I was just saying that is how I rank them based upon my knowledge and perceptions of them. What I didn't say was that I was right, or that it was some sort of definitive list of the effectiveness of our various branches of military. I didn't say I know the most about the military either. When did I say that? You think that because my screenname is Elite Warrior that I think I know more about the military automatically, when in reality it was just my callsign in a game called Delta Force: Land Warrior that I carried over to these forums. Nothing more.
On that same note I do have decent knowledge about each branch of the military (save the Navy) because up until a year ago I was slated to enlist in the Marine Corps, and I had researched the Air Force, Army, and Marines extensively before I made my decision. I ultimately decided to do a year of college before I did enlist, just to make sure I wasn't making the wrong decision. Right now I'm considering either doing one of the branches ROTC programs, or just quitting college and joining full time before next fall.
Antony: I'm older than you, I'm from the United States, and you're a misinformed douchebag. When I posted on this thread I didn't expect to be jumped on and ridiculed for giving my opinion, and I find it really sad that alot of so-called 'respected' members would do so just for the mere novelty of doing it.