Really? So now we have to "EARN" the right to these movies/games/music etc.? That is complete bull****. "Oh i didn't pay for 4 seasons of the 97' Batman cartoon, i don't DESEARVE to watch it. That is like denying us information.
So the only thing that makes you worthy to watch or own the media is if you pay some ******* company that already makes a killing off the poor retarded souls who buy EVERYTHING? This is inexplicable reasoning.
So by your rational the only people who "earn" the right, get to see it? And the only way you earn that right is by paying someone?
Sorry guys, I guess I'm not "worthy" to be downloading over 100gigs of the original "lost in space" series (entire series), because I didn't waste a ****load of hard earned money on a stupid DVD set.
Why are all your panties in a bunch over this? Do you own stock in Universal or something? I just don't understand why you think paying for it makes it better. I guess Bill Gates is better than all of you because hes got the money to buy all his Media THUS Gates is better than you...
Regardless of what any of you say, I will (like most) continue to download to my hearts content, while the suckers continue to waste their money on something that could be free.
Have fun being poor

" I am the Lizard King, I can do anyhthing... "