(Still) On 13 week vacation

Posts: 10,289
Here's how this really went down, people.
There's a thing we do in the chat where we claim that things are racist. It's often quite funny, and many members of the community have been the brunt of it at times (including myself). The things that are claimed to be racist are almost universally not racist in any way. The rules for what qualifies as racism are completely absurd, and actually pretty racist themselves. This is more or less an inside joke in the chat, and is pretty much impossible to understand if you don't frequent #massassi. I repeat: It is all a joke, and if you have a brain, due to the absurdity of the joke, you will be able to discern this fairly easily.
PedHead joined the chat a while back when the whole Pintemple thing was going on to complain about it and tell Cool Matty how he needed to back up the site and all that garbage that he was whining about like it actually mattered. When he joined, we were in the middle of a session of labeling things as racist. I immediately claimed that the reason PedHead was upset about there being no backup of Massassi was because he's a racist. Stat and Alan quickly agreed, and we were off to the races (no pun intended). PedHead became extremely pissed off about this and abruptly left the chat before we could even explain that it was a joke. We probably wouldn't have explained that it was a joke anyway, actually.
He joined the chat a few times after that, and during one of those times I explained to him that we were just joking and no one actually thought he was a racist. It was explained that it's just a thing we do in that channel to entertain ourselves, because the absurdity of it can be quite amusing.
When this whole ordeal went down, PedHead joined the channel and actually joined in on the joke, calling myself and Alan racist on several occasions for various reasons. I won't publish the chat logs for two reasons: 1. Cool Matty has asked me not to. 2. I think only Alan has them. After joining in on the joke for a while, he suddenly became irate about it, and started talking about how he was once mugged by four black guys. I kind of get the feeling that PedHead does have some racist tendencies due to having what must have been a terrifying experience years ago, but he's ashamed of the fact that he feels that way. He kind of went off the deep end at that point. I was afk for a while because I was dealing with some family issues, and when I returned, Cool Matty was explaining that PedHead wanted every trace of himself wiped from Massassi, in addition to wanting his $25 that he had donated to the level contest back. He had also put forth some hilarious theories about how Cool Matty and I are the same person.
This entire ordeal has nothing to do with PedHead being racist or not. I don't know if he actually is. My gut says that yeah, he probably is a little racist, but doesn't like that he is. This is a far cry from calling Sarn a racist (because he actually is, and doesn't even seem to know it). It was all a joke that was blown way out of proportion, and because of that we have lost a member of the community who I'm fairly sure wasn't very mentally stable to begin with.
So there's your cautionary tale. If you join #massassi, at some point, someone will probably jokingly call you a racist.
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