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ForumsDiscussion Forum → PedHead's Departure
PedHead's Departure
2012-06-01, 12:12 AM #121
Sorry J. Wanted to say goodbye and make it clear. WTF you doing here?
2012-06-01, 12:15 AM #122
Originally posted by Emon:
Erm the tone was pretty ridiculous. I don't know how you could have taken it seriously.

You can hear the tone of my voice or writing? amazing.

Okay, can you write it better? Have you been ****ed with to where your life was on the line? No, because you didn't say.
2012-06-01, 12:21 AM #123
I liked JHS and had good times playing it. Everyone hated on it because it was popular, like they only play those high society JK maps created by a true artist. Drive your Prius over a cliff plz.
"Guns don't kill people, I kill people."
2012-06-01, 12:22 AM #124
I will now.
2012-06-01, 12:23 AM #125
Reason: stupid **** emon posted.

u mad bro?
2012-06-01, 12:26 AM #126
No. Just finding a good reason to edit my post that's all.

Put me in a slingshot and launch me.
2012-06-01, 12:27 AM #127
Originally posted by PedHead:
Why am I called a racist?

Because you got all bent about it.

I forgot that sympathy didn't exist in close connected communities.

There is plenty of sympathy to go around. For instance, I feel bad for your complete lack of anything resembling a sense of humor.

Why did I decide to leave this community? Read on and I will tell you more.

I already know why you left. I read the chat logs. You left because you're insane and you have no sense of humor.

Why be apart of a cruel network world that has nothing good to say? I'm mocked by JHS in IRC which is my reason to remove it entirely. One of the mockers is Antony and CoolMatty thinking nothing of it.

I've never mocked you about JHS. I've never even played JHS. I heard it was awful. There, I guess you can call that mocking.

I would like Antony to experience the same thing I did. This makes me realize that this is a cruel world. At the same time, I feel sorry for Antony. It's too bad that CM backs him up.

I've been mugged. Get over it.

You leave 9pm from Chicago downtown on bicycle only to be mugged by 4 men in hoodies. I was wearing winter gear and 4 men hockey body checked me off my bicycle. I ended up under a parked SUV with every pocket robbed - $14 dollars in wallet, and a cheap cellphone taken.

I thought my life was over. After I drove around the neighborhood in a detective car being asked if I recognize any faces of young innocent black men with their hands on a police car I am called a racist on Massassi IRC - **** YOU MASSASSI.

I don't understand how any of this has anything to do with it? Are you mental? We randomly started calling you racist, and you reply by telling a story that seemingly only exists to justify your racism that we didn't even know about. **** you too.

CoolMatty throws this out there like I'm the one with the problem. It's so funny how this turns out.

You do have a problem, dude.

Antony's story is ultra ****. Goit exposed of taking screenshots of me and putting scumbag hat on that. So clever of using Reddit memes of calling me a scumbag - not really.

I didn't create that image. It was posted in the chat. I added the text because it's funny. Yes, it was clever.

I'd love to see chat logs of Antony saying, "Oh PedHead, I'm just kidding for calling you racist". Let Antony be mugged and say it's funny **** right, because it's the internet?

Yeah, remember how I said that I got mugged? It actually is a funny story. I was coming home from the bar one night and right outside my apartment someone jumped me from behind, kicked me in the ribs a few times, and cracked my head off the sidewalk. I don't know what he looked like (I guess I can't use this as an excuse to be a racist), but the funny part was the guy took only my keys. Not car keys, mind you. Apartment keys. I had a cell phone, about 200 dollars, cigs, a lighter, and a 6-pack of to-go beers. He took only my keys. I walked to my friend's house that was down the street and crashed at his house. I called the cops the next morning. I talked to the rental office (which was right across the street and had security cameras) and they even changed my locks for free. There's my mugging story. Get over it, girl.

Where is CM to back this one up? I want to hear a bad story about Antony. I forgot, the man has no feelings or is just stuck in a basement.

I told you my bad story. Also, I do have feelings. I'm a very emotional guy. I'm fairly well known to be quite adamant about defending people who are in the right. You're just nuts. And wrong. And stupid. Seriously. You are the guy who got all pissy about an April Fool's joke.

Also, I do not live in a basement. How did that even become a cliche?

Wait, did I forget. He has home troubles, but not being mugged? Yeah how does it feel? Not good right?

