There's some validity to this view. I'm willing to discuss views with people who actually want to discuss them but certain topics aren't really open for discussion here. This hysteria surrounding manmade global warming would be one.
So, about a month and a half ago or so I tuned into Chris Mathews show and he was having a meltdown regarding global warming. He had some global warming scientist on and he was literally freaking out about Republicans/Conservatives/Right Wingers not wanting to do anything an pressing this scientist on just how crappy the world would be in twenty years if we didn't take any action. Now, this woman (the scientist, not Mathews) was totally with him but had to respond to the question by stating that even if we completely stopped producing greenhouse gasses it would take 1000 years for the planet to absorb them. So, in other words, everything is going to be the same twenty years from now or whenever, no matter what. I'm only really pointing this out because it was funny to see mister tingle in his leg for bHo freak out. Of course, I'm sure regular viewers of his program see that everyday.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16