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ForumsDiscussion Forum → you guys are dicks
you guys are dicks
2010-12-06, 2:45 PM #81
Massassi, I am In Love with you.
2010-12-06, 2:45 PM #82
If you love it so much why don't you marry it!
"Nulla tenaci invia est via"
2010-12-06, 2:47 PM #83
I don't know where to slide the ring. Also, commitment issues.
2010-12-06, 3:21 PM #84
Massassi is a whore filled with all kinds of disease's and STD's.
2010-12-06, 3:28 PM #85
I think that, as long as Tibby sticks around, no one has the right to complain about getting the rough side of Massassi.
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken
2010-12-06, 3:44 PM #86
Except Tibby. Obviously.
2010-12-06, 4:21 PM #87
Originally posted by Roger Spruce:
I wasn't making a joke. My comment was based on my experience with nearly everyone I know that's been involved with the military. The one exception I can think of offhand is my father, but I didn't know him while he was serving or even shortly thereafter. There's a very good chance it's a generational thing as well. No one wants to join the military so they've stepped up efforts to sell the importance of it all.

I'm not saying that the function of the military is unimportant, or that the soliders are either. But they're still people. Just because you're willing to die in some desert doesn't make you better than someone who's teaching 3rd graders to play guitar.

I was agreeing with you. Military personnel (in several countries I have been to, but particularly in the US) have a sense of entitlement. This is even more common among OIF and OEF veterans.

I personally don't think it's particularly warranted and I wish people would stop trying to correct me when I express that I don't think that I'm personally exceptional. They can have whatever views they want about everyone else.
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2010-12-06, 5:03 PM #88
Originally posted by Spook:
Military personnel (in several countries I have been to, but particularly in the US) have a sense of entitlement.

Perhaps it's related to the fact that pretty much all Americans of this generation seem to feel a sense of entitlement.
2010-12-06, 5:12 PM #89
Originally posted by SoldierSnoop:
Stop taking everyone elses word as cannon


You know what, Snoop? You just called me a dick without even getting to know me first. **** you, man, **** you all the way 'till Sunday 'cause that's when I go to church to pray that you go **** yourself!
Looks like we're not going down after all, so nevermind.
2010-12-06, 5:35 PM #90
Just the arrogant smugness of the massassians who have turned this place into a massive dicksuck fest where we pay patronage to the mods and old-timers.
I ****ing wish. I'd be your ****ing god.

I've just assumed that everyone's hated me for the past thirteen years because JEDMaster is such an obvious screen name and I got it first *****es.
2010-12-06, 5:51 PM #91
Originally posted by Vornskr:
Perhaps it's related to the fact that pretty much all Americans of this generation seem to feel a sense of entitlement.

That probably doesn't help. But it's even worse with my peers.

And everyone looks poorly on me when I scream about 'fighting for their big business' and 'I didn't watch my friends die face down in the mud to watch the proletariat rise to success!' when I'm drunk. Now THOSE are dicks.
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2010-12-06, 5:52 PM #92
I know that's why I always hated you.

-I figured people always hated me because I'm too real for them.
2010-12-06, 6:16 PM #93
Originally posted by Jarl:
I know that's why I always hated you.

-I figured people always hated me because I'm too real for them.

**** you, dick

Epstein didn't kill himself.
2010-12-06, 6:42 PM #94

[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2010-12-06, 7:38 PM #95

This is from a conversation on one of my old highschool friends facebook. Her car got broken into and some guy talks about Kenny Rodgers and his car being vandalized LOL
2010-12-06, 8:30 PM #96
had to google print screen huh?
"Nulla tenaci invia est via"
2010-12-06, 8:32 PM #97
i use mac's ****ty picture taker
2010-12-06, 8:43 PM #98
You use mac and you call US the snobs?

"Guns don't kill people, I kill people."
2010-12-06, 8:44 PM #99
Apples screenshot tool is awesome.
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2010-12-06, 8:46 PM #100
I like how the dock adds reflections and drop shadows to the icons. Then the screenshot tool adds another drop shadow.

It's enough to make any artist claw his eyes out.
2010-12-06, 8:54 PM #101
Oh yeah the shadow is annoying as hell. I saw a way to disable that... through some tweaking program.
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2010-12-06, 9:42 PM #102
Sometimes I'm glad I'm not an artist and can remain blissfully ignorant of things that annoy the hell out of folks like you.

(then I think of my own ticks and pet peeves and realize I'm probably no better off)

(also - I've tried fixing my posture. I'm still insulin dependent. Maybe I'm doing it wrong? :P I realize we beat that dead horse long ago but I couldn't resist )
Fincham: Where are you going?
Me: I have no idea
Fincham: I meant where are you sitting. This wasn't an existential question.
2010-12-06, 9:43 PM #103
Originally posted by SoldierSnoop:
I only said Temp's gf "backed me up" not that she said verbatim what I had to say. He offered another point of view that stands seperate of modern Medical Doctors...

