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ForumsDiscussion Forum → hey. have u heard? England is a mess.
hey. have u heard? England is a mess.
2011-08-09, 10:11 AM #41
Wow.. I hope this mentality is not widespread. So stupid.
Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob
2011-08-09, 10:32 AM #42
Originally posted by Cool Matty:
They need to borrow our rubber pellet/bean bag guns. Shoot the **** out of anyone that comes within 30 feet of the police, and just walk right through town until everyone is gone. I'm not sure where the line is for this sort of action, but whatever the line is, they crossed it a LONG time ago.

British cops don't have riot guns?
2011-08-09, 10:37 AM #43
They're not allowed anything which might hurt people. It's ridiculous.
2011-08-09, 10:46 AM #44
Originally posted by x25064:

I somehow doubt the gun control laws in England have much to do with the effectiveness of police in this particular riot. Wouldn't that be more of a "Department Policy" type thing?

From a citizens standpoint, however, I can imagine some heat would be nice.

Koreatown, Los Angeles during the Rodney King riots:

2011-08-09, 10:48 AM #45
Batons, tasers & sprays hurt quite badly.
? :)
2011-08-09, 11:09 AM #46
Originally posted by Bobbert:
Wow at Video 1. Are the police just there to observe and offer suggestions?

At first I was thinking the same but once they started pulling back I think they did the right thing as the ratio between police and rioters was just ridiculous.

By the way we do have police with guns, we call them armed police >_> They don't get deployed much and rarely in riot situations. They are only allowed to fire under certain situations but if you give a man a gun and then place them in a dangerous situation chances are he'll use it allowed or not.

I can fully see why the police are reluctant to just arrest everybody, depending how hard they fight it would take between 2-6 people to arrest one person and while they are doing that the other hundred rioters would be lobbing bricks and attacking any officer with their back to them.
We need to bring in the armored vehicles,water cannons, tear gas and batons. We have all the equipment but too much legislation restricting it.

Lots of people I know are saying they should bring the army in, I don't think that's wise though. Soldiers are trained to fight, police are trained to apprehend and crowd control, the two are completely different. If you bring the army in your just asking for a fight.
2011-08-09, 11:41 AM #47
This is currently getting stupid, currently B'Ham getting trashed and a whole load of other places, we have emptied the shops tonight to keep us safe and hopefully not getting smashed in on any store. This is just crap also that looks just like most of the shops around the area.
Flying over there some were...
2011-08-09, 12:30 PM #48
Originally posted by Cool Matty:
They need to borrow our rubber pellet/bean bag guns. Shoot the **** out of anyone that comes within 30 feet of the police, and just walk right through town until everyone is gone. I'm not sure where the line is for this sort of action, but whatever the line is, they crossed it a LONG time ago.

Rubber? Screw those guys. They are worthless.
2011-08-09, 12:39 PM #49
the picture of Koreatown reminds me of a riot that happened in SanBernardino a bit ago. there was a large punk show that got shut down so hundreds of A-holes decided to riot and trash about a mile stretch of stores and resteraunts. there was one tattoo shop and the little deli next to them that the owners and employees stood outside with baseball bats and metal pipes... theirs were the only shops that were not touched.
Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob
2011-08-09, 1:13 PM #50
Well looks like Manchester is getting the brunt of it tonight. I keep checking my CCTV at work and thankfully everything quiet.
Flying over there some were...
2011-08-09, 2:03 PM #51
Being from the outskirts of Liverpool, I woke up to all this happening in my city this morning. In work we have our TVs set to the news channels so we've been keeping updated throughout the day. There feels like so much about it that I could go into but some of the scenes just defy both belief and commentary. For example, I understand the police are going to be in the line of fire, but I can't see how people justify attacking fire and ambulance crews. Or how entire blocks of houses can be set alight. Or just any number of the thuggish acts of violence being perpetrated for no better reason than "just because". There was a girl being interviewed on BBC news earlier who said they'd "treat the police with respect when they received respect back". **** off, you bunch of delinquents and animals. I hope you all get what's coming to you.

