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ForumsDiscussion Forum → you guys are dicks
you guys are dicks
2010-12-06, 12:01 AM #41
lol :awesomelon:
I can't wait for the day schools get the money they need, and the military has to hold bake sales to afford bombs.
2010-12-06, 12:25 AM #42
Originally posted by SoldierSnoop:
elaborate. i b dum.

You're acting like you get treated any differently than anyone else, making yourself even more of a target for criticism. Having a dumb opinion is one thing, but having a dumb opinion and then defending it like it's a religion only makes you more likely to get negative attention.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2010-12-06, 2:24 AM #43
Originally posted by SoldierSnoop:
you guys are dicks

<Rob> This is internet.
<Rob> Nothing costs money if I don't want it to.
2010-12-06, 2:39 AM #44
How long have we been able to say dicks?

error; function{getsig} returns 'null'
2010-12-06, 2:49 AM #45
I didn't know anyone here was being dickish. Seems like a cool place, to me, has since I first joined back in, what, '99? '00?
Anyway, I think your sense of yourself is pretty overinflated, which would explain why you think everyone on this website is trash talking you constantly. The fact is, I've never seen or heard of you outside of this thread, at all.

-And, pardon me of I sound rather solipsistic, but given your strawman arguments and your mysterious lack of evidence, I suspect you may not in fact exist at all. Good day, sir or madam sock puppet.
2010-12-06, 2:51 AM #46
Originally posted by Jarl:
-And, pardon me of I sound rather solipsistic, but given your strawman arguments and your mysterious lack of evidence, I suspect you may not in fact exist at all. Good day, sir or madam sock puppet.

Since '99 or '00 happened before I joined these forums, maybe you're the one that doesn't exist.
error; function{getsig} returns 'null'
2010-12-06, 2:53 AM #47
Ah, but there's lasting evidence of my existence. You see the scars of my presence all over this place.

-And in about two weeks, I'm gonna have a bit more evidence floating around, if you know what I mean. No, wait, you don't and that sounded dirty. Oh god what have I done.
2010-12-06, 2:55 AM #48
Oh God I've soon been here for 10 years. And I already thought Caitian_Tourist had some serious stuff going on in 2002 when he told he had been here for 2 years!

And there are lots and lots of people who have been here way longer than I have! Oh. Dear. Jinkies!

. . . -

Truncated version: Play TODOA
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2010-12-06, 3:05 AM #49
Must quote Tim Michin:

By definition, [snip] alternative medicine [snip] has either not been proved to work, or proved not to work.

Do you know what they call alternative medicine that's been proved to work?

2010-12-06, 3:57 AM #50
2010-12-06, 4:25 AM #51
Originally posted by Roger Spruce:

My blawgh.
2010-12-06, 5:27 AM #52
Seriously Snoop you neeed to relax. If I got mad at the people calling me an idiot or not liking my opinion or having a different one from me on this forum I'd have stopped posting 7 years ago. Not to mention the countless others, members old and new, that the same thing has happened to several times over the years.

Welcome to the internet. Massassi is a place of bluntness sometimes but also a place of fun debates and logic, maybe some posts come off as dickish occasionally, but if you don't like it, then seriously, don't post. People are going to call you an idiot, or something you don't like.

Someone that gets angry at the internet like this seriously should not be holding a gun.

Once again, I was actually backed up by another member who stated his girlfriend who was a massage therapist had similar views as mine. I'm sorry that you don't ever want to question the status quo and assume Western medicine holds the "only" answers to our growing health concerns. If they are so right then why are people becoming unhealthier and obese? I am not saying I want answers to these questions right now but understand that having a different a point of view and wanting to share it on a forum with others shouldn't make you forcing that view on others. Poke holes in it. Tell me why I'm wrong. I didn't come here to be trolled and called a dumbass. Although it is typical of those who do not wish to leave their comfort zone when and fight the pre-dominance in our thought processes.

