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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Obama "plugs" himself in nearly every official Presidential Bio since Coolidge
Obama "plugs" himself in nearly every official Presidential Bio since Coolidge
2012-05-18, 11:45 AM #81
Originally posted by Jon`C:
Considering that this entire thread is blatant, balls-out partisan *****ing about business as usual in post-Rove politics,

Bingo. Sarn, this is not news. This is the furthest away from news. Anybody ATTEMPTING to make this news clearly has an agenda. This is ball balls-out partisan ****ing, as Jon'C so eloquently put. It's so far away from being actually relevant to either candidate or the election in general, that even bringing it up has the potential to make people on the margin make an ill-informed decision because they might actually believe something like this matters.
"His Will Was Set, And Only Death Would Break It"

"None knows what the new day shall bring him"
2012-05-18, 12:08 PM #82
*Pokes head through door*

*Looks around*

*Leaves again*
2012-05-18, 12:10 PM #83
keep it comin guys, im going to make myself a few manhattens later and come back to this thread, this is pure comedic gold, so much hate in the first page alone
2012-05-18, 12:36 PM #84
Ah, l'amérique!
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2012-05-18, 12:51 PM #85
From Anthony's post, Sarn seems to be xenophobic rather than racist. There is in fact a precedent for Blacks taking up Islam (Malcolm X and Louis Farrakhan come to mind), and pointing this out is not racist. However, many of these individuals were involved with violent extremism. I guess the right has tried to link Obama with Bill Ayers, but this holds no water. It's just like that cover of the New Yorker that depicts Barrack and Michelle as Mujahedin -- it's ridiculous.

So it seems to me that Sarn is feigning to be more afraid of militant Islam than professing xenophobia in gernal. However, then why the fear of the average Muslim so clearly evident in describing the so-called infiltration of the U.S. by Muslim culture? There are 1.6 Billion Muslims worldwide; surely you don't think they are all just as dangerous as Malcolm X? On the other hand, if Sarn agrees that we are not at war with all Muslims, but that the President is biased in favor of the radical Muslim leadership that sees itself as at War with the West, and that Barrack Obama is therefore treasonous, why did he order the killing of Osama Bin Laden? I suppose that that too is part of a conspiracy to get re-elected?
2012-05-18, 1:15 PM #86
If anybody wants to make the case for racism being implicit in Islamophobia, you might need a lemma... perhaps the isomorphism between Muslim culture and Arab culture that Christopher Hitchins has made a point of. Then you have fun stuff like this video:

Sorry, don't know how to play this video :(
2012-05-18, 1:36 PM #87
yeah... im not seeing Sarn as being racist here. chomping at the bit to find ANYTHING, no matter how goofy or pointless, to discredit the current democrat president? absolutely. a little xenophobic about muslims? probably. racist...? not really, no.

and while it really is unnecessary to wave your arm and holler about the "underhanded tactics obama is surely employing" the whitehouse web site thing is almost certainly as much about campaigning as anything else, just like everything every politician on either side does. and sarns response is really probably no different than what would have been spouted off by the left if bush had done the same thing.
Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob
2012-05-18, 1:44 PM #88
"Honey, you got real ugly."
2012-05-18, 6:28 PM #89
listen guys alright, thiss only bmy second manhatten but you guys are ****uing NUTS but ****in funny, that FIRST PAGE LOLOL
2012-05-18, 6:36 PM #90
How long before alcohol ruins Couchman's life? I'm setting the over/under at one year.
>>untie shoes
2012-05-18, 6:44 PM #91
Didn't it used to be against the rules to post drunk?