I don't know if the whole situation makes me feel more sick or angry. Possibly sad.
2011-08-09, 2:33 PM #52
I was in Munich for all of the weekend and most of monday, arrived back late on Monday, drove past the Sony warehouse that was on fire in north london and locally we've had the odd few things trying to happen.

It's just stupid, get out the rubber bullets and shoot at the little ****ers, screw them, they need to learn to grow up and stop acting like spoiled little brats.
People of our generation should not be subjected to mornings.

2011-08-09, 3:09 PM #53
Originally posted by Cool Matty:
They need to borrow our rubber pellet/bean bag guns. Shoot the **** out of anyone that comes within 30 feet of the police, and just walk right through town until everyone is gone. I'm not sure where the line is for this sort of action, but whatever the line is, they crossed it a LONG time ago.

They have them, but they're reluctant to use them because it'll turn into a WAHHHH EXCESSIVE POLICE FORCE ****storm in the media. The tactics they used during the student protests weren't as severe as that and they got ****loads of flak. [Though the kettling was pretty bad.]
2011-08-09, 3:33 PM #54
So it looks like putting 16,000 police officers in the capital has scared off the rioters. Fine, but what happens tomorrow or in a weeks time when the police levels return to normal?
2011-08-09, 3:41 PM #55
They ship in a bunch of Glaswegians and the rioters just go home because they realise their rioting skills pale in comparison.
2011-08-09, 3:43 PM #56
Apparently there's been a small "riot" (40 or so people) across the water in Birkenhead. Not been much reported so far so at the moment it might just be a group of arseholes roaming around in hoodies. I guess we'll have to see how everywhere else gets on tonight as well, assuming London has kept it quiet for the time being.
2011-08-09, 5:59 PM #57
unrest has begun in southampton, even guildford had a skirmish.

i'm so angry i cant sleep. I dont want things to calm down. I want the underclass to keep pushing, until the rest of england snaps and kills every last mother****ing one of them. I just want them dead. no tear gas, no rubber bullets, i just want them gone, forever.

Do u have any idea how much better england would be without them?
no more fear. no more innocent fathers protecting their houses from chavs and ending up beaten to death.

THe bankers and politicians will have to wait. Its these chav animals that need to go 1st.
if(getThingFlags(source) & 0x8){
  do her}
elseif(getThingFlags(source) & 0x4){
  do other babe}
  do a dude}
2011-08-09, 7:13 PM #58
Yeah, **** you, poor people.

I know the 'Chavs' are more than just poor people, but that's how you sound. Maybe you should tone that part down a bit.
2011-08-10, 3:23 AM #59
Originally posted by Ruthven:
unrest has begun in southampton, even guildford had a skirmish.

i'm so angry i cant sleep. I dont want things to calm down. I want the underclass to keep pushing, until the rest of england snaps and kills every last mother****ing one of them. I just want them dead. no tear gas, no rubber bullets, i just want them gone, forever.

Do u have any idea how much better england would be without them?
no more fear. no more innocent fathers protecting their houses from chavs and ending up beaten to death.

THe bankers and politicians will have to wait. Its these chav animals that need to go 1st.

Or they could castrate all of them!

Or send the homeless in droves to colonise mars!

Or maybe we could haul them all to these work camps and make them work to death on building bigger work camps! HELL YEAH!
2011-08-10, 4:01 AM #60
Oh it's easy to judge Ruthven's opinion but try living here. There's no choice but to put up with their behaviour. The riots, frankly, are only a small step beyond what they normally do.

These aren't just 'poor people' though. There are plenty of 'poor people' who don't cause any trouble. Chavs are different. Their biggest goal in life is hanging around in packs harrassing the general population for the fun of it. None of them have or want a job, they rely fully on the state but continually fight against it. Their only contribution to the economy is keeping the emergency services in work.

I'm not at all surprised these riots happened. The government took away police powers, discipline in schools, the prisons are full so even if they do manage to get arrested they know nothing will happen unless they do something really bad. It's essentially the result of people knowing there are no consequences for their actions.

