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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Old Republic release date: 12-20-11
Old Republic release date: 12-20-11
2011-09-25, 3:46 PM #41
Originally posted by saberopus:
... I just hope ME3 gets into a compelling storyline to finish off the series. Something with the intrigue of the first game. Fingers crossed.

Part of me thinks that ME3 is just gonna be a setup for a ME MMO.
2011-09-25, 3:49 PM #42
I can't imagine how anyone could think DA2 was better than Origins. DA2's story is a train wreck that has the hero bumbling from scene to scene, causing every major plot development by accident. It's like they saw people appreciated the "difficult" choices in DA:O, and ratcheted those choices up to "ineffectual and frustrating."
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2011-09-26, 4:16 AM #43
Originally posted by saberopus:
Yeah, I can imagine after getting used to some of the polish of ME2, it'd be hard to replay ME1... I haven't been inclined yet, but I plan to within the next couple of months. I do really enjoy ME2 despite those nitpicks, those are more plot-oriented... the gameplay and art are pretty great. The universe itself still has plenty of potential. I just hope ME3 gets into a compelling storyline to finish off the series. Something with the intrigue of the first game. Fingers crossed.

Actually, I ran into the replay problem before ME2 even came out. And I actually enjoyed ME1 more than I did ME2, though as I said, that may be more due to Bioware burnout. I think ME3 will blow us away. Middle sequels are always hard to do, so I give ME2 the benefit of the doubt.

[QUOTE=Michael MacFarlane]I can't imagine how anyone could think DA2 was better than Origins. DA2's story is a train wreck that has the hero bumbling from scene to scene, causing every major plot development by accident. It's like they saw people appreciated the "difficult" choices in DA:O, and ratcheted those choices up to "ineffectual and frustrating."[/QUOTE]

I have not played DA2, so I can't speak to that, but I have seen people on declare that they preferred the sequel over Origins.
2011-09-26, 8:00 AM #44
Originally posted by IRG SithLord:
Part of me thinks that ME3 is just gonna be a setup for a ME MMO.

Personally the whole rpg to mmo thing kinda peeves me. Yeah I enjoy playing with others online but I am just not a big fan of mmo's. Bioware generally does a good job at not messing things up (at least really badly) though, so I have some hope that they will do well with ME3.
- Paranoia is simply having more information then everyone else -
- Ignorance is bliss, but knowing what you know, would you forget it to go back? -
2011-09-26, 8:55 AM #45
Am I the only one who thinks Dragon Age sucks in general? I don't think I have ever really enjoyed the combat system in Bioware games besides Jade Empire. Range is never long enough to be strategic, magic is really the best thing to use always, and rogues are basically warriors with low health. I also didn't identify with any of the storyline of Dragon Age.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2011-09-26, 8:55 AM #46
Am looking forward to the release.
2011-09-26, 9:29 AM #47
Originally posted by JediKirby:
Am I the only one who thinks Dragon Age sucks in general? I don't think I have ever really enjoyed the combat system in Bioware games besides Jade Empire. Range is never long enough to be strategic, magic is really the best thing to use always, and rogues are basically warriors with low health. I also didn't identify with any of the storyline of Dragon Age.

Bioware games generally do have a problem with range. KotOR and Dragon Age require you to be within a certain distance to used ranged attacks, be they with weapons or magic. Kinda annoying. Magic is generally always the best thing to use, but I like that, cuz I wub magic in general.

As for rogues - don't forget they also open locked chests filled with useless junk passed off as 'treasure'! :P

I'm not crazy about DAO, but I don't think it sucks. I think it's just my Bioware burnout in general. Right now I'm enjoying the Fallout games, Fable 3, and Lost Odyssey the most.

But let's not forget KotOR 2, my second favorite game of all time! Although not developed by Bioware, it uses the same gameplay. :D
2011-09-26, 9:41 AM #48
Hey Al Ciao,

Did you play with the TSLRCM mod? Apparently they did what Team Gizka couldn't. If so, how was your experience? I never got KOTORII due to all the negative feedback around its unfinished content, but that mod seems like it should fix that...
2011-09-26, 9:43 AM #49
Originally posted by Al Ciao:
don't forget they also open locked chests filled with useless junk passed off as 'treasure'! :P

Sadly many companies (in my own humble opinion) do this quite often. I think that that is what makes a good one stand out so much. There is actually stuff that holds the players interest? Wow! Now that is a game! 10 out of 10 boys!
- Paranoia is simply having more information then everyone else -
- Ignorance is bliss, but knowing what you know, would you forget it to go back? -
2011-09-26, 9:58 AM #50
Originally posted by Koobie:
Hey Al Ciao,

Did you play with the TSLRCM mod? Apparently they did what Team Gizka couldn't. If so, how was your experience? I never got KOTORII due to all the negative feedback around its unfinished content, but that mod seems like it should fix that...

I have not gotten that mod, at least not yet. I'm actually new to KotOR 2 modding, and have mostly fiddled around with the new Force powers mods, which are TOTALLY GRAWESOME, making the game even better.

To clarify some points on KotOR 2:

1. I like it so much because it adds so many items, feats, and powers; and you start out as a Jedi rather than getting it later on. There is so so so MUCH extra content in terms of outfitting the various characters. Plus you can train several of your allies to become Jedi, and you yourself get a Jedi prestige class such as Sith Lord or Jedi Weaponsmaster to choose from.

2. The story is good, IMHO, it is simply complicated, and it's not as good as KotOR 1's. Of course, NO game's story is as good as KotOR 1's, so it's a hard act for #2 to follow.

3. Unfinished content: yes, the ending is a little rushed, and you just get a brief cutscene at the end, which is kinda annoying, so perhaps the restored content mod could fix that? At any rate, I never had a big problem with it, I still managed to enjoy it. As I said, it's the gameplay rather than the story sections that really hook me; and the story is by no means bad.

4. Bugs: there have been a lot of bugs in KotOR 2, but the majority of them have been fixed, especially if you buy a recently made version, or if you follow the installation directions here - the first post details installation on Vista, the second post on Windows 7.

Make of that what you will. :)
2011-09-26, 10:34 AM #51
Not only should they have made a 3rd kotor but a 3rd battlefront as well. Star Wars games suck now. They are either based of the clone wars (which i refuse to watch) or its the force unleashed which is cool, yet has that same empty, unfulfilling, dumbed down vibe that all games carry now. The last descent of sw games that were good were probibly battlefront or Kotor (not to mention outcast or academy).

I hate mmo's.

But galxies original format or whatever you call it was still cool. I guess if i wanna mmo it up its back to runescape...
" I am the Lizard King, I can do anyhthing... "
2011-09-26, 10:41 AM #52
They were actually developing a Battlefront 3 before the developer got shut down or bought out or something three or four years ago. It was going to be the bomb, with material from all 6 movies.
2011-09-26, 10:42 AM #53
stop giving me star wars blue-balls
" I am the Lizard King, I can do anyhthing... "
2011-09-26, 4:17 PM #54
Originally posted by Al Ciao:
They were actually developing a Battlefront 3 before the developer got shut down or bought out or something three or four years ago.
Pandemic Studios. I mentioned them earlier in this thread, as an example of what happens to the competitors EA buys.
2011-09-26, 4:22 PM #55
Originally posted by Darth_Xasthur:
stop giving me star wars blue-balls

To be honest I'm pretty Star Wars out, pretty much have been since 2005, I still play the good games like Kotor and JK series, I'm shocked the franchise hasn't suffered exhaustion yet like Star Trek did by 2000
2011-09-26, 4:28 PM #56
Right now I'm enjoying the Fallout games, Fable 3, and Lost Odyssey the most.
Fable 3 is such a load of trash. Okay, it's a fine game by itself, but the first two were so much better it's kind of sad.
2011-09-27, 4:07 AM #57
Uughhh, I might have to play through MA2 for the painful sake of it. Still have two copies of Kotor around the place, might leave that for a rainy day in a few months/years time. Athough probably not too far away... when I tried to play Torment for the first time a couple of months ago, I just couldn't handle the gnarly graphics/interface and beginning plot hooks (find key, talk to x, talk to y..).
2011-09-27, 4:24 AM #58
Originally posted by GHORG:
when I tried to play Torment for the first time a couple of months ago, I just couldn't handle the gnarly graphics/interface and beginning plot hooks (find key, talk to x, talk to y..).

Exactly the same happened to me in 2007 when I decided to give that game a try. Kind of funny, in the past I used to be all "GRAFFIX DONT MATTER, DOOD" but all the old games that I still play are the same ones I've definitely played before or whatever and even then I'm using high quality resource packs when available. For instance, Duke Nukem 3D's HRP is definitely one of the best out there and playing the game with that is much more gratifying than playing Duke Nukem Forever by a thousandfold (yet I'm still one of the 3 people in the world who didn't think it was that bad). Yet I still want to play PS:T someday, but I guess I just need to get properly motivated for that. Then again it doesn't seem to apply to just old games, within the past 3 years when I've tried to play Mass Effect, I've only got to the part where you go to the Citadel for the first time. Oh well.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2011-09-27, 4:48 AM #59
Originally posted by Darth_Xasthur:
stop giving me star wars blue-balls


[QUOTE=Jon C]Pandemic Studios. I mentioned them earlier in this thread, as an example of what happens to the competitors EA buys.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the clarification. That is too bad. I don't keep track of stuff like this enough to know, but from what you're saying it does seem like EA is screwing things up?

Originally posted by Couchman:
To be honest I'm pretty Star Wars out, pretty much have been since 2005, I still play the good games like Kotor and JK series, I'm shocked the franchise hasn't suffered exhaustion yet like Star Trek did by 2000

I dunno why there hasn't been series exhaustion. Maybe the prequels and the continuing Clone Wars tie-ins keep it afloat? But then, Star Trek has also had movies and new shows... Hmm.

I'm still not Star Wars-ed out yet. Been going strong since somewhere around age 10 and haven't stopped yet, though I admit, it's slowed down a bit. Not that that's saying much, I was going helter-skelter full-tilt before.

Originally posted by JM:
Fable 3 is such a load of trash. Okay, it's a fine game by itself, but the first two were so much better it's kind of sad.

I loved Fable 3, it's actually my favorite of the 3. The first one was a decent game, but #2 was so much better, and #3 improved on the second one's formula. And there's nothing I like better than stringing together hits with area Blades + Vortex as the music builds to an epic crescendo! One time, it knocked a Sand Fury off a cliff, and her swarm of blades dived right down after her! Wheeeeeeee!

I completely squee over Fable 3's Blades + Vortex. It turned an already great game into my favorite one. Now if only I could mod or cheat or something to get that at the beginning so I can use it throughout the game! :D

Originally posted by GHORG:
Uughhh, I might have to play through MA2 for the painful sake of it. Still have two copies of Kotor around the place, might leave that for a rainy day in a few months/years time. Athough probably not too far away... when I tried to play Torment for the first time a couple of months ago, I just couldn't handle the gnarly graphics/interface and beginning plot hooks (find key, talk to x, talk to y..).

As long as you don't mind losing a lot of party members at the end, don't worry about the resource-gathering. If I can ever get around to wanting to replay it, that's the road I'm going. Sometimes it's more interesting when you have a Pyrrhic victory in a game - kind of like in Fable 3 if your royal coffers are empty or at least insufficient. :D

Originally posted by FastGamerr:
Exactly the same happened to me in 2007 when I decided to give that game a try. Kind of funny, in the past I used to be all "GRAFFIX DONT MATTER, DOOD" but all the old games that I still play are the same ones I've definitely played before or whatever and even then I'm using high quality resource packs when available. For instance, Duke Nukem 3D's HRP is definitely one of the best out there and playing the game with that is much more gratifying than playing Duke Nukem Forever by a thousandfold (yet I'm still one of the 3 people in the world who didn't think it was that bad). Yet I still want to play PS:T someday, but I guess I just need to get properly motivated for that. Then again it doesn't seem to apply to just old games, within the past 3 years when I've tried to play Mass Effect, I've only got to the part where you go to the Citadel for the first time. Oh well.