-Also, I never called Sarn a racist. I called republicans racist, but I don't remember if that was in this thread.
2012-05-18, 7:35 PM #92
Originally posted by Jarl:
Didn't it used to be against the rules to post drunk?

unless you couchman. then its part of an ongoing experiment.
Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob
2012-05-18, 7:41 PM #93
Just a sudden thought about the actual topic that's meant to be up for discussion. Whilst tagging the current president on the white house website and plugging him in relation to past presidents might be "campaigning" (though I'd argue that's far too strong a word, does anyone really check this website and I'm sure Obama himself barely knew about it, they normally just leave web designers to it?), do you honestly believe it will be taken out once the new president is in office Republican or Democrat? They're going to leave it in and link past achievements to the new president to show how he's furthering the presidential achievements of the past too, including a link from Obama's bio page.
2012-05-18, 7:55 PM #94
Originally posted by TheBritt:
Just a sudden thought about the actual topic that's meant to be up for discussion. Whilst tagging the current president on the white house website and plugging him in relation to past presidents might be "campaigning" (though I'd argue that's far too strong a word, does anyone really check this website and I'm sure Obama himself barely knew about it, they normally just leave web designers to it?), do you honestly believe it will be taken out once the new president is in office Republican or Democrat? They're going to leave it in and link past achievements to the new president to show how he's furthering the presidential achievements of the past too, including a link from Obama's bio page.

This pretty much seems like it's the idea at work here. Kind of a "and your current president is doing this..." deal.
>>untie shoes
2012-05-18, 9:46 PM #95
Originally posted by Jarl:
Didn't it used to be against the rules to post drunk?

Nothing's against the rules if you don't get caught. Or, I guess, if you're Couchman.
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2012-05-19, 3:59 AM #96
American politics; that's still a thing, eh?

I wish Wookie06 were here to crap all over this thread, it would be highly amusing.
2012-05-19, 5:36 AM #97
Originally posted by Antony:
How long before alcohol ruins Couchman's life? I'm setting the over/under at one year.

I'm at my parents place in florida and had many drinks with my father in the hottub, but ruined is far off. During the school year I ONLY drink a maximum of one day a week which is either friday or saturday. But if this is your way of telling me you love me and care about me, then I am touched, and I want you to know despite your reputation as a meanie weenie I still enjoy your company here <3
2012-05-19, 6:04 AM #98
Originally posted by Sarn_Cadrill:
Oh wait you are, just in the form of a black man named Barrack Obama.
Ok, dang. you got me there.. I guess I'm just as racist as Alan.[/quote]

As for all the stuff about him being Muslim... How is that racism? Last time I checked, Muslim wasn't a race. It's a religion, and the whole point of my posts then was to demonstrate the evidence show him to be LYING about his religion. I don't have a problem with someone being a different religion than me. I do have a problem with someone LYING to me, and that being ok (kinda like how he lied about his birth certificate).
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.

Lassev: I guess there was something captivating in savagery, because I liked it.
2012-05-19, 6:32 AM #99
Originally posted by Sarn_Cadrill:
it's a religion, and the whole point of my posts then was to demonstrate the evidence show him to be LYING about his religion. I don't have a problem with someone being a different religion than me. I do have a problem with someone LYING to me, and that being ok (kinda like how he lied about his birth certificate).

I see that barking and drooling are not just for canines anymore.
2012-05-19, 7:34 AM #100
Originally posted by Sarn_Cadrill:
I do have a problem with someone LYING to me, and that being ok

Based on that statement, I'm going to have to recommend you stop following politics immediately.
My favorite JKDF2 h4x:
2012-05-19, 8:02 AM #101
Originally posted by EAH_TRISCUIT:
Based on that statement, I'm going to have to recommend you stop following politics immediately.

Well put

it's like saying "I hate fighting in Hockey, its mean and people can get hurt"

Then don't follow hockey, its an integral part of the event.
2012-05-19, 8:10 AM #102
Originally posted by Sarn_Cadrill:
As for all the stuff about him being Muslim... How is that racism? Last time I checked, Muslim wasn't a race. It's a religion, and the whole point of my posts then was to demonstrate the evidence show him to be LYING about his religion. I don't have a problem with someone being a different religion than me. I do have a problem with someone LYING to me, and that being ok (kinda like how he lied about his birth certificate).

... You realize you sound like an old person, right? For one, these things are some of the most base, petty discourses you could possibly evoke. You're making "the debate" about stupid **** that has literally zero impact on anyone and has nothing to do with real functional politics, they're just character attacks.

