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ForumsDiscussion Forum → PedHead's Departure
PedHead's Departure
2012-05-28, 6:51 PM #81
Originally posted by Sarn_Cadrill:
but how the hell can someone be racist and 1) not know it

Are you seriously that inept? God, Sarn, you're not "above average intelligence" like you think you are. You're ****ing STUPID. Plenty of people are racist and don't realize it. They harbor all sorts of racists attitudes and don't think they're racist at all. A more clear example is sexism. How many times have you heard someone say something like, "I love women and I'm all for equality, but women and men are just different and women are better at certain things like secretarial jobs or being homemakers"? Those people don't believe those kinds of statements are sexist and they CLEARLY are. But they think they're shining white knights because the hold doors open for women.

You have the social awareness of a manatee.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2012-05-28, 7:15 PM #82
thank you for ignoring 98% of my post so you could latch on to one little thing and whine like a little *****. Clearly, you're much smarter than me. Also your "example" is wrong.The fact that women can more easily focus on multiple tasks at once makes them better suited to tasks that require those skills (ie secretary for a busy executive, or taking care of multiple children). On the other hand, men with their generally physically tougher bodies are better suited to jobs that require physical activity and/or careful focus on (usually) a specific, defined task (ie infantry in a military unit, or construction worker). Nothing I'm saying right now is sexist, unless you begin to *automatically* assume that someone is incapable or less qualified for a task because of their gender. (For the record, I'm also not against women serving in the military, whether in combat roles or otherwise, though if I was supreme ruler of HOW THINGS WORK, I would set one set of physical and mental standards that both men and women would have to live up to equally, as opposed to now where men and women have the same mental standards, but drastically different physical standards (see movie G.I. Jane for a great example of how this could work). I bet you probably think police profiling is racist/sexist too. How about insurance companies charging different rates depending on gender? It's not racism/sexism. It's statistics.
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.

Lassev: I guess there was something captivating in savagery, because I liked it.
2012-05-28, 7:30 PM #83
Originally posted by Sarn_Cadrill:
Also your "example" is wrong.

Why do you think that ONE study, WITHOUT any references is solid fact? You did this with the Joe Arpio thing in the other thread. You have confirmation bias like nothing I've ever seen. You already had that viewpoint so you went out looking for supporting information in favor of your view, not for information that is factually correct. Search Google Scholar for "gender multitasking" and you'll find a lot of conflicting studies pointing in either direction. Of course, you would never take the time to read them, even if you COULD understand the methods used and the conclusions drawn in a scientific paper. Instead you latch on to the nearest source of whatever satisfies your existing view and tout it as a fact. You're a goddamn hack.

In any case, you COMPLETELY missed the point as usual. You can swap out that statement for any other, that example was arbitrary. The point is that people think they have viewpoints that are not discriminatory but clearly are, because they think they are such a gold standard that they cannot see their own flaws. Hey, sound like someone we know around here?
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2012-05-28, 7:38 PM #84
Why hasn't Sarn been banned for derailing this thread?
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2012-05-28, 7:59 PM #85
Originally posted by Sarn_Cadrill:
I MARRIED A HISPANIC person. Sounds like real Aryan Nation behavior huh?

"I'm not sexist, I married a woman."
2012-05-28, 8:03 PM #86
How can someone be racist and not know it??
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2012-05-28, 8:08 PM #87
Oh excuse me for grabbing one link from an article written by a DOCTORATE of PSYCHOLOGY to make my point instead of meticulously spending hours upon hours researching the facts to try to "prove" something to you that you're not going to change your opinion about anyway. Why don't you pull up my medical file and show me the psychological research that suggests I'm racist and sexist? Why don't you conduct background checks and interviews to show examples of me demonstrating racism or sexism or affiliating with racist/sexist people or organizations? Why don't you check my criminal record to show the race and sex hate crimes I've committed? Oh wait.. You're allowed to make claims without ANY EVIDENCE to back them up.. But I'm not.
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.

Lassev: I guess there was something captivating in savagery, because I liked it.
2012-05-28, 8:14 PM #88
Jon'C, I'm sure you can find lots of KKK members married to black spouses, right?
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.