Haha, I remember playing Duke Nukem 3D in 2007, it totally rocked.
2011-09-27, 6:03 AM #60
I thought MA2 was awesome, liked it even more than MA1. Though first time I played it I didn't have my MA1 saves so the game made choices for me (choices I didn't like), I uninstalled it, passed MA1 again and then had an awesome experience playing MA2 after importing the saves.
2011-09-27, 7:55 AM #61
What's the god damn "A" in MA. Mass Affect?
2011-09-27, 7:59 AM #62
Originally posted by saberopus:
What's the god damn "A" in MA. Mass Affect?

I've been wondering this too...
2011-09-27, 8:40 AM #63
Haha! :) True, true. Picked it up from GHORG, that's my excuse.
2011-09-27, 9:28 AM #64
Back to TOR, those who aren't snobbing it: what class do you plan to be?
2011-09-27, 12:11 PM #65
If and when I get this game (remember, i'm broke), I'll start out as a Sith inquisitor. In any game I play, my first choice is always evil/darkside and magic/Force-using for the win!
2011-09-27, 1:39 PM #66
That would be my choice for darkside, but I have a very strong feeling the dark side is going to be like the hoarde for WoW. I plan to be a sage for my first character.
2011-09-27, 1:52 PM #67
I've never played WoW. What does it mean to be like the Horde?

By the sage, do you mean the Jedi consular-thingy class?
2011-09-27, 2:09 PM #68
Imperial Agent. Snipe snipe.
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2011-09-27, 2:17 PM #69
Originally posted by Michael MacFarlane:
Imperial Agent. Snipe snipe.

Sweet. Don't they also have the ability to call down an orbital strike? :D
2011-09-27, 2:26 PM #70
I actually didn't know about that before you brought it up, but yes. Yes they do. :XD:
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2011-09-27, 2:31 PM #71
Originally posted by Michael MacFarlane:
I actually didn't know about that before you brought it up, but yes. Yes they do. :XD:

"Death's Head, this is Agent MacLongname, security code NeS-1337. Fire at the following coordinates..."
2011-09-27, 3:11 PM #72
Yes, sage is the advanced class, well one of them.

What do I mean by the Hoarde.. well... ignorant idiots who don't care about teamplay, only PVPing, how much damage they deal, what kind of gear they have, and ***** at the slightest things over ventrilo. Basically to sum them up in one phrase.. "u mad bro?"
2011-09-27, 3:35 PM #73
I admit, I build my characters around damage dealing and charisma/personality/persuasion. But I'm not much of a PvP'er, and I try to be equable with everyone. It's a shame there's this "Horde mentality" out there. Is this just on one server, or are all of them guilty of this?

And how does the Alliance compare?
2011-09-27, 4:29 PM #74
Originally posted by Al Ciao:
It's a shame there's this "Horde mentality" out there.
He's just butthurt.

I don't play anymore. I used to play on PvP realms, back when factions actually meant something. The behaviors x-whatever described could be attributed to either faction, depending on the specific players and the realm. Generally a realm with a high Alliance population would have more 'hardcore' Horde players, and a high Horde population (i.e. Mal'ganis) would have more 'hardcore' Alliance players. It's just survival of the fittest. The Alliance/Horde players who didn't poopsock would eventually be forced to move to a server that was more balanced for them.

This is different now. Realms (even PvP ones) no longer have faction restrictions. All of the classes are available to either faction, and you can make 'pretty' Horde characters. You can even move an existing character to the opposite faction if you really want. The only difference between the two factions is the set of quests you take to get from level 1-85.
2011-09-27, 4:59 PM #75
Originally posted by FastGamerr:
within the past 3 years when I've tried to play Mass Effect, I've only got to the part where you go to the Citadel for the first time. Oh well.

