deadman:
I can only hope that if any of your friends and loved ones feel depressed they would know better then to talk to you.

I think this pretty much sums it up.
Why do the heathens rage behind the firehouse?
2009-12-07, 1:11 PM #60
Originally posted by Freelancer:
Just read a bit more of the thread.

The fact that he's actually received nudes from a girlfriend and he's still incapable of the slightest bit of empathy makes me think even less of him. You know it's bad when I'm deriding you for lack of empathy.

Oh yeah i agree with you, I just didnt make my sarcasm apparent enough.
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2009-12-07, 1:16 PM #61
Typical Ohio *****es
"Nulla tenaci invia est via"
2009-12-07, 1:23 PM #62
People have been using mental illness as an excuse to commit suicide far too long. It's like if I had cardiomyopathy, and used that as an excuse to get a heart attack. It pisses me off to be honest.
Looks like we're not going down after all, so nevermind.
2009-12-07, 1:31 PM #63
Originally posted by Onimusha:
God its so fun to troll you all and watch you squeal like little girls.

  1. Youre an idiot.
  2. This was clearly an unhealthy relationship
  3. You're not a doctor.
  4. You're an idiot.
  5. Maybe you're a whore!
  6. or maybe not, but you're still an idiot.
  7. Oh yea, way to backpedal. The point is, you're an idiot.
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2009-12-07, 2:20 PM #64
Originally posted by Jon`C:

My pastors two kids are both home schooled. His son, Billy, graduates with his BA this Friday at the age of 19. His younger sister is dual-enrolled, just as smart, and very attractive. Both of them seem very normal (besides that fact that they're very hard workers), and they both seem to have more friends than I do.

In contrast I'm 20 (don't graduate with my BS until 2011) and I went to public schools, including a D rated high school, and can only say that a substantial amount of my formal education before attending college was a joke. My AP economics class was instructed by the track coach, my only biology teacher was clueless, and my 10th grade English teacher was always hung over so we'd just watch movies in class.
It took a while for you to find me; I was hiding in the lime tree.
2009-12-07, 3:33 PM #65
Originally posted by Onimusha:
God its so fun to troll you all and watch you squeal like little girls.
*edited useless garbage*
Either way pissing you all off is pretty entertaining all the same.

Hey look! Self confessed trolling, can we get a ban over here? :suicide:

Seriously, why do people troll? Do they love to be hated so much? Do they enjoy getting banned? Lust for rejection by societies? I honestly don't get it.
I guess this is the real mental illness we have to deal with in this thread, cuz seriously, it makes no sense.
You can't judge a book by it's file size
2009-12-07, 3:33 PM #66
Originally posted by Krokodile:
People have been using mental illness as an excuse to commit suicide far too long. It's like if I had cardiomyopathy, and used that as an excuse to get a heart attack. It pisses me off to be honest.

You say excuse, I say most common cause....
You can't judge a book by it's file size
2009-12-07, 3:50 PM #67
Originally posted by Deadman:
You say excuse, I say most common cause....

I think Kroko was being facetious. :P
2009-12-07, 3:55 PM #68
oh, I'm being tired (and yeah, I know that's the most common excuse too :p )
You can't judge a book by it's file size
2009-12-07, 4:09 PM #69
Originally posted by Freelancer:
You sound like the person you warn against in point number 2.
2009-12-07, 5:13 PM #70
Some notes on the topic.

Homeschooling is a very foreign concept to me, in both Russia and Hungary you're only homeschooled if you're somehow incapaciated (but even then, chances are that you'd just go to some sort of a special school), so I'm not going to comment on that bit of the thread.

While it's sad that she killed herself and all, I personally think it's above all the fault of her parent(s). So she sent some nude pics that got spread around - so-fricking-what?

So some classmates are calling her a ''whore'' - so fricking what? What, are they jealous no-one's looking at their nudes instead? If that's how they treat her, their opinion can be easily disregarded as they're not exactly friends.

It should have been the parents (in this case: her mother's) responsibilites to have explained that this type of crap doesn't matter, and her parents responsibilites to have taught her how to simply laugh off such silly things.

If all you have to say is 'suck it up' or 'grow a pair', or even 'cheer up', you're not helping.

From what I gathered, she was a relatively normal girl (not actually ill with depression).
2009-12-07, 5:34 PM #71
Originally posted by Koobie:

From what I gathered, she was a relatively normal girl (not actually ill with depression).

People who commit suicide aren't normal (normal as in not mentally ill).
2009-12-07, 5:43 PM #72


I think it depends on how you were brought up. And she either was diagnosed with some mental illness prior to her killing herself, or she wasn't.
2009-12-07, 6:35 PM #73
Those samurai certainly aren't considered normal in our society either, most military's now teach you not to die for your country, but live for it.
Still, your point stands.
You can't judge a book by it's file size
2009-12-07, 7:30 PM #74
Originally posted by Cool Matty:
People who commit suicide aren't normal (normal as in not mentally ill).

No, they're selfish pussies.
2009-12-07, 7:32 PM #75
Or maybe they just wanted to die with honour. Seppuku!
2009-12-07, 7:42 PM #76
ITT: onimusha is a prick
2009-12-07, 8:49 PM #77
Originally posted by Steven:
No, they're selfish pussies.

Except for the fact that theres a thought running through their head about how much everyone will be better off without them.
Mum will stop worrying so much/having to spend money on me/I'm just a drain anyway
So depressed, making everyone around me miserable, they'll be happier when I'm gone.
etc etc
You can't judge a book by it's file size
2009-12-07, 9:56 PM #78
Oni, by calling her a whore for giving her boyfriend pics of herself puts you in the exact same place as the girls who harassed her.

If I had pics of my girlfriend, she wouldn't be a whore. I'd be a jackass if I showed them to other people after braking up (of course, I would never do such a thing).

I'm 100% with CM on this one. I don't really have to say anything because the rest of Massassi will speak for me. :)

All I will say is: Deadman is right. Those are exactly the type of thoughts that go through their heads.
2009-12-07, 10:03 PM #79
Originally posted by Deadman:
Hey look! Self confessed trolling, can we get a ban over here? :suicide:

Seriously, why do people troll? Do they love to be hated so much? Do they enjoy getting banned? Lust for rejection by societies? I honestly don't get it.
I guess this is the real mental illness we have to deal with in this thread, cuz seriously, it makes no sense.

No banning, being left to fend for yourself after stirring up the ****pile without an excuse not to post is worse.
2009-12-08, 6:12 AM #80
Originally posted by Onimusha:
I cannot get over how stupid this is:

I have no pity for her whatsoever. This burns my ***.

1.- Don't be a whore.
2.- Don't date douchebags who would do something like that upon breakup
3.-Don't be a whore.
4.- Don't kill yourself, make some ****ing profit, **** look at paris hilton for christ's sake.
5.- If its that bad, move. You were 18 -- you go to ****ing college in a year, jesus.
6.- Pornstars do it every day, get over yourself.
7.- Don't be a whore.

EDIT: If an admin could fix the typo in the title that'd be nice of you. Thanks.

I was going to leave you alone until you decided you'd call all and sundry gullible trollbait.

You know, why so much malevolent hate for a person who died over a year ago and will never have any affect on your life? I suspect you're in love with a dead girl, and you despise her for that fact, and also for killing herself. Now that you've clicked to the fact that No, the big green internet is not a source of solace in depravity, you're furiously backpedalling out of the thread.

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