Whoa. No. I didn't say that my girlfriend fully agreed with you, I said that she agreed that our posture does in fact have a LOT to do with affecting our lives (i.e if you sit incorrectly for lengthy periods of time in an incorrect position you are probably inviting back problems, or neck problems). I never said that she agreed that our posture was the CAUSE of all our diseases. Just a contributing factor to a lot of things that can happen with our body. It goes way beyond simple posture. Which cannot affect a disease by the way. When have you ever heard of someone getting Cancer because they weren't seated correctly..

I'd get her to post and elaborate completely but she's not really interested in doing so.

If they are so right then why are people becoming unhealthier and obese?

There's quite a simple reason for that... Nowadays, people work more, sleep less, and eat terrible food options. Fast Food is the way to go in the USA. THAT is why people are becoming more unhealthy and obese. They'd rather eat a Big Mac than lift a few pounds at the gym.

Without sounding like a Dick I want to address some other posts quickly...

Wrong, a doctor with years of medical school knows it better. Mostly because it's his job.
I don't know how many bones I have in my leg, he does! If my leg hurts I should ask him, the doctor.

i mean one can learn all they need to know about being a massage therapist in less time than it takes to play halo

No offense but you guys really don't know what it takes to be an RMT... Yes, there are quick courses that can get you through in under a couple years, but the knowledge you attain is nothing compared to a full course over 3 or 4 years. 1 years worth of teaching versus 4 years? Come on.

A little story quickly... Back when my girlfriend was going through her course at College, she and her peers had to study literally every single day of the week for about 6 or 7 hours at least. This is no exaggeration. There were that many things for them to remember. Anatomy, Biology, Physiology, all that crap. You can't tell me that 7 hours studying every day for 4 years straight at the very least, and you can learn that in an afternoon playing Halo? Not even Jon C could do that.

Also, yes, a Doctor knows tons more about medicine, and other aspects of the body, but I would argue that an RMT knows a lot more about the anatomy and bone structure than the regular Doctor (Aside from a surgeon or someone like that). Simply because, that's their job, just like medicine is a doctors job. RMT's go to school specifically studying origins and insertions of every single muscle, bone, ligament, you name it in the body. They are expected to diagnose conditions (which my girlfriend has done multiple times) sometimes, just like a doctor would.

I am not trying to up my girlfriend, nor am I stating this stuff simply because it's MY girlfriend that's a Massage Therapist and I think I know it all... I would like to clear that up as well just in case.

I didn't call it ****. I just said I'd trust a doctor more than a therapist. I do not agree I know myself better than any doctor. I am definitely not certified to make those kind of calls on my own body. I know when something hurts, but I don't have the medical knowhow to fix it.

That's where my post applies to. In certain situations, a Doctor is more advisable. In others, an RMT might be better. Just like again, in others, you might be better go to to a Chiropractor. OMG, Doctors can refer you to other people as well?...You mean... Like a specialist that knows more about a specific area than they do?

Just wanted to clear some of that up from the perspective of someone that's with someone in the field so I can provide at least some insight into it. Since there already seems to be some misconceptions.. :(


I'm with Snoop in that most doctors are essentially worthless for anything but trauma or the most obvious diseases. You'll pay a lot of money and run a lot of tests and they'll say "i don't know, here's some pills to help the symptoms" and then the problem will either fix itself or you'll learn to live with it yourself.

This. I've personally been through this, and still am going through it. I have an extremely bad condition of GERD, so bad that it has actually eroded away my Lower Esophageal Sphincter, essentially whenever I eat, the food goes down, and comes right back up. I'll spare the description of my symptoms... Basically, what has been the doctors solution for this? Medication. Multiple medications that do absolutely NOTHING to help. Nexium, Prevacid, Pantoloc, Ranitidine, you name it, I've been on it. After repeated actual full blown arguments with the doctors, they still refuse to do anything but give me medication. I've told them specifically, I do not want to be on them the rest of my life, and I do not enjoy the side effects (diarhhea for one, massive headaches for the other, heart palpitations with Pantoloc, etc)... What is their response? Too bad, medication.

