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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Family Guy with the esteemable Mr. Limbaugh
Family Guy with the esteemable Mr. Limbaugh
2010-10-06, 8:07 AM #81
This is not 'Nam. This is Massassi. There are rules.
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2010-10-06, 9:09 AM #82
You get bonus points (here, in my head) for that. Lots of them.
2010-10-06, 9:26 AM #83
That's some pretty good side boob
"Nulla tenaci invia est via"
2010-10-06, 10:10 AM #84
If it weren't for the GM logos in the background one might think it was some Addicts Non-Anonymous meeting or something.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2010-10-06, 10:31 AM #85
1999, eh? So there's a couple stupid-long threads in the Discussion Board about stories or some such. Someone should make another board so they're not cluttering this one up.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2010-10-06, 10:44 AM #86
Hey guys I just registered on the new forums, this system is so much better than that crappy old board. PS I am 11 years old.
2010-10-06, 10:54 AM #87
I hope the Zone never stops support for JK.
2010-10-06, 11:33 AM #88
bgj nf ng gl hf
2010-10-06, 11:53 AM #89
2010-10-06, 1:38 PM #90
Originally posted by Jon`C:
Who else is looking forward to Episode 1??

That movie came out more than ten years ago. It wasn't worth looking forward to.

Originally posted by Anakin9012:
The Phantom Menace won't be nearly as good as the original trilogy. You heard it here first.

You're right, but I heard it elsewhere first.

Originally posted by Antony:
Are you kidding? Have you seen Jar Jar. That guy is gonna be the ****in bomb!

Jar Jar was lame and stupid.

Originally posted by Jon`C:
it's called the phantom menace??? is it a ghost movie now or something

No it is and was a Star Wars movie. Unfortunately, you could say.

Originally posted by Michael MacFarlane:
have any of you heard that song "all star"? sooooooo good

That song is from the late 90s and quite a hit so I'm sure people have heard it...

Originally posted by Antony:
Did you guys see the previews for that movie where everyone wears sunglasses and it's got lots of slow motion? It looks gay.

Yeah, The Matrix, but it came out more than ten years ago as well. It was a huge hit and deservedly so, great movie.

Originally posted by BobTheMasher:
Isn't that song featured in the new movie "Mystery Men" with Ben Stiller and still-relevant Janeane Garofalo?

What? That movie is not new, I haven't seen it though.

Originally posted by Antony:
It's also got that William H Macy guy in it. His career will never go anywhere.

He's been in some really good films...

Originally posted by Jon`C:
Oh man, she's gonna be in that Dogma movie right?

What, they're making a sequel or a remake and she's reprising her role?

Originally posted by Michael MacFarlane:
check out this commercial it's hilarious

Never seen this before, but in Finland we don't get most American TV commercials anyway.

Originally posted by KOP_Snake:
Britney Spears is so hotttt, but she'll be a virgin til she's married to some ultra rich handsome dude, no low life would have a shot with her...

She's definitely not a virgin and she was married to Kevin Federline whom I guess you could call low life.

Originally posted by Antony:
You know I think Christina Aguilera has talent and may actually someday be more popular than Britney Spears.

She's more than proved herself to be a far superior artist to Britney Spears, and is probably more popular already.

Originally posted by Sol:
Did you guys read any previews of Quake III??!! It has curved surfaces. I bet my ATi Rage 128 16MB I just bought can totally run this game smoothly.

Wow you need a new PC. Plus who watches Quake III previews anymore?

Originally posted by Dark__Knight:
Anyone else gearing up for the Y2K crash? I just hope all my porn isn't erased! :gbk:

The Y2K bug ended up not doing much that I know of.

Originally posted by Temperamental:
Lucasarts is making a new video game.


Rumors say this one is actually supposed to be good.

Yeah that came out 15 years ago...

Originally posted by ECHOMAN:
Don't panic. I saved all mine on a ZIP disk.

ZIP drives are redundant, why would you use them anymore??

Originally posted by Temperamental:
I also own an Apple II-gs with a totally rad 14.4 kbps connection with AOL Online. This year I'm getting one of those new "Microwave" things.

Oh and long live the King of Pop!

Outdated sucky computer, terribly slow internet for modern standards, and AOL? Good luck, man, I thought they'd died of suck by now.

Originally posted by KOP_Snake:
bgj nf ng nh, hacker kicker enabled!

Who are you talking to? People on used to add that kinda **** for their Jedi Knight rooms. We don't have a similar JK matchmaking service, this is a discussion forum.

