Of what, we don't want to know.y
Posts: 4,243
I didn't mean to try to have you write any more instances to justify your beliefs. I know, we could go all day arguing who was right or wrong in a situation. I wouldn't insist you are wrong for how you feel, though...I don't mean to say that you're wrong. I mean, like I said, it's instinct, and it doesn't take much repetition to really reinforce instinct. I just think that it would be BETTER if you would go into each encounter with a wary but open mind.
I understand that I will never change your inherent distrust of police. I don't mean to insinuate that I have some inherent trust of police officers, if you would like it phrased in a way that parallels your views, I too have a sort of "distrust" for police officers in that I will never assume that they are going to do what's best for me. I just don't assume that they are out to screw me, either. I am always watching out for authority figures who overstep their bounds. If I may share a bit of personal information, I have a major problem with authority, and especially misuse of authority. I will be the first to decline an illegal search or seizure.
I understand that I can't change your distrust, nor do I think that you should "switch to the other side" and have an inherent trust. I just was hoping to help convince you not to let your rightfully-earned distrust sour you on every future interaction, potentially becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy.