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This is the static archive of the Massassi Forums. The forums are closed indefinitely. Thanks for all the memories!

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2011-03-19, 9:21 AM #41
TODOA doesn't do well with loading save games.
2011-03-19, 10:19 AM #42
Yeah, the save game problem is rather odd. I thought it was confined to post-JKUP levels only (Magrucko 2 also has it) but I got it once on a normal JK vanilla "The Force Within" game as well. Can't remember I was running the patched EXE, though. But at least for most of the time savegames load unlike in some levels where it didn't even want to do that (for most of the time), like Mechanics of the Force and Life of a Merchant II.

Aside from that, the buggy music and GlowSaberX (mainly sounds but sometimes it just doesn't work properly, which is why the saber is not selected as Vader's default weapon when the levels begin and which is why you can't see it in any cutscenes) are the main bugs. Maybe one day they will be fixed (probably not).
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2011-03-19, 2:01 PM #43
Originally posted by Matthew Pate:
Hey dude, how's it going?

I really need to stop visiting this place only once a year!

'Bout time. I was actually finally getting around to clicking on this thread to tell him that I hang around here and that you check in rarely and also that I haven't chatted with you or Nial for ages but, then again, I don't IM anymore. Do you? I used to keep in touch with Isaac (lotj), a long, long, time ago. I always thought closing TACC was a bad idea. At the very least the few of us that frequented it would have had that same, small place to occasionally check in.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2011-03-19, 2:18 PM #44
Funny... I don't think the official TACC chatroom has had anything to do with TACC for years...
2011-03-19, 2:28 PM #45
Hey AKPiggott!!! You probably don't remember me. I was rather grandiosely known as Highemperor of the Force at TACC, and I was a HUGE fan of your work on the ISB back in the day, especially Any Story.

Do you, by chance, have a copy of Any Story somewhere? It got deleted off the TACC ISB ages ago, and I would dearly love to reread it. I have never laughed so hard nor so consistently as when I read Any Story.
2011-03-19, 4:50 PM #46
Yes, I vaguely remember you and no I don't have any ANSeses saved. Niall (CookedHaggis) and I had a winge about this some years back when the forums were deleted.

Originally posted by Wookie06:
'Bout time. I was actually finally getting around to clicking on this thread to tell him that I hang around here and that you check in rarely and also that I haven't chatted with you or Nial for ages but, then again, I don't IM anymore. Do you? I used to keep in touch with Isaac (lotj), a long, long, time ago. I always thought closing TACC was a bad idea. At the very least the few of us that frequented it would have had that same, small place to occasionally check in.

How are ya, Steve?

And Ishak/Isaac was a lovely lad. I wonder how he is doing.
Xbox Live/PlayStation Network/Steam: tone217
2011-03-19, 5:44 PM #47
Originally posted by Wookie06:
'Bout time. I was actually finally getting around to clicking on this thread to tell him that I hang around here and that you check in rarely and also that I haven't chatted with you or Nial for ages but, then again, I don't IM anymore. Do you? I used to keep in touch with Isaac (lotj), a long, long, time ago. I always thought closing TACC was a bad idea. At the very least the few of us that frequented it would have had that same, small place to occasionally check in.

I don't use my old account, use my work one primarily. I actually spoke to Isaac about a week ago, briefly, after not speaking for probably a year or more. That's amusing that his nickname was Lord of the Jedi - I didn't remember that. It's gotten to the point now that the ex-TACC people I still sometimes talk to I know by their real name rather than whatever their bizarre TACC nickname was. Last I remember Isaac was doing well for himself in California.

The only other one I really speak to with semi regularity is Simon Williams - I have no idea what his TACC nickname was. He made Jedi Outcast levels and joined after the focus on JK/MotS was switching. He's now a designer for Codemasters, last I spoke to him.

Haven't spoken to Niall in forever.

We really need to do something about making a new TACC so we stop having these reunion posts every couple of years!
2011-03-19, 6:29 PM #48
*bows to lord of mots leveller AKP*

you'll probably be gone again tomorrow, but wb. :XD:
if(getThingFlags(source) & 0x8){
  do her}
elseif(getThingFlags(source) & 0x4){
  do other babe}
  do a dude}
2011-03-20, 12:57 AM #49
Originally posted by AKPiggott:
How are ya, Steve?