HAHAHAHA Thats exactly what I did. I have no idea why anyone likes it at all, the first one at the very least is horrendous. I remember just walking around (taking forever because everything is so big) looking to have boring and pointless conversations that went nowhere... When was this game supposed to get good? All I know is i couldn't stick around long enough to let it get better. The shooting mechanic felt broken or incomplete. God I hate that game...

Thats why I gave it away and went back to playing Fallout3.

(Yes, im still playing three. I have new veges but ive never even put it in. Im still much enjoying 3, plus my friend just let me borrow his goty edition and i was then able to get all the downloadable content for free [along with the new 30 level cap])

As far as graphics and old games, i find myself impervious to the woes of new verses old, however i do, from time to time find it hard to play some of the N64/PS1 era games. I loved conkers bad fur day, but its not as immersive now as it was when i was 11. Duke Nuke'em (on 64) feels like a travesty to all games at this point. The snes era of games is probably the one which im most fond of. Its also just easier on the eyes to stare at colorful blocks than misshapen charecter models and abominable textures that look noting like their intended purpose.

I, unlike some of you seemingly, will never tire of star wars related games. Some of my favorite games of all time have been star wars games, and it wasn't only because it had george Lucas balls all over it, but because they were good games with awesome characters (like most star wars in general) and unforgettable gameplay. Its not like star wars games are all in the same category either. They have fps, rts, rpg, mmo, platforming, racing, flight simulators, the list goes on. Its not the franchise that's exhausted but the will to make great games that has been exhausted.

The man is too busy making our childhood a gay parable and producing clone wars bull****. When you were a kid and they just referenced the clone wars, you though they were the coolest thing in the galaxy. This idea of an intergalactic war that included clones? Sounds too good to be true. It was. An obscure allusion to an unexplained battle seems a poor reason to be so excited until you see how awesome the star wars were (bad joke)! Who knew after all this time, instead of the clone wars being exciting, or at least remotely interesting, they are just gay. I wish geo-lucas woulda told me this 20 years ago so i could just stop caring.

I would rather spend worthwhile time in an amazingly worthwhile universe. I don't want to spend time developing this emotionally devoid dick-headed looking Shepherd **** that i have no emotion attachment to (as a character) and who looks like some boot-camp ass****er. Id rather play as Tony Daniels or Kenny Baker.
" I am the Lizard King, I can do anyhthing... "
2011-09-27, 8:36 PM #76
I loved Fable 3, it's actually my favorite of the 3. The first one was a decent game, but #2 was so much better, and #3 improved on the second one's formula. And there's nothing I like better than stringing together hits with area Blades + Vortex as the music builds to an epic crescendo! One time, it knocked a Sand Fury off a cliff, and her swarm of blades dived right down after her! Wheeeeeeee!

You're kidding, right? Fable3 took the 'formula' from the second one and took a **** on it. Your character doesn't age, the game is about half as long, and the story isn't anywhere near as epic. Really? I'm supposed to care about some chick I just met? Oh, I have a dog for some reason? An impersonal vague 'shadow' thing? Yeah, that's way better than a quest to take down the man who shot my sister. Do I have to mention the fact that the 'moral choices' are shallow and idiotic, how half the time you have to guess which one the game thinks is the 'good' choice, and the bugs? The massive number of bugs?
2011-09-27, 9:25 PM #77
Originally posted by Jon`C:
He's just butthurt.

I don't play anymore. I used to play on PvP realms, back when factions actually meant something. The behaviors x-whatever described could be attributed to either faction, depending on the specific players and the realm. Generally a realm with a high Alliance population would have more 'hardcore' Horde players, and a high Horde population (i.e. Mal'ganis) would have more 'hardcore' Alliance players. It's just survival of the fittest. The Alliance/Horde players who didn't poopsock would eventually be forced to move to a server that was more balanced for them.