Fast forward a few months, and I find out I have an option to get what is called a Fundoplication surgery. Something that none of the doctors even told me about, and that I had to do research myself to discover. Apparently, 80% of people that undergo this experience a total cure of their symptoms, but after repeated demanding of the doctor to allow me to get the surgery, still, nope you have to take medication. After years of fighting I have finally gotten to the point that I've convinced the doctor to give me a letter of recommendation to my family doctor, who will then give me the OK to get the surgery. Why it took this long and this much fighting to get it done I will never know. But the experience has definietely opened my eyes.

If you want to know what the definition of uncomfortable is, go and get a pH test.
2010-12-06, 5:58 AM #53
Originally posted by Temperamental:
That's where my post applies to. In certain situations, a Doctor is more advisable. In others, an RMT might be better. Just like again, in others, you might be better go to to a Chiropractor. OMG, Doctors can refer you to other people as well?...You mean... Like a specialist that knows more about a specific area than they do? (

Yes this is exactly what I meant. I didn't mean to say that a massage therapist doesn't know anything. I definitely would listen to what a trained massage therapist had to say about posture and all of that, but I'd think a nutritionist might know more about obesity. A 4 year degree in massage therapy will teach you more than wikipedia ever will.
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2010-12-06, 6:02 AM #54
That's what I thought you meant. I was trying to clear it up even though it was pretty obvious earlier. It's just that unfortunately some people don't possess reading comprehension. The sarcasm was directed at the people that didn't know about the wonderful world of referrals.
2010-12-06, 7:12 AM #55
SoldierSnoop, you made a thread on the order of Friend14 level of stupid. You got called on it, and as far as Massassi is concerned, the reaction was mild. Then you make THIS thread, which blows my mind, as it simply demonstrates your inability to handle others' opinions, and brings to light an extreme persecution complex. You get all huffy about Massassi getting on your case for your instance of stupid, when in reality, had you posted that in any other part of the internet, you'd probably never live it down.
2010-12-06, 7:32 AM #56
I knew you were just a crusty little vagina ever since you started posting idiotic whine-fest bull**** this year.

I'm sorry, but you come off as a pussy who can't handle being called names. On top of that, you sound like a whiny man-child crying about his precious magazine that was taken away from him. Oh yeah, you also sound like a smug passive-aggressive ***** when you go "heh sundance films confuse my peers and I find that hilarious". Jokes on you *****, you brought a gay film to a sausagefest.
2010-12-06, 7:47 AM #57
Originally posted by ragna:
I knew you were just a crusty little vagina ever since you started posting idiotic whine-fest bull**** this year.


2010-12-06, 8:05 AM #58
Originally posted by SoldierSnoop:
Just the arrogant smugness of the massassians who have turned this place into a massive dicksuck fest where we pay patronage to the mods and old-timers. It used to be a cool place where people could have more then one opinion. Sadly doesn't seem to be the case. I know I am an outsider. I always have been. I always trolled but that's because you fags were so set in your ways that you needed to be prodded. oh yeah. M$

So whats your point? That you're not? Because this post sure makes it sound like you are trying to express a level of smug superiority over the rest of us.
2010-12-06, 8:14 AM #59
Of course, DSettahr. He's in the military. Naturally that makes him better than the rest of us.
2010-12-06, 8:38 AM #60

2010-12-06, 11:24 AM #61
Oh please, in my job as a nurse I've inadvertently killed hundreds, maybe thousands of people. Like that makes you special...

-Don't use that as evidence against traditional medicine btw.
2010-12-06, 11:25 AM #62
I'll use it as evidence against you, moiderah!

Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2010-12-06, 12:16 PM #63
Originally posted by SoldierSnoop:
Once again, I was actually backed up by another member who stated his girlfriend who was a massage therapist had similar views as mine.

