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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Obama "plugs" himself in nearly every official Presidential Bio since Coolidge
Obama "plugs" himself in nearly every official Presidential Bio since Coolidge
2012-05-19, 10:54 AM #121
I have black friends. [Edit: Dammit! Ninjad by Antony.]

If the religion of your president is so important to you, you're mixing your beliefs up.

I also like how your logic for deciding the president is Muslim (even though he was admittedly non-religious for most of his life, and is probably only culturally a Christian) is based on the same logic you're opposing in this thread for your own racism. The difference being that you're saying all of the things racist people say, while Obama quoted the Koran which many many presidents have done before. It's actually just another old book like your bible, full of parables and ideas that are both awful and enlightening. Personally, I wish we didn't have to know the faith of the president so people like you didn't play team colors about something so personal.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2012-05-19, 11:19 AM #122
2012-05-19, 11:20 AM #123
Oh God, Sarn, don't tell me you actually buy into this birther ****. I mean, I wasn't giving you a lot of credit before this, but virtually all household pets are smarter than that.
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2012-05-19, 12:05 PM #124
Originally posted by Michael MacFarlane:
Oh God, Sarn, don't tell me you actually buy into this birther ****. I mean, I wasn't giving you a lot of credit before this, but virtually all household pets are smarter than that.

Hey hey, now, hold on. That's not necessary.

Sarn's right, there's a chance that they could be honest. I mean, what are the odds that this terribly, terribly racist liar with a history of threatening his political opponents with criminal accusations would be doing it again? That'd be crazy.

And, you know, even if Joe Arpaio is lying, what about the other volunteers who helped him investigate Obama's birth certificate? Surely they're not all racists and liars.

Oh.... one of them is Jerome Corsi, a best-selling author. Well that's a good si.... oh, he's a plagiarist and a Freeper.

Well, okay. What about Joe's friends from the Federation for American Immigration Reform? How can a group called FAIR be unfair (lol?) Let's see... yep, a convicted, non-profit organization seeking immigration reform, even founded by environmentalists! That sounds wo.... oh, they were branded a hate group by the SPLC. Well, that has to be some kind of mis.... oh, they were funded by the Pioneer Fund, a white supremacist organization that funds groups supporting eugenics.

2012-05-19, 12:08 PM #125
Sarn's not racist, he just supports Hitler's political opinions.
2012-05-19, 1:10 PM #126
It's OK Sarn I'm not a racist either because I fooled around with a 1/4 black 1/4 puerto rican and 1/2 white broad once

but she did take my 10 dollar movie gift card from my wallet when I wasnt looking so now I always check my wallet around 1/4 black 1/4 puertro rican and 1/2 white broads

yes this is a true story
2012-05-19, 1:34 PM #127
Can you lot stop using the word racism and start using the word bigotry already?
2012-05-19, 1:35 PM #128
No, it's too much fun watching Sarn split hairs about what kind of bigot he is.
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2012-05-19, 1:53 PM #129
Originally posted by Couchman:
It's OK Sarn I'm not a racist either because I fooled around with a 1/4 black 1/4 puerto rican and 1/2 white broad once

but she did take my 10 dollar movie gift card from my wallet when I wasnt looking so now I always check my wallet around 1/4 black 1/4 puertro rican and 1/2 white broads

yes this is a true story

Fooled around? FOOLED AROUND?

Why didn't you bang her? Mixed race chicks are almost always next-level hot.
>>untie shoes
2012-05-19, 2:07 PM #130
Originally posted by Emon:
The problem is that Obama is not black enough. He looks like "an Arab" so racist ****s like Sarn have jumped to the conclusion thinking he's Muslim. He was born in Hawaii and his dad is Kenyan. Get your head out of your ass.

incidentally most Muslims are not Arab. most are from the pacific/Asia area such as Indonesia there is also a huge population in India. also the population of Muslim in Africa Is relatively close to the population in the middle east. Also while Kenya is not an Islamic state it does have a decent Muslim population. Which Obama Sr. DID convert to... for a while.

