Because insane stupid people vote for other insane stupid people.
Look at the debt crisis. A lot of Republican congressmen campaigned on a promise that they wouldn't raise the debt ceiling (because the average American voter knows what that implies and can make an intelligent decision about that issue, right?) so they're effectively trapped. Most Republicans are gigantic pussies and refuse to make any sort of decision ever, but some of them earnestly believe that there will be no consequences for their deliberate inaction.
Bachmann described the deadline as a 'hoax,' because she's an uneducated simpleton. Cantor, Gohmert, the Pauls and others probably recognize the deadline, but the repercussions (see: Greece) are politically advantageous to them. Anybody who voted for any of these people should have all of their arteries opened.
Yeah, man! BIG GOVERNMENT has no right to ban inefficient, short-life lightbulbs! You know what else? I want Freon. Freon ****ing everywhere! Fridges, air conditioners, aerosols. It's MY CHOICE if I use Freon or not, and BIG GOVERNMENT has no right to tell me otherwise! Same thing with trans fats. Man, I love me some ****ing trans fats. BIG GOVERNMENT has no right to force me to use fats that won't kill me.
Obviously if these products are disadvantageous to society as a whole, companies will voluntarily stop making and using these products regardless of how inexpensive they are and how much they need to use/produce them to compete in their industry, even though elementary game theory that a retarded child could understand clearly models that they will not ever choose to do so no matter what.
In the United States, 15 people die from coal power for every TWh produced (
source.) Assuming coal power production is reduced proportionally to power savings as a result of this bill, it will save 1867 lives every year.
Argument from ignorance.
More likely they are trying to keep you from developing silicosis from all of the **** in the air.
Or instead of buying a 100W bulb for your "library" (read: basement manga shrine) you could buy one of the new 85W energy-efficient incandescent bulbs that produce as much light as an old 100W bulb and have a lower long-term cost.
What? The government conserving energy, saving me money and encouraging competitive innovation in a stagnant industry? FFFFF. **** THE MAN. THE GOVERNMENT HAS NO RIGHT TO TELL ME WHAT I'M NOT ALLOWED TO BUY.