Just a few points of information,
Guns are not banned in the UK, with a firearms certificate you are able to own certain shotguns, pistols (very few) and rifles. But you have to have a legitimate purpose in most cases to own such a weapon, farmers being prime examples.
The type of guns allowed do however have strict limits, I don't think any fully automatic weapons are allowed and only a few semi-automatic. The restrictions are based around what a person would feasibly need to carry out their work.
The UK firearms laws work, we have the 2nd lowest deaths caused by firearms in the world at the last count (per 100k homicides), the US sits at 9th highest in the world. Also out of countries that are not just small islands/single city states, we are about 5th in the world for urbanisation, above the US by a fair margin, so our population is more clustered in towns and cities where gun crime is more often found.
Now, I'm not saying the US should adopt similar gun laws to the UK, that’s for you to decide, but to suggest that our firearms laws don't work is complete rubbish. The UK and US share similar non-gun homicide rates (per 100k population), but the US likes to triple their overall homicide rate through gun related deaths, if you're happy to keep it that way because of some 200+ year old bill of rights, written for a totally different time, then you go for it, just don’t be so shocked when some nut job turns up at a public place and decides to mow down 10+ people because they had a few screws lose upstairs.
You do realise you are talking about the country that founded modern day democracy, banned the slave trade (through public pressure and non-violent protest) a good 50 years before your enlightened constitution decided to add it's 15th Amendment. You don't need to own a gun to achieve civil rights and freedoms, nor should you have to feel the need to have the right to fight your government, you elect them, you have the power to de-elect them...or do you not trust your constitution that gives you this right?
Sorry to rant, but the bait was there and I took it (also great distraction from thesis writting)
People of our generation should not be subjected to mornings.