Personally i really doubt the president is Muslim, or even particularly religious at all for that matter. But it really does NOT take a racist to raise the question of "is Obama a Muslim?". Really its just kind of low hanging fruit for someone who does not like him for WHATEVER reason. the birth certificate thing on the other hand... pure stupid.
Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob
2012-05-19, 2:40 PM #131
The whole Birther thing started again because of this. Of course, they'll never bother to consider this or this (after all, FactCheck is funded by a Communist organization that's responsible for funding the likes of NPR &/or PBS).
? :)
2012-05-19, 2:46 PM #132
Obama was an active member of his church for 20 years. If he's not a Christian, he's been conspiring for quite some time. Maybe he's the Manchurian Candidate? I would prefer if he weren't religious but I'm going to take him at his word/action, which indicates that he is indeed a practicing Christian.
? :)
2012-05-19, 2:57 PM #133
Originally posted by Mentat:
Obama was an active member of his church for 20 years. If he's not a Christian, he's been conspiring for quite some time. Maybe he's the Manchurian Candidate? I would prefer if he weren't religious but I'm going to take him at his word/action, which indicates that he is indeed a practicing Christian.

sorry didnt mean to say that obama was lying about what religion he is. just that compared to some other presidents he does not seem particularly "religious". And yes i will admit, this is PURE speculation.
Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob
2012-05-19, 4:33 PM #134
Originally posted by Antony:
Fooled around? FOOLED AROUND?

Why didn't you bang her? Mixed race chicks are almost always next-level hot.

She was alright, but I am getting hooked up with this 1/2 white 1/2 black babe who a friend of mine knows, she is so ****ing sexy and intelligent and apparently shes totally down to meet me and go on a date when she gets back from Brazil in august or wherever, but I will keep you posted on how it goes
2012-05-19, 4:40 PM #135
Originally posted by Couchman:
She was alright, but I am getting hooked up with this 1/2 white 1/2 black babe who a friend of mine knows, she is so ****ing sexy and intelligent and apparently shes totally down to meet me and go on a date when she gets back from Brazil in august or wherever, but I will keep you posted on how it goes

It's too bad you'll screw it up because of your racism.
>>untie shoes
2012-05-19, 4:43 PM #136
Originally posted by Darth_Alran:
sorry didnt mean to say that obama was lying about what religion he is. just that compared to some other presidents he does not seem particularly "religious". And yes i will admit, this is PURE speculation.

Yeah, he does seem pretty intelligent, doesn't he?
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2012-05-19, 5:05 PM #137
Originally posted by Antony:
It's too bad you'll screw it up because of your racism.

Well she better have her god damn birth certificate
2012-05-19, 5:24 PM #138
I know that Arizona is pretty far away from Buffalo, but I would fax a copy of it to Joe Apairo so he can check it to make sure it's real. He's an expert on forgery. He has to fudge plenty of arrest reports to make sure his arrests result in convictions.
>>untie shoes
2012-05-19, 5:36 PM #139
Bro if all checks out, I'll definately let you get in on a threesome, we can throw down gin and tonics (BUT OF COURSE HERS WILL BE A GIN AND JUICE LIKE THE SNOOP DOGG SONG) to celebrate her citizenship
2012-05-19, 6:20 PM #140
I'll just take tonic. Don't wanna break before my 6-month.
>>untie shoes
2012-05-20, 12:48 AM #141
Originally posted by Mentat:
The whole Birther thing started again because of this.
Because literary agents never lie.
2012-05-20, 4:52 PM #142
Originally posted by Sarn_Cadrill:
Antony, let me be clear. I disagree with the Muslim faith. I do NOT bear any ill will towards any members of it. So you know, I'm currently sitting at an Internet Cafe in Bahrain, UAE.

It might help to know what country you're in ;)
2012-05-20, 6:21 PM #143
While some of my friends are indeed black, does my boyfriend being one of them mean I'm not racist?

-Because if it turns out I am racist, then he'd probably be mad at me :(
2012-05-20, 9:00 PM #144
Originally posted by Freelancer:
Yeah, he does seem pretty intelligent, doesn't he?

What? wait, no. i just said that he didn't seem particu......WAIT A MINUTE! i see what you did there... clever girl.
Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob

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