No, he didn't. Did you not read his post in this thread? Everything he said is common medical knowledge. Poor posture leads to musculoskeltal issues, any doctor knows this. That is ALL he said, nothing more.

Originally posted by SoldierSnoop:
Not everything has to be cited like it's a ****ing research paper.

Actually, it kind of does. This is how science works. If you're going to make a scientific claim, and you did, you had damn well better be able to back it up with more than personal anecdote.

Originally posted by SoldierSnoop:
Real life is influenced by personal experience.

Personal anecdote is fallacious and exactly the reason why we have the scientific method.

Originally posted by SoldierSnoop:
Stop taking everyone elses word as cannon and give your own thought process a chance.

I don't take "everyone elses word as cannon." Don't be such a thick headed moron. I'm saying that personal experiences are far from sufficient for understanding the world. Since no one person can ever take the time to learn everything on their own, learning from the study of others is invaluable.

Originally posted by SoldierSnoop:
Saying everything I said was unsubstantiated is bull****.

From a scientific point of view (the only one that matters here), it absolutely was. You provided NO evidence for anything you said other than your own personal anecdote. Sample size one. Worthless.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2010-12-06, 9:54 PM #104
Anecdotal evidence is not without merit. For example, there are no scientific studies that prove parachutes increase the likelihood of surviving a fall from an airplane, yet we know they do.
However, the primary role of anecdotal evidence in the scientific method is to provide the building blocks of a hypothesis, which is then tested via experimentation.

-To quote Scott Adams: "I break out in hives whenever I eat strawberries. However, I do not have scientific evidence that I am allergic to strawberries. Ergo, I will continue to eat strawberries."
2010-12-06, 10:05 PM #105

A personal redress.

An inclined person can gather a multitude of information quickly and efficiently by guiding his own natural learning process. Once you learn what it means to be objective then you know you have a way higher chance of finding out truth and reading into the invisible bias that we commonly disregard in today's society. The fact you have no faith in yourself as having the ability to match the intelligence of someone else without having been "certified" through some altruistic measure such as a degree is evidence of just how much faith you put into the system. Yes, we have the system to protect us and give us retribution should a doctor **** up. You don't think that these measures could have impeded progress and created a linear path upon which modern medicine travels and what you as a citizen are lied to about when it comes to health care companies being bed with everyone but the patient.

I'm not saying that you have to disregard Doctors. That would be disastrous but I have seen many strange things in my life such as overcoming terminal cancer as well as zero explanation things such as MS. I do my research and I utilize the greatest gift in the world, my own thinking brain, to come up with ideas. Now some might be less revealing than others when it comes to my perception of reality but to disregard something as important as form and posture in keeping Humans healthy is not breaking the mold either. I am not linking AIDS to poor posture but people having built up levels of toxins within the muscles and joints. We know that knots occur in our muscles and pinch nerves and restrict blood flow which includes the exchange of toxins (drink lots of water). We know joints need lubrication from fluids during exercize and that the cartilige that can be worn down without lubrication. These are not complex things when it comes understanding actual mechanics and anotomy. What I am saying is no more descriptive than that of someone describing a combustion engine. No, I don't know the exact terms but I am able to narrow down some to draw my own conclusions on to issues that are in my body yet ignored by the mainstream doctors I saw.
2010-12-06, 10:16 PM #106
Originally posted by SoldierSnoop:
MS an autoimmune disorder causing the body to damage its own myelin cells, which dampens the activation potential of a neuron and decreases the nerve conduction velocity. it's well studied and the core symptom is well explained by the medical literature.

Understanding the condition does not imply curing the condition. e.g.

□p =/=> □f(p)

Although curing the condition almost certainly implies understanding the condition. e.g.

□f(p) => □p
2010-12-06, 10:25 PM #107
MS just sucks... no need to give that gibberish since those affected by it have to slowly wither and be afflicted with nothing they can do to prevent it.
2010-12-06, 10:28 PM #108
MS does suck - it's hit two close family members, one of whom has already died from it.

But what you consider "gibberish" is actually knowledge about the disease, and no amount of pissing and whining and self-fellation will ever change the fact that doctors actually know a lot about the disease and that discovering an actual cure is a lot harder than being a gigantic retard on the internet and professing a belief in healing crystals and lumbar support.
2010-12-06, 10:32 PM #109
Did you just say we didn't know anything about MS snoop? I learned about that in high school biology.
E: Same with cancer.
2010-12-06, 10:41 PM #110
Originally posted by SoldierSnoop:
An inclined person can gather a multitude of information quickly and efficiently by guiding his own natural learning process.

Please define "natural learning process." Modern psychology has a lot of really good information about how our innate ability to learn is very inadequate. Cognitive biases are one such example.

Originally posted by SoldierSnoop:
Once you learn what it means to be objective then you know you have a way higher chance of finding out truth and reading into the invisible bias that we commonly disregard in today's society.

Haha, you are not objective at all. No one is. What you are showing here is a bias blind spot.

Originally posted by SoldierSnoop:
The fact you have no faith in yourself as having the ability to match the intelligence of someone else without having been "certified" through some altruistic measure such as a degree is evidence of just how much faith you put into the system.

