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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Rally to Restore Sanity and or Fear
Rally to Restore Sanity and or Fear
2010-11-01, 8:25 PM #81
Originally posted by Emon:
I hate government involvement! Except, you know, for those times they get involved that benefit me.

That's why establishment politicians will continue to pander to you.

Originally posted by alpha1:
what realy makes me laugh is that in england, there were protests recently about the fact that there was a REDUCTION in government spending.

Sure. In Europe there are plenty of protests when government chooses to reduce aspects of government spending. What would be interesting to see is if these are genuine reductions or simply reductions in the rate of increase. Reductions in the rate of increase in spending in the US are routinely described as cuts. So deceptive.

Originally posted by Jon`C:
Wookie06's real name is Steve Lambert, a mentally retarded homosexual who was hospitalized as an adolescent and subjected to repeated shock treatments in an effort to cure him of his sexual preferences. He recently contracted hepatitis after a violent pegging by Dick Cheney's lesbian daughter with an unsanitary strap-on.

It's not "lying." My comments are concise, to my point and easily disregarded if you simply want to ignore them.

Although terribly demonstrated, the following will be an example of ignoring your post.


Originally posted by Jon`C:
Hmmm.... a group that wants the government to prohibit the free trade of labor in order to gain an artificial comparative advantage? Nope! No clamoring for government assistance, here!

So now you're comparing international trade policy with domestic politics? All while providing no substance? Okay, I'll concede your convoluted international opinion.

Originally posted by alpha1:
Honestly wookie, there are plenty of other internet messageboards filled with people who will be happy to agree with what you have to say, and spending time there will probably make you feel better as nobody there will be attacking you whenever you get into a political discussion.

To be honest I have real people to talk with that generally agree with typical American values. I engage in debate here since it is so rare to find normal people that share the views of those such as yours.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2010-11-01, 8:33 PM #82
but what are typical American values? The United States is such a varied place, that there is no one set of values you could realy call "American" without implying that a large portion of the population is unamerican.
Snail racing: (500 posts per line)------@%
2010-11-01, 8:35 PM #83
To be honest I have real people to talk with that generally agree with typical American values. I engage in debate here since it is so rare to find normal people that share the views of those such as yours.

Move out of hicksville and you'll find that normal people have quite varied opinions about a lot of things.
2010-11-01, 9:11 PM #84
Originally posted by Wookie06:
So now you're comparing international trade policy with domestic politics? All while providing no substance? Okay, I'll concede your convoluted international opinion.
I'm talking about illegal immigrants, genius.
2010-11-01, 9:38 PM #85
Originally posted by alpha1:
but what are typical American values? The United States is such a varied place, that there is no one set of values you could realy call "American" without implying that a large portion of the population is unamerican.

Actually this is kind of why I don't agree with the closing speech of the return to sanity show. Yes we all do mostly get along in daily life, we all make small concessions that help things run smooth. However as was stated the values and opinions found in this country are SO varied that the same really cannot be done in politics without every incumbent being booted out for pissing everyone off in their attempts to "reach across the isle", and make small concessions. Not that incumbents being booted is really a bad thing.
Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob
2010-11-01, 9:39 PM #86
I'm not saying we have to get rid of Wookie forever. But can't we ban him just a little bit, like we did last time his trolling got out of hand?
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2010-11-01, 9:47 PM #87
Originally posted by alpha1:
what realy makes me laugh is that in england, there were protests recently about the fact that there was a REDUCTION in government spending.

Protests in Europe in countries like Greece, Spain, and the UK are a product of their environment, not a fundamental protest against less spending as a concept of "good governance". Most of these countries are in dire economic straights, or already were in dire economic straights, and they had to cut back on their unsustainable provision of certain public services which helped weaken their position in the first place.

If you are going to put your faith in the government like many European countries have decided too, you ultimately are putting yourself at the mercy of their decision. I'm not commenting on whether that's right or wrong, but it just comes with the deal. When you are fed what are some pretty good public sector wages/benefits for your entire life and half your employed people are government employed, you are very reluctant to give them up when the time comes that you need to cut back. I'm sure I'd be pissed, but it comes with the territory.
"His Will Was Set, And Only Death Would Break It"

"None knows what the new day shall bring him"
2010-11-01, 9:50 PM #88
Originally posted by Cool Matty:
Move out of hicksville and you'll find that normal people have quite varied opinions about a lot of things.

Sure, except most of them will agree that they're being screwed. And it's probable that I've lived in a more diverse assortment of places than you. Also, you shouldn't disparage place simply due to geography.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2010-11-01, 9:52 PM #89
Originally posted by Jon`C:
I'm talking about illegal immigrants, genius.

So I have an honest question. How does one beng opposed to illegal immigration make one racist? Millions of people from country x come into country y and are willing to work for less than the federally mandated minimum wage in country y(or at least for much less than is reasonably charged by locals in country y) an entire industry that used to provide good paying jobs in country y is no longer viable. Why is it considered racist that citizens of country y are angry at the people from country x?

I am going to guess you are painting with a broad brush to make a point. Or do you really think that being against illegal immigration makes you inherently racist?

And yes I can clearly see the irony in a staunch free market capitalist complaining about someone undercutting them. :P
Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob
2010-11-01, 9:52 PM #90
Originally posted by Jon`C:
I'm talking about illegal immigrants, genius.