Actually, she doesn't. That poster (Temperamental?) took what I said out of context and you took what he said out of context.

Originally posted by SoldierSnoop:
I'm sorry that you don't ever want to question the status quo

Questioning the status quo does not mean supporting unsubstantiated, unscientific bull****.

Originally posted by SoldierSnoop:
Poke holes in it. Tell me why I'm wrong.

We did. Also, you were making the claim, which means the burden of proof is on YOU. I can cite thousands of studies as to the causes of cancer, diabetes, etc. You won't find a single paper suggesting that posture is related to those diseases. You're full of ****.

Originally posted by SoldierSnoop:
I didn't come here to be trolled and called a dumbass.

Then stop talking out of your ass.

Originally posted by SoldierSnoop:
Although it is typical of those who do not wish to leave their comfort zone when and fight the pre-dominance in our thought processes.

Personally, I greatly value the scientific method. I greatly value questioning my own opinions and I am constantly checking to see if they are correct. I've changed my opinion on many subjects over the years as a direct result of discussion on these forums.

This is really ironic, because it's exactly what you're doing. You aren't here to have a rational discussion, you don't want to listen to anyone else. You want to tell us how we're all brainwashed and set in our own ways, but you yourself do not stop to criticize your own opinions. You make unsubstantiated arguments filled with logical fallacies, unsubstantiated claims that can't be backed up except by the latest quack of the month website.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2010-12-06, 12:21 PM #64
Originally posted by Roger Spruce:
Of course, DSettahr. He's in the military. Naturally that makes him better than the rest of us.

Virtually everyone in the US (wall street machine) military suffers from a staggeringly huge case of unwarranted self importance. You can look it up in the DSM-IV as Narcissistic Personality Disorder. But then again that's kind of voodoo medicine, let's be honest here.
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2010-12-06, 12:22 PM #65
Originally posted by BobTheMasher:
You'll pay a lot of money and run a lot of tests and they'll say "i don't know, here's some pills to help the symptoms" and then the problem will either fix itself or you'll learn to live with it yourself.

This is really strange to me because I've never had this kind of experience in my entire life. Nor has anyone in my close or extended family. What hospitals are you guys going to? You should look them up and see how they rank nationally. After living in a few different states, I can say that all hospitals are not equal. Highly rated, well funded hospitals tend to attract the best of the best. Go somewhere crummy and your care won't be as good.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2010-12-06, 12:29 PM #66
Everyone took their turn and now he's gone. We should party.
2010-12-06, 12:36 PM #67
this thread is gay
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2010-12-06, 12:40 PM #68
Well, sure, that's why I said MOST doctors. Sure there's good hospitals and good doctors, but unless you flew across the country to find a specialist (if you even got far enough to know what specialist to see) and got House, you're pretty much screwed.

I literally went to one of the most respected experts for my condition in the nation and while he may have been extremely knowledgeable, for all the money we spent it boiled down to, seriously "take these antibiotics just in case it was bacterial, we can't really tell. Yeah, your stomach is paralyzed for some reason. It might fix itself, or it might not. Here's a prescription for Reglan, it'll make your stomach move. You can't use it for very long, though." You know, because of the terrible side effects.

That was the main thing that soured me on doctors, but also it seems like every time I have a medical issue and go to the doctor, they have no idea what is wrong (it's just some kind of quirk unique to me) and no idea how to fix it. Therefore I end up either toughing it out until it goes away, or figuring out on my own how to limit the problem through trial and error.
2010-12-06, 12:45 PM #69
I live in Canada.
Suck on that, Amerifags.
2010-12-06, 12:46 PM #70
That is just one more reason America is #1.
2010-12-06, 12:53 PM #71
Perhaps you actually have a special condition that they don't know? Medicine is a practice. But just because they don't know what's wrong with you, doesn't mean they don't know what's wrong with a lot of people. There are a TON of diseases and syndromes out there, each presenting with a wide variety of symptoms that often overlap, and all at different levels of treatment.