And Ishak/Isaac was a lovely lad. I wonder how he is doing.

I'm great. Like most of us my situation has changed a lot since we frequented TACC.

Originally posted by Matthew Pate:
We really need to do something about making a new TACC so we stop having these reunion posts every couple of years!

That would be cool but it would only work if Massassi members that post there flee and come back over here to complain about how elitist we are. Just like the good old days!
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2011-03-20, 5:59 AM #50
Xbox Live/PlayStation Network/Steam: tone217
2011-03-20, 3:11 PM #51
That brought back some memories. Mainly of Chris Hill never releasing anything but showing incredible screenshots.
Magrucko Daines and the Crypt of Crola (2007)
Magrucko Daines and the Dark Youth (2010)
Magrucko Daines and the Vertical City (2016)
2011-03-20, 3:41 PM #52
Recon Gamer
2011-03-20, 10:00 PM #53
It's a shame most of the threads aren't available on the wayback machine. The only thread I could read was initally about Anthony refusing to post any more on TACC to "prove CookedHaggis wrong" and the thread steadily degenerating from there, including a cameo from a younger, more knobbish (and possibly power drunk), me. I can't get to any of the meaty stuff, like screenshot threads! The one from Chris Hill I couldn't access, but I do remember his stuff being awesome. He actually sent me a beta of one of his levels that was quite great... unfortunately lost a long time ago when my dad helpfully formatted my c:\ instead of my d:\ - I've recovered some of my own levels but it is an incident brought up again and again during conversation (like the time he took my first bike to the tip in 1989, long after I was able to ride it and it was broken, of course).

Was TACC hosted by Massassi near the end, or at some point? Would there be backups of the TACC forums located somewhere? Better yet, are they still available but inaccessible? Would it be possible to bring the forums back to life, if only in a locked state?

[edit:*/* lets you see a list of all the pages. Just look for the ones with valid forum URLs (i.e. the ones without "editpost" in them).]
2011-03-21, 1:18 AM #54
I remember being a bit knobbish on there too. Particularly to Talon Karrde because he was a young kid from a strict Christian family and PageWizard because he used to overly promote that he was a real lady killer (despite looking like Harry Potter).
Xbox Live/PlayStation Network/Steam: tone217
2011-03-21, 1:33 AM #55
Hey AKPiggot! I remeber you but I don't think we ever did anything together.

I played one of your first SP levels for JK that was a terrible boxy level that could hardly be called a "level." Not too long after you were well on your way to becoming one of the best editors in the JK community. I was shocked at the level of improvement, and what you made turned into gold. Good to see you back!
This signature agrees with the previously posted signatures. To violate previously posted signatures is a violation of the EULA for this signature and you will be subject to unruly behavior.
2011-03-21, 4:29 AM #56
Hey, you thought that was bad? I had to cobble together several paragraphs of poorly written reviews about his early output! I definitely think Ant could qualify for a "most improved" award, as well as a "volume of output" award - an award for which I would easily not at all qualify. Speaking of, I'm thinking of putting together everything I created and releasing it, somehow, but I need to go through it all and work out what it all is first - I was playing some of my stuff the other day and had no idea what I was even thinking, but was pleasantly surprised with what I'd come up with. Better than what I could do now, probably!

I just remembered PageWizard from looking through some of the cached threads, too. We had some real personalities on TACC...
2011-03-21, 6:00 AM #57
I remember Ant made a gif of Kyle giving a hand gesture, and posted it in a reply to something I said.

Also, who can forget Mr BoaM?
Magrucko Daines and the Crypt of Crola (2007)
Magrucko Daines and the Dark Youth (2010)
Magrucko Daines and the Vertical City (2016)
2011-03-21, 7:17 AM #58
Looking through these screenshots always makes me bummed. If only I could play the unfinished versions of those levels... !! .. !!!!%%!

Of course many of them saw release of sorts as well (like BSR's Star Trek), but still.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2011-03-21, 8:24 AM #59
Heya AKPiggott, long time no see.
The answer is maybe.
2011-03-21, 9:40 AM #60
Originally posted by FastGamerr:
Looking through these screenshots always makes me bummed. If only I could play the unfinished versions of those levels... !! .. !!!!%%!