Lassev: I guess there was something captivating in savagery, because I liked it.
2012-05-28, 8:16 PM #89
Originally posted by Sarn_Cadrill:
Oh excuse me for grabbing one link from an article written by a DOCTORATE of PSYCHOLOGY to make my point instead of meticulously spending hours upon hours researching the facts to try to "prove" something to you that you're not going to change your opinion about anyway.

Actually, yes. If you're going to state something as fact, put up or shut up. You don't even need to spend hours. It takes 30 seconds to search "gender multitasking myth" and see just from the results, without even clicking a link, that there is controversy around the topic. That alone should be enough to ward you off from picking the first thing you find and stating it as fact.

Originally posted by Sarn_Cadrill:
Why don't you pull up my medical file and show me the psychological research that suggests I'm racist and sexist? Why don't you conduct background checks and interviews to show examples of me demonstrating racism or sexism or affiliating with racist/sexist people or organizations? Why don't you check my criminal record to show the race and sex hate crimes I've committed?

Don't be an idiot. One is feasible and the other isn't.

Originally posted by Sarn_Cadrill:
Oh wait.. You're allowed to make claims without ANY EVIDENCE to back them up.. But I'm not.

There's a difference between making an assertion from our discussions (what I am doing) and claiming a single source as fact (what you are doing and have done, see: Joe Arpio crap).

The fact that you never seem to understand these distinctions is just incredible.

I also never claimed you were racist or sexist. Based on the Obama birther crap you've peddled it looks an awful lot like you are xenophobic. It's pretty funny to watch you keep splitting hairs over the difference and pretending not to be butthurt, though.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2012-05-28, 8:24 PM #90
you're pretty stupid aren't you
sarn, i mean sarn not emon
for now
2012-05-28, 8:41 PM #91
Originally posted by Sarn_Cadrill:
Jon'C, I'm sure you can find lots of KKK members married to black spouses, right?

It's actually kind of adorable that you think all racists wear white hoods and go by Grand Dragon Jim Bob. Obviously you won't find many KKK members married to the putative "lesser races" because they've got a doctrine of racial purity that not all racists subscribe to. But plenty of racist men are married to black, or Hispanic, or (perhaps especially) Asian women

Oh, by the way, the evidence that you're a racist is that you're a birther. No one believes that ****, unless they really want to believe it for some secondary reason they're afraid to admit.
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2012-05-28, 9:09 PM #92
Except that I'm also NOT a birther. I couldn't care less whether or not Obama provided his birth certificate (although it does kind of baffle me that, strictly because of the laws about who can become president, there is not already requirements in place that candidates prove their US-born status). I would never make a claim that Obama or any other politician is not qualified for the job of President because he was born somewhere other than the US. What I do care about is the opinion that I (and many others) have that politicians that lie should not be qualified.

Like most of you, I'm not naive enough to believe that politicians don't regularly lie to the American people. Unlike most of you, I see that as a problem.
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.

Lassev: I guess there was something captivating in savagery, because I liked it.
2012-05-28, 9:13 PM #93
So get started burning down congress, because that's about the only way you can solve that problem.
2012-05-28, 9:26 PM #94
Originally posted by Sarn_Cadrill:
Like most of you, I'm not naive enough to believe that politicians don't regularly lie to the American people. Unlike most of you, I see that as a problem.

Like saying "I made my money through a lot of hard work" even though actual public records show that most of the money came from bank and securities fraud?
2012-05-28, 9:36 PM #95
The solution is obvious, Sarn must go into politics. He needs to be our modern day Mr. Smith. He's a paragon of incorruptibility and moral perfection.

( also we seem to be viciously crossthreading, this wasnt supposed to be the politics thread, this was the racism thread :) )
My favorite JKDF2 h4x:
2012-05-28, 9:41 PM #96
Hey, sure, the only life skill Mitt Romney would bring to the White House is an uncanny ability to abuse laws intended to protect small business owners to the point where they start to seem like a bad idea, but at least he is white was born in the United States.
2012-05-28, 10:41 PM #97
Originally posted by Emon:
Don't be an idiot. One is feasible and the other isn't.

Sweet. New rule. Can make claims and only have to post proof if it's "feasible" to do so. In that case, I have a few things of my own to throw out there.

Emon, you're CLEARLY a psychopathic freak. Obviously you spend your time in yahoo chat rooms, luring young girls into meeting you in person, where you kidnap, then brutally rape and murder them. You then cut their bodies into little pieces and feed them slowly to unsuspecting dinner guests. It's pretty obvious this is the case, based on the "overall tone" of your posts.