Death camps might be a bit much. Instead, let's scoop them up and turn them into green biscuits ;)
2011-08-10, 4:22 AM #61
Originally posted by Ni:
Chavs are different. Their biggest goal in life is hanging around in packs harrassing the general population for the fun of it. None of them have or want a job, they rely fully on the state but continually fight against it. Their only contribution to the economy is keeping the emergency services in work.

I'd be very interested to hear one or more of you Brits speaking about causality instead of "OMG we must do something about the poors". There's obviously a reason that these people feel the need to do this. What you're going through isn't anything new to the world. We've been through this sort of thing throughout our history.
? :)
2011-08-10, 4:29 AM #62
The cause is that there's no real deterrant for them because the police get criticised for cracking skulls and prisons are too soft so they do whatever the **** they want. It doesn't really have anything to do with them being poor so much as it does them being little ****stains.
2011-08-10, 4:30 AM #63
Or send the homeless in droves to colonise mars!
Heh, I guess you could say they tried the Victorian equivalent of that between 1788 and 1867. Really surprised to hear the police aren't using tear gas, water cannons or rubber bullets. It doesn't leave much other than truncheons and stern language.
2011-08-10, 4:34 AM #64
A lack of a deterrent isn't a cause. Does my soda boil everywhere because I left the cap off? No, it does because I shook the bottle. So what did you do to create this situation?
2011-08-10, 4:41 AM #65
Originally posted by Ni:
Oh it's easy to judge Ruthven's opinion but try living here. There's no choice but to put up with their behaviour. The riots, frankly, are only a small step beyond what they normally do.

I drive through a small neighborhood five times a week that is nothing but a bunch of poor black folk with an occasional ultra-redneck crazy person living here and there. They do dumb **** all the time. I've had things thrown at me, at my truck, someone tried to steal my bicycle (with me on it!) I've even drawn a pistol on someone and was ready to shoot them because they were threatening me in broad daylight!

I also grew up in a neighborhood 10 times worse than that. (Baltimore city is ****ing crazy)

I knows me some poor people, some crazy poor people, and some crazy poor people on drugs.

But I wouldn't want to castrate them, or kill them all, or really I can't be bothered to do anything about it. Good people live in these areas. The bad ones are what make them suck. Even then, some of these *******s don't have a lot of scope on life. This is what they know, its what they grew up around, its what all their friends (people their age) do.

Class revolts happen because classist attitudes persist. To be honest, the attitude towards these people no matter how big of *******s you think they are or are being is a little alarming.

I'm sure arguments from their side of the fence are just as lame. Probably sound damn near the same too.

Oh yeah hey I think I remember learning about the last time your country sent away a bunch of poor people. I hear they formed this country called AMERICA and they kicked your ass over taxes!

/merican humor insertion

Seriously though, you guys sound like you're trying to make them move to chavlandia or something.
2011-08-10, 4:43 AM #66
Ok that doesn't really work seeing how it neither boils when you shake it nor is it sentient with the ability to think "If I do this nobody will stop me". It most likely comes from a ****ty moral upbringing and/or a lack of a decent education. And that doesn't come from the fact that a decent enough education isn't available; It's often because those kids simply to not want to learn.
2011-08-10, 5:07 AM #67
So "that's what they know" means that's how it should be and how it should continue? People should be allowed to break the law and cause others problems because "its what all their friends (people their age) do." Are you for real?

We have laws in this country for a reason. People who break them should be punished sufficiently. They are not. This is the crux of the problem.

As for the attitude towards them, they bring it on themselves through their behaviour.

Edit: For the record, anyone who doesn't want to live as part of a civilised society simply shouldn't. I'm sure there are many people in nigeria, somalia, afghanistan, ethiopia, etc who would love to have the opportunities these people had. I propose a trade. Let's see how they cope when they actually have to do something just to stay alive.
2011-08-10, 5:51 AM #68
I'll summarize my point because you missed it entirely.

Their behavior persists because your attitude persists.