Of course many of them saw release of sorts as well (like BSR's Star Trek), but still.

Man, whatever happened to BombshellRaptor?

[edit- Apparently he started a band and was never heard from again]
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2011-03-21, 10:50 AM #61
I also started working on a JK Terminator mod that never saw the light of day. Made guns from the future war, an endoskeleton baddie and an Arnie baddie whose endo was progressively revealed when damaged. I also started working on a T-1000 enemy that showed liquid holes that healed when you shot him.

Wonder if I still have any of that stuff somewhere...

EDIT: Found a picture.


Originally posted by Goit:
I remember Ant made a gif of Kyle giving a hand gesture, and posted it in a reply to something I said.

Ahh, that'll be the w@#$£r hand signal! Wonder I still have that somewhere...

Originally posted by Goit:
Also, who can forget Mr BoaM?

Erm... me.
Xbox Live/PlayStation Network/Steam: tone217
2011-03-22, 5:13 AM #62
Originally posted by Matthew Pate:
Speaking of, I'm thinking of putting together everything I created and releasing it, somehow, but I need to go through it all and work out what it all is first - I was playing some of my stuff the other day and had no idea what I was even thinking, but was pleasantly surprised with what I'd come up with. Better than what I could do now, probably!

Just make an account on JKHub and upload it all. Some newbie editors (there are a few, believe me...) can pinch a few rooms or something, maybe.

In other news, it's a few days over TEN years since Imperial Pumping Station was released. Mental. I'm sure it must be over twelve for some of David McHale's early work...
Magrucko Daines and the Crypt of Crola (2007)
Magrucko Daines and the Dark Youth (2010)
Magrucko Daines and the Vertical City (2016)
2011-03-22, 8:04 AM #63
Originally posted by Goit:
Just make an account on JKHub and upload it all. Some newbie editors (there are a few, believe me...) can pinch a few rooms or something, maybe.

In other news, it's a few days over TEN years since Imperial Pumping Station was released. Mental. I'm sure it must be over twelve for some of David McHale's early work...

Wow I thought I played every JK SP level and I have never seen that one bofore... Looks like I am firing up JK when I get home! :)
(JKLE_Cougar) from JK MP Community
2011-03-22, 11:17 AM #64
Originally posted by Goit:
In other news, it's a few days over TEN years since Imperial Pumping Station was released.

Don't remember that level at all. Was about to say that I probably didn't play it (interest in JK was waning by that point) but I wrote a glowing review on that page!

EDIT: Hehe, I moaned about something really petty-sounding (no weapon selected at the start). Then I realised it's also one of the only niggles I picked up in playing TODOA last week!
Xbox Live/PlayStation Network/Steam: tone217
2011-03-22, 8:04 PM #65
Huh? WTH is going on here? Now all we need is Chris Hill and Ryan to show up.
"Harriet, sweet Harriet - hard-hearted harbinger of haggis."
2011-04-02, 4:59 AM #66
Originally posted by AKPiggott:
Wow. It's pretty awesome to see that Massassi is not only still going but still has the same design/layout/etc as it did 15 years ago.

Bit weird that the design has now changed since I posted this two weeks ago!

It looks quite cool but doesn't provide the same pang of nostalgia....

Oh yeah, and I got a message from Haggis. I've instructed him to post on the thread.
Xbox Live/PlayStation Network/Steam: tone217
2011-04-02, 7:38 AM #67
Originally posted by AKPiggott:
...but still has the same design/layout/etc as it did 15 years ago.

Well, I bet you feel dumb now.
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken
2011-04-02, 9:53 AM #68
No dumber than usual.
Xbox Live/PlayStation Network/Steam: tone217
2011-04-02, 10:07 AM #69
So it's your fault!
You can't judge a book by it's file size
2011-04-02, 1:37 PM #70
Don't know what you're talking about.....

*destroys compelling evidence*
Xbox Live/PlayStation Network/Steam: tone217
2011-04-03, 10:17 AM #71
Holy ****, Pate. It's cool to see Piggott for notoriety sake too, but I don't think we ever talked.