Jon`C is obviously a being from outer space. His posts just SCREAM "alien".

Antony is definitely a T-1000 from the future, scouring internet message boards in search of John Connor, so that he can eradicate him.

And Tibby... Well Tibby is a rather clever baboon who has learned how to escape from his cage at the San Diego zoo and break into the offices of the unsuspecting zookeepers in order to use their computers to troll the internet.

This is fun. Am I doing it right?
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.

Lassev: I guess there was something captivating in savagery, because I liked it.
2012-05-28, 10:46 PM #98
(did you somewhere along the way get the impression that I like / am going to vote for Mitt Romney, Jon`C? That's definitely not the case.)
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.

Lassev: I guess there was something captivating in savagery, because I liked it.
2012-05-28, 11:02 PM #99
Originally posted by Sarn_Cadrill:
Antony is definitely a T-1000 from the future, scouring internet message boards in search of John Connor, so that he can eradicate him.

This is accurate.
>>untie shoes
2012-05-28, 11:03 PM #100
Originally posted by Sarn_Cadrill:
Also a couple facts for consideration:
One of my closest friends on board is a black Gunner's Mate from Memphis, Tennessee named Michael Jordan.
My niece is half black.
I have a good friend back home named Dominic. He was a very dark-skinned individual from the Dominican Republic. We hung out regularly before I joined the Navy, and he also dated my sister for a while.
I MARRIED A HISPANIC person. Sounds like real Aryan Nation behavior huh?

All of this makes you a racist because you believe it's a valid defense against racism. I pray the irony of "I have tons of black friends" is not lost on you.
error; function{getsig} returns 'null'
2012-05-28, 11:57 PM #101
Originally posted by Sarn_Cadrill:
And Tibby... Well Tibby is a rather clever baboon who has learned how to escape from his cage at the San Diego zoo and break into the offices of the unsuspecting zookeepers in order to use their computers to troll the internet.

please keep insulting other members to hide the fact you are human garbage
2012-05-29, 2:04 AM #102
please keep posting on this thread to continue to expose the fact that you have no idea what you're talking about
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.

Lassev: I guess there was something captivating in savagery, because I liked it.
2012-05-29, 2:06 AM #103
who let you near a mirror
2012-05-29, 2:19 AM #104
Originally posted by Alan:
All of this makes you a racist because you believe it's a valid defense against racism. I pray the irony of "I have tons of black friends" is not lost on you.
This is a trap though. Imagine you were in my shoes, and for the sake of argument you felt a desire to defend yourself against what were in your mind, wild allegations. What would you say? Pretty much the only thing you can do is point towards 1) a lack of evidence of racist acts or comments, or 2) an abundance of the opposite, situations where you have demonstrated that you in fact are friends with people of different races. (Note also, I didn't just talk about black people. I mentioned my wife who is hispanic, and a friend of mine who is dominican. I also was going to mention the racial diversity in the US Navy but I wasn't sure on the statistics of non-caucasion sailors on my ship. But in short, I work with a lot of people from a lot of different races and backgrounds, and have never once in my almost 3 years on board been accused or suspected of racism, nor have I ever been involved in any situations that could be deemed to be racially motivated.)
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.

Lassev: I guess there was something captivating in savagery, because I liked it.
2012-05-29, 2:46 AM #105
I wasn't a JK MP player to begin with (in fact, of the three or four non-LAN instances I ever had, this is the only evidence I have (btw, I only added the extra r into FastGamer in 2001)), so I really have no emotional/nostalgic/whatever sentiment on Jedi High School (I think I only found out what it was in 2005 anyway).