In otherwords; a down the nose looking ******* is just as much of an ******* as the ******* they are looking at down their nose. IE: You're just as ****ing bad as they are and just as much a part of the problem physically involved or not.
2011-08-10, 5:55 AM #69
Opinions about British hooligans from people who have never visited Britain.
2011-08-10, 5:59 AM #70
hooligans are hooligans sir.

Anyone that believes an mtv generation spawned counter culture is the sole reason behind so much civil unrest is a little crosseyed.

I'm glad you keep track of my passport though.
2011-08-10, 6:05 AM #71
Originally posted by Rob:
I'll summarize my point because you missed it entirely.

Their behavior persists because your attitude persists.

In otherwords; a down the nose looking ******* is just as much of an ******* as the ******* they are looking at down their nose. IE: You're just as ****ing bad as they are and just as much a part of the problem physically involved or not.

And your basis for this claim is what, exactly?

I'll admit, your "shut your eyes, put your fingers in your ears while shouting lalalala and the problem will go away" solution is rather amusing.
2011-08-10, 6:16 AM #72
Originally posted by JM:
A lack of a deterrent isn't a cause. Does my soda boil everywhere because I left the cap off? No, it does because I shook the bottle. So what did you do to create this situation?
They didn't kill them.

As far as I know, the only thing they did was create social programs so these people could gain everything they need for survival and reproduction without becoming socialized to within human norms. Many of them grew up while being neglected from underaged or drug-using parents. Furthermore, many of them also suffer from FAS and similar disorders, which cause further behavioral and developmental problems.

Much like the majority of homeless people in North America, the behaviors these people exhibit are very clearly the product of untreated mental illnesses. You are making a serious mistake if you assume they are actually fighting for any cause.

Originally posted by Rob:
Their behavior persists because your attitude persists.
Yeah, man, if only they were nicer to the chavs they'd see how wrong they are.[/COLOR]
2011-08-10, 7:07 AM #73
I can't help but notice that your text appears as black. This "bug" keeps happening to me as well. Anyone else?
? :)
2011-08-10, 7:26 AM #74
2011-08-10, 7:28 AM #75
Sometimes the textarea goes grey/black. Seems to be to do with making it taller then clicking back into it.

edit: But that doesn't make the text black. Hmm.
2011-08-10, 7:32 AM #76
All I'm saying is, I'm glad I don't ever have to interact with or be near the bottom-feeders and other scum of society. Thank god the last time I ever had to use public transportation was 4 years ago (Chicago CTA... though not nearly as filled with gangbangers and witless ****s as New York's MTA).

Sorry for those of you living in Britain.
2011-08-10, 7:55 AM #77
More pictures:
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2011-08-10, 9:19 AM #78
Originally posted by ragna:
(Chicago CTA... though not nearly as filled with gangbangers and witless ****s as New York's MTA).

Come on now, let's be fair. Most of those people just stick with the G train or near the Bronx.

I mean, if this was 70s or 80s NY, then yes.
2011-08-10, 9:21 AM #79
Fight for your civil rights and fight to remove obstacles to bettering yourself. There are effective, civil ways to do that.

Looting and burning down buildings in the middle of a city is completely over the line. As far as I'm concerned, anyone in one of those mobs or who is found carrying a tv out of some looted store has surrendered any rights they have to complain about whatever force it takes to subdue them.

You can try to justify their actions all you want, but the bottom line is that they have to be stopped. How much of the city should they trash while you keep making excuses for them? They may have had a bad upbringing, but doesn't make it ok to riot like this.
"Flowers and a landscape were the only attractions here. And so, as there was no good reason for coming, nobody came."
2011-08-10, 9:23 AM #80
Originally posted by ragna:
All I'm saying is, I'm glad I don't ever have to interact with or be near the bottom-feeders and other scum of society. Thank god the last time I ever had to use public transportation was 4 years ago (Chicago CTA... though not nearly as filled with gangbangers and witless ****s as New York's MTA).

Sorry for those of you living in Britain.

I think you'll find the majority of chavs don't use public transport because somehow they've managed to get ahold of modified lime green corsas.

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