Originally posted by Steven:
guys I am making a tc I need mappers coggers texturers I will come up with the ideas and be the lead tester

Good luck, but usually that sort of thing fails, ESPECIALLY when you're apparently not really doing anything for it.

Originally posted by zanardi:
I had this dream the other night that the world trade center got hit by airplanes.

Which one? The one in NYC already did, in 2001.

Originally posted by Gebohq:
1999, eh? So there's a couple stupid-long threads in the Discussion Board about stories or some such. Someone should make another board so they're not cluttering this one up.

Uh, there's the ISB and you're the moderator, just have them moved there by an admin...

Originally posted by BobTheMasher:
Hey guys I just registered on the new forums, this system is so much better than that crappy old board. PS I am 11 years old.

We've had this for a long time now, but congrats I guess. Also you're doing something wrong because your join date is not from recently.

Originally posted by Anakin9012:
I hope the Zone never stops support for JK. did, and now the whole thing has died down.

Originally posted by Zell:
bgj nf ng gl hf

Same as above to KOP_Snake.

Originally posted by Temperamental:

Ok? That was a popular JK no one really cares about it.
Looks like we're not going down after all, so nevermind.
2010-10-06, 2:53 PM #91
I hate you, Kroko.
>>untie shoes
2010-10-06, 3:10 PM #92
Is Kroko from the future?
2010-10-06, 3:12 PM #93
He's either an idiot or an idiot.
2010-10-06, 3:34 PM #94
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2010-10-06, 3:46 PM #95
Why would you do that.
2010-10-06, 4:53 PM #96
Kroko: more sarcastic then Stephen Colbert.

Now that's quite an achievement.
You can't judge a book by it's file size
2010-10-06, 5:00 PM #97
Wow... what's with the giant images of Rush?
>>untie shoes
2010-10-06, 5:02 PM #98
So people who've never heard of him know what he looks like, I imagine!
2010-10-06, 5:06 PM #99
Oh, now I get it. Since this thread has already derailed, it is now to showcase images of people you think about when you masturbate. Take it away, gents.
>>untie shoes
2010-10-06, 5:07 PM #100
a face for radio
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2010-10-06, 5:09 PM #101
Originally posted by Antony:
it is now to showcase images of people you think about when you masturbate. Take it away, gents.

Eh, I already did that in the relationship thread
You can't judge a book by it's file size
2010-10-06, 7:15 PM #102
Originally posted by Wookie06:
pictures of Rush Limbaugh

2010-10-06, 7:19 PM #103
I think Wookie just really wants to post boobs.
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2010-10-06, 7:20 PM #104
2010-10-06, 7:31 PM #105
Originally posted by Deadman:
Eh, I already did that in the relationship thread

you are super cute, Deadman, it just tickles me :P
2010-10-06, 7:40 PM #106
I don't think anyone's referred to my masturbation as super cute but I'll take it ;)
You can't judge a book by it's file size
2010-10-06, 7:59 PM #107
Oh don't be coy you know what I'm talkin' about.
2010-10-06, 9:06 PM #108
This means war
2010-10-06, 9:08 PM #109
Damn what a zit
2010-10-06, 9:21 PM #110
Hahaha. I love you right now, Numbarz.
>>untie shoes
2010-10-06, 9:22 PM #111
Originally posted by saberopus:
Oh don't be coy you know what I'm talkin' about.

but... my coyness is part of my cuteness >_>

Also: if you saw the facebook posts going between her and I you would be absolutely nauseated :D
You can't judge a book by it's file size
2010-10-07, 12:13 AM #112

(he's behind it all)

No Table breaking
"Guns don't kill people, I kill people."
2010-10-07, 2:27 AM #113
2010-10-07, 9:25 AM #114
I ****ing hate all of you.
>>untie shoes
2010-10-07, 2:06 PM #115
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2010-10-07, 2:22 PM #116
Originally posted by Antony:
I ****ing hate all of you.

I pay per KB for my temporary pre-pay USB modem i-nets. Imagine how I feel.. :P

PS. Goodbye, thread.
2010-10-07, 2:30 PM #117
Originally posted by Deadman:
Your love of America has nothing to do with. You seem completely unable to make a post that isn't trying to start something.

Why do people keep feeding him? Just ignore the obvious bait. Underneath the trolling is sometimes a useful discussion. Move past it.
2010-10-07, 3:21 PM #118
2010-10-07, 4:41 PM #119
This thread is now post pics of inexplicably rich white trash who sabotage the political discourse in their country for personal gain
2010-10-07, 4:43 PM #120
sustainable economic policies, stable employment and trustworthy government? heh. **** you, got mine
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