Here's the difference, girl: I don't take my troubles out on other people. I make mean jokes at just about everyone around here. Hell, there are a handful of people who post on this site that I have literally never said a kind word about, yet they still seem to love me (I'm looking at you, Couchman). Could it be that these individuals have fully functional brains and you do not? All signs point to yes.

There are a few people who post here that I've gotten into heated arguments with and even gone over the line into personal territory, which isn't something I really like to do. I know that most of the people who post here are aware that this is, in fact, the internet, and these things happen.

You, on the other hand, are just a pussy. It has been explained to you on countless occasions that the racism thing is a joke in that channel, yet you always respond with some variety of "nuh uh!" or "but I was mugged". What the hell does your mugging have to do with this? Are you hyper-sensitive to being called racist because you're actually a racist, and you're just not proud of it? I don't understand you.

And yes, asking for a donation to be refunded does make you a scumbag.

Antony told me that he would call me racist no matter what on IRC.

Yes. I will call you a racist every time I see you post or log into the chat from here on out. I did it before because it was funny. From now on I will do it to spite you.

What community is this?

This is The Massassi Temple, you racist pussy.
>>untie shoes
2012-06-01, 12:28 AM #128
Originally posted by JediKirby:
Being mugged is a serious thing to you.

Have you ever been mugged?
2012-06-01, 12:30 AM #129
Originally posted by Antony:
Because you got all bent about it.

There is plenty of sympathy to go around. For instance, I feel bad for your complete lack of anything resembling a sense of humor.

I already know why you left. I read the chat logs. You left because you're insane and you have no sense of humor.

I've never mocked you about JHS. I've never even played JHS. I heard it was awful. There, I guess you can call that mocking.

I've been mugged. Get over it.

I don't understand how any of this has anything to do with it? Are you mental? We randomly started calling you racist, and you reply by telling a story that seemingly only exists to justify your racism that we didn't even know about. **** you too.

You do have a problem, dude.

I didn't create that image. It was posted in the chat. I added the text because it's funny. Yes, it was clever.

Yeah, remember how I said that I got mugged? It actually is a funny story. I was coming home from the bar one night and right outside my apartment someone jumped me from behind, kicked me in the ribs a few times, and cracked my head off the sidewalk. I don't know what he looked like (I guess I can't use this as an excuse to be a racist), but the funny part was the guy took only my keys. Not car keys, mind you. Apartment keys. I had a cell phone, about 200 dollars, cigs, a lighter, and a 6-pack of to-go beers. He took only my keys. I walked to my friend's house that was down the street and crashed at his house. I called the cops the next morning. I talked to the rental office (which was right across the street and had security cameras) and they even changed my locks for free. There's my mugging story. Get over it, girl.

I told you my bad story. Also, I do have feelings. I'm a very emotional guy. I'm fairly well known to be quite adamant about defending people who are in the right. You're just nuts. And wrong. And stupid. Seriously. You are the guy who got all pissy about an April Fool's joke.

Also, I do not live in a basement. How did that even become a cliche?

Here's the difference, girl: I don't take my troubles out on other people. I make mean jokes at just about everyone around here. Hell, there are a handful of people who post on this site that I have literally never said a kind word about, yet they still seem to love me (I'm looking at you, Couchman). Could it be that these individuals have fully functional brains and you do not? All signs point to yes.

There are a few people who post here that I've gotten into heated arguments with and even gone over the line into personal territory, which isn't something I really like to do. I know that most of the people who post here are aware that this is, in fact, the internet, and these things happen.

You, on the other hand, are just a pussy. It has been explained to you on countless occasions that the racism thing is a joke in that channel, yet you always respond with some variety of "nuh uh!" or "but I was mugged". What the hell does your mugging have to do with this? Are you hyper-sensitive to being called racist because you're actually a racist, and you're just not proud of it? I don't understand you.

And yes, asking for a donation to be refunded does make you a scumbag.

Yes. I will call you a racist every time I see you post or log into the chat from here on out. I did it before because it was funny. From now on I will do it to spite you.

This is The Massassi Temple, you racist pussy.

2012-06-01, 12:32 AM #130
So now you've moved on to all caps posts with no punctuation. I can see the condition is worsening.

