That movie came out more than ten years ago. It wasn't worth looking forward to.
You're right, but I heard it elsewhere first.
Jar Jar was lame and stupid.
No it is and was a Star Wars movie. Unfortunately, you could say.
That song is from the late 90s and quite a hit so I'm sure people have heard it...
Yeah, The Matrix, but it came out more than ten years ago as well. It was a huge hit and deservedly so, great movie.
What? That movie is not new, I haven't seen it though.
He's been in some really good films...
What, they're making a sequel or a remake and she's reprising her role?
Never seen this before, but in Finland we don't get most American TV commercials anyway.
She's definitely not a virgin and she was married to Kevin Federline whom I guess you could call low life.
She's more than proved herself to be a far superior artist to Britney Spears, and is probably more popular already.
Wow you need a new PC. Plus who watches Quake III previews anymore?
The Y2K bug ended up not doing much that I know of.
Yeah that came out 15 years ago...
ZIP drives are redundant, why would you use them anymore??
Outdated sucky computer, terribly slow internet for modern standards, and AOL? Good luck, man, I thought they'd died of suck by now.
Who are you talking to? People on used to add that kinda **** for their Jedi Knight rooms. We don't have a similar JK matchmaking service, this is a discussion forum.
Good luck, but usually that sort of thing fails, ESPECIALLY when you're apparently not really doing anything for it.
Which one? The one in NYC already did, in 2001.
Uh, there's the ISB and you're the moderator, just have them moved there by an admin...
We've had this for a long time now, but congrats I guess. Also you're doing something wrong because your join date is not from recently. did, and now the whole thing has died down.
Same as above to KOP_Snake.
Ok? That was a popular JK no one really cares about it.
Looks like we're not going down after all, so nevermind.