Ars Technica has
an interesting article on whether or not the lack of a camera on an iPad is even an issue. While I do think that it's better to have a feature that's reasonably easy to include & I think that they should include a webcam in future versions (it appears that they already have that option on the table as far as the software goes), a camera on an iPad would most likely only be used as a webcam (instead of an actual camera like we see on an iPhone) & it's not really something that I care about. I personally have an iMac that has a built-in webcam that I never use, a laptop that has a built-in webcam that I never use & a desktop PC that has a USB webcam that I used for a few months to video chat with my wife when she was in France & then threw it in to the closet with all of the other junk.
I'm sure that there are several people here that would probably write me off as a "fanboy" because of my "defense" of this product, but the fact of the matter is that it's almost exactly what I've been waiting for & I'd feel the same way about a product like this if it was coming from another company. For me, a computer is a tool that I use to access internet content, to keep in touch with family/friends via email & social networking websites (both of which are generally short & to-the-point messages where the lack of a hardware keyboard wouldn't really matter) & to read eBooks (I'm currently reading eBooks via my iMac, which requires me to sit at my computer desk for hours & hours & I would much prefer to read in bed, on the couch or at a park). I'm not going to pay for an eBook unless I can't find it on BitTorrent. However, if I need to type something that's a bit longer, I can simply connect to the docking station & go at it. Even if someone wanted to carry the docking station around with them (I wouldn't), it would still be smaller than the average laptop (a little larger than a netbook). I don't download music or movies because I stream all of my media, so the limited hard drive space doesn't bother me (we use less than 16GB on my laptop). I could almost see myself selling a few of my other computers & using this as my primary system. The only thing that prevents me from doing so is that I'm running a server from home on my desktop PC, the laptop is there for my wife to use when I'm on the iMac & I use the iMac for programming (I'm assuming that the iPad won't be ideal for this).
However, I must admit that while they're getting a good deal with AT&T, I'm not a big fan. My AT&T contract just ended & I was really hoping to switch to another provider. That being said, I've avoided getting a smart phone because of the large monthly payments (I still have a simple phone that your grandmothers could use), but with the prices that are available for the iPad, I'll have to consider it.