P.S. You are a racist. And a pussy.
>>untie shoes
2012-06-01, 12:33 AM #131
2012-06-01, 12:34 AM #132
Are you drunk?
>>untie shoes
2012-06-01, 12:35 AM #133
Captain, sensors are already at full power.
error; function{getsig} returns 'null'
2012-06-01, 12:39 AM #134
You'll overload them, damn you!
>>untie shoes
2012-06-01, 12:41 AM #135

I also force drain for you 7, *****
2012-06-01, 12:45 AM #136
Originally posted by Antony:
You'll overload them, damn you!

Hey you. Time to be a ****er to others isn't it?
2012-06-01, 12:46 AM #137
Originally posted by PedHead:
Hey you. Time to be a ****er to others isn't it?

Shouldn't you be off burning a cross?
>>untie shoes
2012-06-01, 12:50 AM #138
Huh what?
2012-06-01, 12:53 AM #139
It's so dumb....
>>untie shoes
2012-06-01, 12:59 AM #140
Damn you burgerboys are nuts.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2012-06-01, 1:32 AM #141
This is ****ing amazing.
2012-06-01, 3:56 AM #142
Originally posted by PedHead:
Goit exposed of taking screenshots of me and putting scumbag hat on that

Either you're calling Antony a Goit (as in Red Dwarf) or I'm wrongly accused. If you're using 'Goit' as an insult even though you're really annoyed, then kudos.
Magrucko Daines and the Crypt of Crola (2007)
Magrucko Daines and the Dark Youth (2010)
Magrucko Daines and the Vertical City (2016)
2012-06-01, 5:23 AM #143
People harass you for JHS because it's terrible. There are lots of terrible levels out there, you shouldn't feel so bad about it. Being a racist, on the other hand...
2012-06-01, 5:40 AM #144
Ban PeckerHead for coming back like a week and a half after he stormed out and declared any association with Massassi to be deleted. What a ****ing chump, get lost you ****ing nerd. Yes. Even I can call you a nerd in this case.

Don't waste everyones time again with your BS despite how entertaining it is.

No wonder you made a Star Wars shooter map set in a high school, you probably took every opportunity to fantasize about hurting everyone that bullied you for doing things like "I'm leaving and I'm taking my map/posts with me!" and then you come back 10 days later.

Over sensitive scumbag.
2012-06-01, 5:44 AM #145
Originally posted by Antony:
Here's the difference, girl: I don't take my troubles out on other people. I make mean jokes at just about everyone around here. Hell, there are a handful of people who post on this site that I have literally never said a kind word about, yet they still seem to love me (I'm looking at you, Couchman). Could it be that these individuals have fully functional brains and you do not? All signs point to yes.

I'm known to have a very dark, sarcastic and insulting sense of humor, I have offended a LOT of people who are over sensitive. I try to make fun of myself as much as I do others as a rule to keep myself in check though because sometimes I've been accused of taking jokes too far.

Anyway, **** those people (PedHead), get a sense of humor. It's the internet Pedhead, do you really think these nerds think about you one second after this hit the X in the top right of the screen?
2012-06-01, 6:53 AM #146
Originally posted by PedHead:
Have you ever been mugged?

Of everything in my post, that's what you decide to quote?

If I'm supposedly not able to empathize with your experiences, why would you be so apt to expect others avoid that special sensitivity you have without their knowing about it? Simply because a bad thing happened to you doesn't mean you now have a free pass to over react to anything related to it.

If you honestly think that Antony's goal was to personally attack you about a thing he couldn't have known, you're incredibly preoccupied with yourself. You turned a miscommunication into a personal attack, and it's absolutely a persecution complex.

(Let's remember, you're being sensitive about being jokingly and randomly called a racist because black people kicked your ass. That's a really odd association to most people that no one is just going to guess, even if they knew that'd happened to you.)
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2012-06-01, 8:03 AM #147
Hey PedHead, you don't get to defend yourself. You demanded to be removed, so you've been removed. You do not get to use the nuclear option and just come back at your whimsy. If this is how you're going to react whenever someone throws around the word racist, you are non-functional on the internet. I seriously do not understand how you plan on living your life as a web developer, working with the internet, and being so outrageously ridiculous. If I found out you acted this way, I'd fire you.

And the irony is, no one believed you were a racist until now, now that you outright confirmed it with your mugging excuse.

Get out, stay out, and don't come back. This shouldn't be a problem for you, since it's exactly what you demanded of me.

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