The most likely to be accurate estimates place Beck's rally at at least 300,000. I hadn't seen official estimates for the comedy rally when I made the comment but reports were that it was in the tens of thousands. It could be that Beck's rally was of a smaller magnitude as large. Regardless, I'm not really buying that the CBS estimates are accurate (they contracted the survey) based solely on their word. Looking at aerial views of the crowds it certainly wouldn't seem plausible that there were three times as many people at the comedy rally, either. Now, if you look at the silly highlighted image that shows the supposed footprint of the rallies, sure, but not the actual aerials.
Yusuf’s allegedly supports the fatwah against Salman Rushdie. I have to say allegedly because all of the clips of his comments were removed from YouTube, most likely at his request. Still, there's always google. Again, I don't really care but it just seems like a strange choice for the restoring sanity part. Maybe it was intended to fit in with the restoring fear part.
For while it works:
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16