This is different now. Realms (even PvP ones) no longer have faction restrictions. All of the classes are available to either faction, and you can make 'pretty' Horde characters. You can even move an existing character to the opposite faction if you really want. The only difference between the two factions is the set of quests you take to get from level 1-85. I haven't even played WoW. I know of the prevailing attitude from watching several friends who play.
2011-09-27, 9:46 PM #78
Originally posted by Darth_Xasthur:
HAHAHAHA Thats exactly what I did. I have no idea why anyone likes it at all, the first one at the very least is horrendous. I remember just walking around (taking forever because everything is so big) looking to have boring and pointless conversations that went nowhere... When was this game supposed to get good? All I know is i couldn't stick around long enough to let it get better. The shooting mechanic felt broken or incomplete. God I hate that game...

Thats why I gave it away and went back to playing Fallout3.

(Yes, im still playing three. I have new veges but ive never even put it in. Im still much enjoying 3, plus my friend just let me borrow his goty edition and i was then able to get all the downloadable content for free [along with the new 30 level cap])

As far as graphics and old games, i find myself impervious to the woes of new verses old, however i do, from time to time find it hard to play some of the N64/PS1 era games. I loved conkers bad fur day, but its not as immersive now as it was when i was 11. Duke Nuke'em (on 64) feels like a travesty to all games at this point. The snes era of games is probably the one which im most fond of. Its also just easier on the eyes to stare at colorful blocks than misshapen charecter models and abominable textures that look noting like their intended purpose.

I, unlike some of you seemingly, will never tire of star wars related games. Some of my favorite games of all time have been star wars games, and it wasn't only because it had george Lucas balls all over it, but because they were good games with awesome characters (like most star wars in general) and unforgettable gameplay. Its not like star wars games are all in the same category either. They have fps, rts, rpg, mmo, platforming, racing, flight simulators, the list goes on. Its not the franchise that's exhausted but the will to make great games that has been exhausted.

The man is too busy making our childhood a gay parable and producing clone wars bull****. When you were a kid and they just referenced the clone wars, you though they were the coolest thing in the galaxy. This idea of an intergalactic war that included clones? Sounds too good to be true. It was. An obscure allusion to an unexplained battle seems a poor reason to be so excited until you see how awesome the star wars were (bad joke)! Who knew after all this time, instead of the clone wars being exciting, or at least remotely interesting, they are just gay. I wish geo-lucas woulda told me this 20 years ago so i could just stop caring.

I would rather spend worthwhile time in an amazingly worthwhile universe. I don't want to spend time developing this emotionally devoid dick-headed looking Shepherd **** that i have no emotion attachment to (as a character) and who looks like some boot-camp ass****er. Id rather play as Tony Daniels or Kenny Baker.

This post is everything that is wrong with you.
>>untie shoes
2011-09-28, 4:17 AM #79
Originally posted by JM:
You're kidding, right? Fable3 took the 'formula' from the second one and took a **** on it. Your character doesn't age, the game is about half as long, and the story isn't anywhere near as epic. Really? I'm supposed to care about some chick I just met? Oh, I have a dog for some reason? An impersonal vague 'shadow' thing? Yeah, that's way better than a quest to take down the man who shot my sister. Do I have to mention the fact that the 'moral choices' are shallow and idiotic, how half the time you have to guess which one the game thinks is the 'good' choice, and the bugs? The massive number of bugs?

I'm not kidding. No accounting for personal taste, I suppose. Never had a problem with bugs myself. And the moral choices in EVERY game are shallow and idiotic. :P Also, I do not have a very developed sense of critical analysis.

There is a very real final boss fight in #3, and it's far more meaningful than the one in #2. And don't knock impersonal shadow things, I like 'em, lol. Also, I liked the job minigames a lot better than Fable 2, and I preferred starting out with basic combat abilities like aiming, rolling, and flourishing, whereas you have to buy them in #2. Plus, spell weaving! This was my first (and thus far only) experience with spell weaving, as I haven't played Two Worlds II yet, and Skyrim is not yet out, and it rocks!

