Yeah. That's a thing. If someone really believes that what they're doing is wrong and doesn't care, or doesn't care so much that they don't think it's wrong, then maybe they don't see it as a slight to anyone but big faceless corporate whatever. It's still a bit of a **** you, intentional or otherwise, to lots of people doing lots of work
It will be interesting to see how content distribution methods change to adapt to these issues. I won't deny that the convenience of downloading something, and the prohibitive cost of tools I really *need* to use for design (Photoshop, Illustrator, Premiere, InDesign, AutoCAD, Rhinoceros, Mudbox, 3DSM, SketchUp, &c.) has led me to piracy in certain cases. There are student versions, and one month trials, etc., but as Spook said before, the limitations of these versions can be pretty crippling. I can't lie to myself and say that there aren't alternatives, though, and that I couldn't just spend more time trekking back and forth between home and campus to use the school's licenses, or buy used copies of old versions online, or use less powerful, free alternatives. But because it's so easy to do, the advantages so large, the penalties so remote, and the potentially-hurt-developers so distant, it's hard to say no.