Oh how boring that post is.
A. Obviously all anecdotal.
B. He mentions planning a vacation. I know vacation websites that use flash for their scheduling systems. Whoops!
C. He mentions different types of content that can be made. Good for him, we can write off snippy replies and tweets! My question is, why bother with an inferior system for doing so? Not only are you forced into a special class of content (short messages and minor edits), but you're doing so when more useful devices exist. A netbook costs less, runs faster, is about as portable (read: carry around, not weight or size), runs far more applications, does far more with the web, has a KEYBOARD, etc. At what point do you have to stop and realize that maybe the iPad ISN'T good for content creation, not because it isn't capable, but because it sucks at it.
D. Doesn't even address the issue of not being able to retrieve said content that WAS created! If it doesn't get posted immediately to the internet, chances are, you're not going to ever pull it off that iPad.