I've got a super rare syndrome myself, something only a few doctors in the country are able to diagnose, and they have no cure. Does that mean I have no faith in doctors and their ability to help? No, that'd be ridiculous.
2010-12-06, 12:54 PM #72
Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob
2010-12-06, 1:04 PM #73
LOL ^ I've never seen that, that's awesome.
2010-12-06, 1:04 PM #74
Hey, I'm not saying I blame the doctors or anything, I know that they probably know a lot of stuff, and they do the best they can. I'm just saying that on the whole, I personally have been better served by myself than them. That may not be the norm, but it's true for me. I'm sure someday I'll get shot or get a well-documented disease and then they'll be of great help, but until then, I can definitely see where Snoop is coming from.

Nerve pain in my back? No idea, guess I have to live with it. Sensitive sore spot sometimes? No idea, try these steroids. Nope? No idea. a long line of different gastrointestinal weirdness? REALLY no idea.

Point being, I have faith in their abilities when my life is on the line, sure, but for other stuff? Nope. Not worth the money or the time.
2010-12-06, 1:25 PM #75
Originally posted by Spook:
Virtually everyone in the US (wall street machine) military suffers from a staggeringly huge case of unwarranted self importance. You can look it up in the DSM-IV as Narcissistic Personality Disorder. But then again that's kind of voodoo medicine, let's be honest here.

I wasn't making a joke. My comment was based on my experience with nearly everyone I know that's been involved with the military. The one exception I can think of offhand is my father, but I didn't know him while he was serving or even shortly thereafter. There's a very good chance it's a generational thing as well. No one wants to join the military so they've stepped up efforts to sell the importance of it all.

I'm not saying that the function of the military is unimportant, or that the soliders are either. But they're still people. Just because you're willing to die in some desert doesn't make you better than someone who's teaching 3rd graders to play guitar.
2010-12-06, 1:32 PM #76
Originally posted by Roger Spruce:
I wasn't making a joke. My comment was based on my experience with nearly everyone I know that's been involved with the military.

I was in the military, and I come off more as annoying than smug.

error; function{getsig} returns 'null'
2010-12-06, 1:40 PM #77
I'd troll you regardless. You're ugly and dumb.
2010-12-06, 2:09 PM #78
Let's take a step back and realize that when I am calling an unidentifiable group of people "smug" I am referring to the hierarchy that has formed and created a place where free speech and public discourse are replaced by trolling efforts and thread hijacking.

I understand the argument about those in the military misjudging their own self-worth. Considering I am now in college and living like any other American college student I don't see how this argument applies to me. It is all **** you guys are saying. I realize that I fought for American men and women to go to school and enjoy life in America without having to deal with some the harsher realities of the world. This thought makes me happy, not arrogant or that I'm better than someone else. People don't have to join a military when their are volunteers and this is a good thing no matter what side of the political rubrick you fall upon.

I wrote the story about Brokeback in the perspective of my naive 19 year old self. Yes, I was cocky and had a lot to learn about life but since it's a story and it's meant to be funny I included my immaturity as a part of the narrative. Take from it what you want. I was trying make you guys laugh.

I only said Temp's gf "backed me up" not that she said verbatim what I had to say. He offered another point of view that stands seperate of modern Medical Doctors... and that was the point of the thread... not to simply claim things with zero evidence (which I didn't do, personal experience and talking with doctors, chiros, and massage therapists helped form my opinion) and I shared it with you. Not everything has to be cited like it's a ****ing research paper. Real life is influenced by personal experience. Stop taking everyone elses word as cannon and give your own thought process a chance. Saying everything I said was unsubstantiated is bull****.
2010-12-06, 2:29 PM #79
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2010-12-06, 2:30 PM #80
"Honey, you got real ugly."

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