That's not really fair. I mean, sure, billions of Americans fled to Canada to get free health care prior to 2010 but now that all Americans have free health care we are repatriating trillions every month.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2010-11-01, 9:55 PM #91
Originally posted by Darth_Alran:
So I have an honest question. How does one beng opposed to illegal immigration make one racist? Millions of people from country x come into country y and are willing to work for less than the federally mandated minimum wage in country y(or at least for much less than is reasonably charged by locals in country y) an entire industry that used to provide good paying jobs in country y is no longer viable. Why is it considered racist that citizens of country y are angry at the people from country x?

I am going to guess you are painting with a broad brush to make a point. Or do you really think that being against illegal immigration makes you inherently racist?

And yes I can clearly see the irony in a staunch free market capitalist complaining about someone undercutting them. :P

because checking ID based on skin tone is racist

2010-11-01, 9:57 PM #92
Originally posted by Darth_Alran:
So I have an honest question. How does one beng opposed to illegal immigration make one racist?

It doesn't, of course. The basic fact is that most Americans want the problem of immigration security fixed before the illegal population is addressed. Once the underlying problems are dealt with most likely the illegals will be offered the opportunity to be documented and put on a tiered path to residency and citizenship. In fact it would appear that that is the "right wing" position. The leftist position is so radical that they won't even consider that.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2010-11-01, 10:03 PM #93
Originally posted by Greenboy:
because checking ID based on skin tone is racist

Herpdederp! Yes that is clearly what I was referring to. Incidentally when it is often easier to tell who's ID should be checked based on their actions than on their skin tone I think your argument loses some significance.
Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob
2010-11-01, 10:09 PM #94
actions such as buying some tortillas

2010-11-02, 1:55 AM #95
Nope you will find plenty of different people buying tortillas; people who were born here, came here on work or student visas as well as some who are here ilegally. but I doubt you will find many legal residents looking for work in front of the home depo by my work regardless of the color of their skin. In fact I dare say you could cover everyone out there in blue tarps and STILL make an accurate assumption about their legal status.
Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob
2010-11-02, 2:41 AM #96
I'm white, I'm not American. I kinda wonder If I could just walk into one of those voter stations, make sure I'm wearing a republican sticker or something, and get in without ID.
2010-11-02, 6:01 AM #97
Originally posted by Wookie06:
Sure, except most of them will agree that they're being screwed. And it's probable that I've lived in a more diverse assortment of places than you. Also, you shouldn't disparage place simply due to geography.

A. You're not "most of them", don't speak for them.
B. Irrelevant, since you seem unable to absorb said cultures.
C. I'm not, I'm basing all of it solely on you. But perhaps I gave you too much credit, maybe it's not your location that makes you a brick wall to the facts and opinions of others, but just your head.
2010-11-02, 7:13 AM #98
Why even bother? Just ban this moron. Wookie's arguments are consistently illogically invalid. I mean in terms of predicate calculus. You can prove that some of the things he says cannot be true in any possible form. I don't know how many non-sequiturs I've seen him make where he thinks it's some sort of well reasoned argument.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2010-11-02, 7:20 AM #99
Wait did I really read someone type out "lamestream media" unironically in this thread?

"Honey, you got real ugly."
2010-11-02, 4:24 PM #100
Originally posted by llibja:
Wait did I really read someone type out "lamestream media" unironically in this thread?


Yeah dude. Hipsters. They take postmodernism seriously.

It's postpostmodernism really.

(I was on that persons side but thats not the point)
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2010-11-02, 4:39 PM #101
Originally posted by Cool Matty:
A. You're not "most of them", don't speak for them.
B. Irrelevant, since you seem unable to absorb said cultures.
C. I'm not, I'm basing all of it solely on you. But perhaps I gave you too much credit, maybe it's not your location that makes you a brick wall to the facts and opinions of others, but just your head.

A. That's kind of a hard thing to argue this election day.
B. Says you. Of course you've never seen me in any environment separate from the ether of cyberspace.
C. Yeah, it's my head. I live in a pretty nice college town, right now.

Originally posted by Tibby:
I'm white, I'm not American. I kinda wonder If I could just walk into one of those voter stations, make sure I'm wearing a republican sticker or something, and get in without ID.

Most likely wearing any political memorabilia, especially republican, would draw negative attention. However whether or not you would be allowed to vote would depend on the state laws regarding ID or registration. In some cases you would be able to vote and others no. Also, some would allow you to cast a provisional ballot until it can be determined that you are eligible or voted for democrats.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2010-11-02, 5:14 PM #102
Originally posted by Wookie06:
Also, some would allow you to cast a provisional ballot until it can be determined that you are eligible or voted for democrats.

Looks like we're not going down after all, so nevermind.
2010-11-02, 5:30 PM #103
Kroko, its more like :tinfoil:
tofu sucks
2010-11-02, 5:31 PM #104
Originally posted by Cool Matty:
A. You're not "most of them", don't speak for them.
Basically all of your election results have p>0.5 for being a result of coin tosses vs. actual ballots, so who gives a **** anyway? Your system is a joke and ultimately the elites will pick whoever they want.

"Most" people are ****ing stupid. If Wookie06 really does speak for "most" people it just proves he's King Moron of Retard Hill.
2010-11-02, 5:35 PM #105
So, Obama is a Keynesian! I knew it!

"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2010-11-02, 5:35 PM #106
Nice hill wookie, nice hill.
2010-11-02, 9:13 PM #107
Yes, thank you, the hill looks very nice tonight. We'll have to keep working hard but I believe we will take more hills in the future.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16


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