I think that you're confused w/ the 1% of elections in South America where the U.S. hasn't at least attempted to intervene. Millions of South Americans are sick & tired of U.S. imperialism. They want to control their own resources (e.g: oil & water) & they're sick of Anarcho-Capitalism ****ing them in the ass. A lot of people in our own country are getting quite sick of some of the same things. Fortunately for us we live in the nation of ass-****ers, not ass-receivers & haven't had to experience the hardships that these people have. Say what you will about Che, Castro & even Chavez, but their message(s) resonate w/ their people because of the way that our government has treated them. The people of these nations (all of South America & many other countries around the world) basically have a choice between embracing Anarcho-Capitalism which ultimately means corporations from another country controlling their resources & what "Socialism". We should be happy that we have people like Castro & Chavez, who are relatively moderate considering the circumstances, in charge of things instead of someone far worse. We've mishandled South America since we landed here. We've had enough time to learn from our mistakes. It's time that we stop ****ing them in the ass & time that we start treating them as equals.