I never said I have no faith in myself, I said nothing about my intelligence, I said nothing about certifications. Stop making **** up. Also, that's not the correct use of the word "altruistic." Get a ****ing dictionary.

Originally posted by SoldierSnoop:
Yes, we have the system to protect us and give us retribution should a doctor **** up. You don't think that these measures could have impeded progress and created a linear path upon which modern medicine travels

Actually, science works in exactly the opposite. Good examples off the top of my head where the entire medical community has reversed its opinion: effects of illegal drugs (especially marijuana), the entire field of psychology over the past 200 years especially early psychiatric treatments such as lobotomies.

Originally posted by SoldierSnoop:
and what you as a citizen are lied to about when it comes to health care companies being bed with everyone but the patient.

There is definitely corporate influence on some areas of research. Thankfully it's not too hard to spot and any time a study is published that affirms the stance of some medical company, it's usually scrutinized even more. You know, that whole peer review thing. There's no conspiracy happening anywhere but in your head.

Originally posted by SoldierSnoop:
but people having built up levels of toxins within the muscles and joints.

Citation needed. What is a "toxin"? All you are doing here is showing how LITTLE you know about chemistry! If you KNOW there are toxins in muscles and joints, show some goddamn laboratory results proving it. Otherwise it's hogwash.

Do you get what I am saying? YOU NEED TO PROVE THINGS IN ORDER TO KNOW THEY ARE TRUE. THIS IS HOW SCIENCE WORKS. Do you really not get this?
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2010-12-06, 10:42 PM #111
wow. tibby, do you enjoy that tickle on your chin?
2010-12-06, 10:43 PM #112
2010-12-06, 10:45 PM #113
Only when he sits up straight
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2010-12-06, 10:47 PM #114
dicks sucking dicks. this is what it's come to.
2010-12-06, 10:54 PM #115
Altruism is the primary regard for or devotion to the interest of patients/clients, thus assuming the fiduciary responsibility of placing the needs of the patient/client ahead of the physical therapist's self interest.

Our Doctors take an oath in order to practice medicine. Before you take this oath you need a degree (recognized by the government) in order to do so. I don't understand what is out of place?

I've been pretty legit and you say "get a ****ing dictionary" to what? insult me? Come on Emon.

By toxins... that is a good question and I'm glad you asked. I just wish you could have asked nicer. I am talking about heavy metals, chemicals, dead cells... etc and any other **** that can accumulate over time in the body and needs proper blood flow in order to filter out.
2010-12-06, 10:56 PM #116
Originally posted by saberopus:
dicks sucking dicks. this is what it's come to.

i legit lol'd
2010-12-06, 10:58 PM #117
I would say we're all in agreement that bad posture doesn't cause diseases, but it can cause problems with your skeletal and even muscular systems.

Emon, you can't expect someone to go through that much research and effort just to prove someone wrong on the internet. SoldierSnoop, if you're going to make statements that go against widely accepted fact, you'll have to expect people to need proof, and you were the one encouraging people to poke holes in your argument.

And truth stems from a combination of personal experience and objective and scientific study. And common sense.

Does that solve it to everyone's satisfaction or should I just not get involved?
Fincham: Where are you going?
Me: I have no idea
Fincham: I meant where are you sitting. This wasn't an existential question.
2010-12-06, 11:06 PM #118
It's gone way to far for that now.
2010-12-06, 11:08 PM #119
Originally posted by SoldierSnoop:
Our Doctors take an oath in order to practice medicine. Before you take this oath you need a degree (recognized by the government) in order to do so. I don't understand what is out of place?

....says the trained killer.

Medical doctors are not required to take the Hippocratic oath. This requirement was lifted some time prior to WW1 so doctors would be able to work on biological and chemical weapons.
2010-12-06, 11:09 PM #120
Originally posted by sugarless:
I would say we're all in agreement that bad posture doesn't cause diseases, but it can cause problems with your skeletal and even muscular systems.

Emon, you can't expect someone to go through that much research and effort just to prove someone wrong on the internet. SoldierSnoop, if you're going to make statements that go against widely accepted fact, you'll have to expect people to need proof, and you were the one encouraging people to poke holes in your argument.

And truth stems from a combination of personal experience and objective and scientific study. And common sense.

Does that solve it to everyone's satisfaction or should I just not get involved?

I'm only asking people to ask themselves about it as a possibility to be expanded. Yes, the easy way to cut down any argument is claim that it needs to be a peer-reviewed study with 12 doctors working with rats and control subjects in order to have any actual credence among people outside of the medical community. Unfortunately, I don't have to the time to conduct my own experiments but I can learn and share information with others freely in a manner that supercedes the data learned from medical journals that don't take the million other variables in humans (not rats) lives. I'm just saying question everything. Please don't take this as me saying that there are no good reasons to study published research. There is but if you simply accept western big-pharma owned doctors peer reviewing others of the same breed then you must acknowledge conflicts of interest DO exist.

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