This thread. ;_; I miss 1999.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2011-04-05, 9:54 AM #72
This thread > Jesus-flavoured ice cream
Xbox Live/PlayStation Network/Steam: tone217
2011-04-06, 10:53 AM #73
Why not, one more TACC member saying hi. I'm usually late to these things anyway.

Hey there, Anthony. Chewbubba. Matt. Burrie. Others who I'm forgetting because you use a different screen name now (or I embarrassingly don't recall you on the old boards).

Huh? WTH is going on here? Now all we need is Chris Hill and Ryan to show up.

Haven't had contact with Ryan in over two years. Never see him on AIM anymore, but he was doing well over on the west coast last time we talked. Makes me wonder what some of the older regulars are up to these days. BSR's still got his band blasting along the Mississippi gulf (at least I think it's the same Donny). Don't know about anyone else.

2011-04-06, 10:59 AM #74
Hey Emambu! :D
Xbox Live/PlayStation Network/Steam: tone217
2011-04-06, 12:37 PM #75
'Sup, man? Hope the last nine years have been giving you more ups than downs. Got caught up a bit more with this thread too, and now I also have to check TODOA and see what it's about.

Coincidentally, I just played the BoaM series a little over a month ago and had to think of you while playing it since you posted on the TACC forums with regularity. Those and the two ToaM levels are in my regular rotation stock when I'm in the mood to play DF/JK/MotS levels. Figured you should know that. From the looks of the earlier replies, I'm not the only one either, heh.

Also, in case I vanish again (not a bad bet), I don't think I ever directly apologized to you for my crap voice work on BoaM3. A lot of inexperience on my part, talked way too close to the mic and such. Now your work plus DAK's awesome vocal talent meant it didn't affect much overall. But still, sorry for being the scraggly pubic hair on your filet mignon level.

2011-04-07, 12:38 AM #76
That's right, you were the original Sean Connery!

If I recall, the performance was fine. It was just the audio quality. Hardly "scraggly pubic hair" at any rate. :)

I recently replayed BoaM and it was... weird. I always felt ToaM was a much bigger leap in quality, I may replay those when I'm done with Goit's levels.
Xbox Live/PlayStation Network/Steam: tone217
2011-04-07, 7:30 AM #77
Haha I've been pestering for weeks! Not annoying. Not annoying at all.
Magrucko Daines and the Crypt of Crola (2007)
Magrucko Daines and the Dark Youth (2010)
Magrucko Daines and the Vertical City (2016)
2011-04-07, 4:02 PM #78
I bet Haggis isn't posting here because he knows I'll jump him to post on NeS again if he does. :ninja:
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2011-04-08, 10:02 AM #79
If I recall, the performance was fine. It was just the audio quality.

Right, and the audio quality was bad because I didn't know what I was doing. ;)

I recently replayed BoaM and it was... weird. I always felt ToaM was a much bigger leap in quality

That's interesting because I would say the biggest jump in your work was from BoaM2 to BoaM3. To me, from an outside viewpoint, that was where you transitioned from "good designer" to "people bowing at your greatness," which they were doing even in this thread *grins*. And for good and many reasons too. However, I'm well aware that my perspective is as a gamer/reviewer and for you it's as a creator. So I'm interested as to why ToaM was the bigger leap in quality for you.

I bet Haggis isn't posting here because he knows I'll jump him to post on NeS again if he does

Haggis was always good for storytelling. Although I still owe him for casting me as a woman in one of them. Or was that him? Maybe it was Pate. Kinda blurs together.

2011-04-08, 10:25 AM #80
ToaM was a lot more ambitious I think, the set pieces like the volcano etc were quite rare at the time in gaming... I just kept coming up with these crazy ideas and painstakingly COGged and reCOGged until I got it working how I wanted in the game. Also it moved further away from Star Destroyers, Imperial bases etc and let me introduce new and wacky aliens (and George Lucas) to the mix.

ToaM1 also had some really cool and unique bounty hunter characters that were based on comic characters that Lou Graziani (co-writer and ideas man on both serieses) created.
Xbox Live/PlayStation Network/Steam: tone217

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