But look on the bright side (as pointed out by Emon, I think?)! Drazen Isle is finally the #1 JK MP Level (as far as downloads are concerned). Took a long time, eh?
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2012-05-29, 11:02 AM #106
Originally posted by Tibby:
you're an idiot

-you're pretty stupid aren't you

-please keep insulting other members to hide the fact you are human garbage

Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob
2012-05-29, 12:30 PM #107
Really the best insult I can use around here is "You are me, except also racist".
2012-05-29, 4:35 PM #108
haha, well played.
Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob
2012-05-29, 4:59 PM #109
E: nah
I had a blog. It sucked.
2012-05-29, 5:28 PM #110
2012-05-30, 12:54 PM #111
Obama is less Kenyan than McCain is Panamanian.
? :)
2012-05-30, 1:58 PM #112
My girlfriend paid a lot of money for that tv; I want to watch ALL OF IT. - JM
2012-05-30, 3:22 PM #113
^ Damn... well said.
Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob
2012-05-30, 3:27 PM #114
and you are asking me to have a whole lot of faith, that you know better than i do. even though you didn't see this coming AND you cant really explain it to me...

this guy is awesome...
Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob
2012-05-30, 9:59 PM #115
edit: nevermind, this is stupid. this place sucks, no one can make a thread without someone crapping all over it (despite this wasn't very fruitful to begin with but god dammit this always happens)
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2012-05-31, 3:11 AM #116
Originally posted by FastGamerr:
Drazen Isle is finally the #1 JK MP Level (as far as downloads are concerned). Took a long time, eh?

This makes me very happy. It's kinda like how Citizen Kane was robbed of an Oscar.
Magrucko Daines and the Crypt of Crola (2007)
Magrucko Daines and the Dark Youth (2010)
Magrucko Daines and the Vertical City (2016)
2012-05-31, 11:36 PM #117
Why am I called a racist? I forgot that sympathy didn't exist in close connected communities.

Why did I decide to leave this community? Read on and I will tell you more.

Why be apart of a cruel network world that has nothing good to say? I'm mocked by JHS in IRC which is my reason to remove it entirely. One of the mockers is Antony and CoolMatty thinking nothing of it.

I would like Antony to experience the same thing I did. This makes me realize that this is a cruel world. At the same time, I feel sorry for Antony. It's too bad that CM backs him up.

You leave 9pm from Chicago downtown on bicycle only to be mugged by 4 men in hoodies. I was wearing winter gear and 4 men hockey body checked me off my bicycle. I ended up under a parked SUV with every pocket robbed - $14 dollars in wallet, and a cheap cellphone taken.

I thought my life was over. After I drove around the neighborhood in a detective car being asked if I recognize any faces of young innocent black men with their hands on a police car I am called a racist on Massassi IRC - **** YOU MASSASSI.

CoolMatty throws this out there like I'm the one with the problem. It's so funny how this turns out.
"Reasoning appears to be because he thinks he was called a racist, and due to a severe persecution complex, refused to accept this as a joke by literally everyone. Since I refused to ban for this in IRC, he doesn't want anything to do with the community."

Antony's story is ultra ****. Goit exposed of taking screenshots of me and putting scumbag hat on that. So clever of using Reddit memes of calling me a scumbag - not really.

I'd love to see chat logs of Antony saying, "Oh PedHead, I'm just kidding for calling you racist". Let Antony be mugged and say it's funny **** right, because it's the internet? Where is CM to back this one up? I want to hear a bad story about Antony. I forgot, the man has no feelings or is just stuck in a basement.

Wait, did I forget. He has home troubles, but not being mugged? Yeah how does it feel? Not good right?

Antony told me that he would call me racist no matter what on IRC. What community is this?
2012-05-31, 11:57 PM #118
Being mugged is a serious thing to you. People on the internet tend to rib eachother pretty much without intention, and sensitivity isn't really going to be taken well. I think if you hadn't reacted in anger and defensiveness, and then expressed that it meant something to you, people would be less quick to jump at your throat. I also think you're looking in different directions with a bit of a victim complex, considering CM deleted the offending posts and banned people, but everyone was supposedly ganging up on you. Pulling all of your stuff off the site like everyone on it hate you when it's a couple active members making jokes at your unfortunate expense. Many people randomly post here asking to find various files from the classic years, and yours missing from this archive will be a sore loss to more than just Antony or CM. You can't make your problem with them some conspiracy against you by all of Massassi.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2012-06-01, 12:06 AM #119
Originally posted by PedHead:
Why am I ca


You really suck at this "leaving" thing.
2012-06-01, 12:10 AM #120
Originally posted by PedHead:
I'd love to see chat logs of Antony saying, "Oh PedHead, I'm just kidding for calling you racist".

Erm the tone was pretty ridiculous. I don't know how you could have taken it seriously.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.

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