Combat in general, as in #2, I find fluid and fun; but especially in #3 where you have these slow motion automatic finishing moves! But, as I said, what really makes it my favorite game is the Blades + Vortex. I never tire of that. The whole epic music building during combat is brilliant, of course, ever since it was implemented in #2, but while spamming Blades + Vortex, it's absolutely divine. :D Combat is usually my favorite aspect of a game, if it's done well and has plenty of cool, powerful, fluid options. Fable 3 (and my second favorite game, KotOR 2) has this in spades, IMHO. Of course, YMMV.

[QUOTE=Jon C]This is different now. Realms (even PvP ones) no longer have faction restrictions. All of the classes are available to either faction, and you can make 'pretty' Horde characters. You can even move an existing character to the opposite faction if you really want. The only difference between the two factions is the set of quests you take to get from level 1-85.[/QUOTE]

Sweet. I've heard that WoW is going f2p. Is this true? I may try to get in on it if so.

[QUOTE=Darth Xashtur]Thats why I gave it away and went back to playing Fallout3.

(Yes, im still playing three. I have new veges but ive never even put it in. Im still much enjoying 3, plus my friend just let me borrow his goty edition and i was then able to get all the downloadable content for free [along with the new 30 level cap])[/QUOTE]

Whoo! Yeah, I love FO3 and FNV. Not my favorite games, but they're up there and keep sucking me back in for more. The DLC for FO3 rocks, lemme know how it goes.

[QUOTE=Darth Xashtur]I, unlike some of you seemingly, will never tire of star wars related games.[/QUOTE]

I'm with you here. I don't like all Star Wars games, because I do have genres I prefer, but I still love KotOR 1 and 2 (just replayed KotOR a couple weeks ago with a new character build); TFU is a very awesome game (even if everyone and his brother can block your powers and lightsaber strikes); Republic Commando kicked butt; and I have extremely fond memories of JK, TIE Fighter, and Rebellion. Also, I have Empire at War and Battlefront I & II on my backlog. :D

[QUOTE=Darth Xashtur] Who knew after all this time, instead of the clone wars being exciting, or at least remotely interesting, they are just gay.[/QUOTE]

I am actually enjoying The Clone Wars CGI show. I don't really know where all the hate comes from, but I run into it all the time. Basically, you have a real WAR instead of just guerilla actions with the occasional unbalanced battle - plus lots of Jedi! So to me, it rocks. I also enjoyed the comics that covered it before RotS came out, primarily in the series Republic.
2011-09-28, 5:05 AM #80
I'm not kidding. No accounting for personal taste, I suppose. Never had a problem with bugs myself. And the moral choices in EVERY game are shallow and idiotic. :P Also, I do not have a very developed sense of critical analysis.

There is a very real final boss fight in #3, and it's far more meaningful than the one in #2. And don't knock impersonal shadow things, I like 'em, lol. Also, I liked the job minigames a lot better than Fable 2, and I preferred starting out with basic combat abilities like aiming, rolling, and flourishing, whereas you have to buy them in #2. Plus, spell weaving! This was my first (and thus far only) experience with spell weaving, as I haven't played Two Worlds II yet, and Skyrim is not yet out, and it rocks!

Combat in general, as in #2, I find fluid and fun; but especially in #3 where you have these slow motion automatic finishing moves! But, as I said, what really makes it my favorite game is the Blades + Vortex. I never tire of that. The whole epic music building during combat is brilliant, of course, ever since it was implemented in #2, but while spamming Blades + Vortex, it's absolutely divine. :D Combat is usually my favorite aspect of a game, if it's done well and has plenty of cool, powerful, fluid options. Fable 3 (and my second favorite game, KotOR 2) has this in spades, IMHO. Of course, YMMV.

In #2, you can select any gesture from your entire set and perform it at any time.
What can you do in #3? You can perform a random good or bad gesture. Oh. Yeah. Sorry, I was really hoping to high-five you. But I guess we kissed instead.

Also, why would you waste your time with the jobs? Those are terrible in both. Buy real estate instead.

Also, you don't have to buy basic combat skills in #2.

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