Secondly, those arguments so unbelievably false it's almost like you, or wherever you're getting the cool-aid from is deliberately trying to draw fire and lower the intellectual barrier of entry to both avoid addressing real issues, and earn the votes of incredibly stupid people.

Seriously, people's house's aren't worth their mortgages, all the people being sent off to war cannot send enough money home to feed their families, we're promising students more jobs than there are available while happily offering them debt, and you've got so little problems that your political arguments are that Obama is a self promoting terrorist Muslim who probably wasn't even born here anyway? You don't think there are any legitimate, fiscal or policy based arguments you could make that wouldn't be mind numbingly retarded?
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2012-05-19, 8:15 AM #103
Originally posted by Sarn_Cadrill:
(kinda like how he lied about his birth certificate).
Not doing a great job selling your case there, Sarn, since had Obama been white it would have never even occurred to that he could have been lying about his birthplace.

Of course, he didn't lie. And in TYOOL 2012, if you still seriously think this is an issue, you are literally suffering from schizophrenia. Literally. Get help. Get on ****ing lithium, because you are literally insane, literally suffering from a mental illness that compromises your ability to reason about simple things and subjects you to deep, irrational paranoid delusions. Get. Help.
2012-05-19, 8:18 AM #104
Originally posted by JediKirby:
... You realize you sound like an old person, right?
Old person? Not really. To me he sounds more like a radical right-leaning government employee who barely slid past a GED to a life runneth over with republican talk radio.
2012-05-19, 8:35 AM #105
I enjoy the fact that Sarn's reply to my quotes showcasing his racism is more racist than the actual quotes.
>>untie shoes
2012-05-19, 8:54 AM #106
Originally posted by Jon`C:
Old person? Not really. To me he sounds more like a radical right-leaning government employee who barely slid past a GED to a life runneth over with republican talk radio.

No, that's really what old people sound like in America. Almost every single one of them.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2012-05-19, 10:03 AM #107

Not doing a great job selling your case there, Sarn, since had Obama been white it would have never even occurred to that he could have been lying about his birthplace.
Good thing you know me so well. I wouldn't ever raise the question of any President, but if the question is raised I'm willing to consider the possibility. Unlike many of you who have your noses so far up Obama's asses that in your mind he can do no wrong, regardless of any evidence to the contrary.

Here's an example if the same dynamic you're accusing me of: <---President Bush considering war with Iraq, regardless of Congress approval <---President Obama declares war on Lyiba without Congress approval

The first article has a tone that Bush did something terrible and the law needs to be examined.
The second article has a tone that Obama is only following in the footsteps of other Presidents in the past, and that there is a clear precedent.
I disapprove of both actions and would like an amendment or law to be passed that makes offense military actions without a declaration of war illegal, and requires that a declaration of war be an act of Congress.

But, I guess CNN is RACIST against white people, since it so clearly sets a double standard between Bush and Obama... Or maybe they just didn't like Bush... But no, that can't be it, right?
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.

Lassev: I guess there was something captivating in savagery, because I liked it.
2012-05-19, 10:07 AM #108
Antony, let me be clear. I disagree with the Muslim faith. I do NOT bear any ill will towards any members of it. So you know, I'm currently sitting at an Internet Cafe in Bahrain, UAE. If I had some fundamental fear or hatred of Muslims, I'd be in a pretty bad situation right now. I've most likely interacted with more Muslims and Arabs in the last 5 months than you have in your entire life... in completely neutral to positive ways. so yeah, I'm such a racist.
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.

Lassev: I guess there was something captivating in savagery, because I liked it.
2012-05-19, 10:22 AM #109
Originally posted by Sarn_Cadrill:
Good thing you know me so well. I wouldn't ever raise the question of any President, but if the question is raised I'm willing to consider the possibility. Unlike many of you who have your noses so far up Obama's asses that in your mind he can do no wrong, regardless of any evidence to the contrary.
Ah, yes. Let's see who was responsible for this investigation:

Joe Arpaio, the man who was described by The New York Times as "America's Worst Sheriff," criticized by the DoJ, Amnesty International, the ACLU, and the Jewish Anti-Defamation League, among others. Accused of violating the constitutional rights of inmates, institutional racism called the worst pattern of racial profiling in United States history by the Department of Justice, and under criminal investigation for corruption and abuse of power, including the abuse of his office to target his political opponents with nuisance criminal investigations, and the subject of a racial discrimination lawsuit being brought by the United States government.

You are so desperate to believe that a black man couldn't have been fairly elected president that you are willing to entertain the accusations of someone who has a long history of making criminal accusations for no legitimate, non-political reason. You have your head so far up Rush Limbaugh's dickhole that you are willing to accept any baseless accusation as evidence.

Dumb. Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb. Dumb, racist. Dumb.
2012-05-19, 10:23 AM #110
Originally posted by Sarn_Cadrill:
I've most likely interacted with more Muslims and Arabs in the last 5 months than you have in your entire life

Are they all aware that you think they're inferior?

I'm such a racist.

Yes, you are.
>>untie shoes
2012-05-19, 10:29 AM #111
Here, Sarn, I found some evidence that the Jews are an inferior race: link. Of course, I know you would never raise the question to an actual Jewish person, but I know you're willing to entertain the possibility.
2012-05-19, 10:35 AM #112
Couchman called, he says thanks again you guys!
2012-05-19, 10:36 AM #113
HAhahahahahahahahah Joe Arpaio? Seriously Sarn?
"Honey, you got real ugly."
2012-05-19, 10:36 AM #114
The problem is that Obama is not black enough. He looks like "an Arab" so racist ****s like Sarn have jumped to the conclusion thinking he's Muslim. He was born in Hawaii and his dad is Kenyan. Get your head out of your ass.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2012-05-19, 10:37 AM #115
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
Couchman called, he says thanks again you guys!

Thank Sarn. The rest of us are just the messengers.

EDIT: I thought the whole birther thing was a dead issue to all but the most fringe right-wing nutjob racist douchebags. Oh wait...
>>untie shoes
2012-05-19, 10:39 AM #116
Originally posted by Sarn_Cadrill:
Unlike many of you who have your noses so far up Obama's asses that in your mind he can do no wrong, regardless of any evidence to the contrary.

This statement is really telling. There has been zero discussion this entire thread about Obama's policies. No one has said whether or not they agree with them in any capacity. You've jumped the gun here and lumped us all in with Obama supporters just because we disagree with you about an orthogonal issue. You have an "us vs. them" mentality and can't see this as anything other than a partisan issue.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2012-05-19, 10:41 AM #117
omg, I found Joe Arpaio's evidence that Obama's birth certificate is a forgery!! I am completely ****ing convinced, no joke. omg. sarn, I can't believe nobody has realized this before. This is huge. Obama's going to have no choice but to step down.

It turns out that... Obama's birth certificate is a forgery because... black people aren't people, so they don't get birth certificates.

Thank God we had Joe Arpaio to tell us before it was too late. Just think about what damage Obama could have done for the rest of his term.

It's too bad Arpaio doesn't think Obama is responsible for forging it. Otherwise he would be able to press charges against Obama and try the case in a court of law, where it would surely be defeated thanks to those LIBERALS. Instead we'll just have to investigate and investigate until we finally discover what we're looking for. WE CAN NEVER GIVE UP, NOT UNTIL WE FIND THE PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR IT. EVEN IF WE HAVE TO SEARCH FOREVER. HE IS OUT THERE, AND WE WILL FIND HIM.
2012-05-19, 10:43 AM #118
Originally posted by Jon`C:

Whoops, sorry guys! Accidentally removed my brain with a rusty hook for a second there. I'm okay now.
2012-05-19, 10:44 AM #119
Originally posted by Sarn_Cadrill:
I've most likely interacted with more Muslims and Arabs in the last 5 months than you have in your entire life... in completely neutral to positive ways. so yeah, I'm such a racist.

Why are you even comparing yourself to Antony, here? What does it prove? It only shows you have neutral behaviors, it says nothing about your attitude. This is such a childish statement.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2012-05-19, 10:53 AM #120
It's the same thing as people who claim they can't be racist because they totally have black friends.
>>untie shoes

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